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* Currently the only use of "express" is to serve the static content. Once
* the irc app is proven to work, we will replace it with our own http
* static server
var express = require("express"),
log = require("./lib/log");
//due to current EACCES restrictions on nodester
var Log = function () {
this.fs = require('fs');
this.initialized = false;
Log.prototype.setLogPathName = function (filename) {
this.filename = filename;
try {
ircSockets[0] appId:4207373206, isConnected: true
ircSockets[1] appId:1870290642, isConnected: true
pushed - queue length: 1, message: { counter: 195,
time: 1335582565619,
destination: 'web',
appId: 4207373206,
msgtype: 'message_from_irc',
msg: ':microp11! PRIVMSG #nodester :are y
ou getting them now, or it still doesn\'t work?\r\n' }
var Client = function (host, port) { = host;
this.port = port;
this.webUAIsConnected = false;
this.endpointIsConnected = false;
this.callbacks = {};
return this;
Client.prototype.connect = function () {
var Proxy = function (client) {
//create the socket to connect to remote server on behalf of the client
var net = require("net");
var socket = new net.Socket();
var socketIsConnected = false;
var clientIsConnected = true; //at this stage this can be only true
socket.on("end", function () {
socketIsConnected = false;
microp11 / gist:2232808
Created March 29, 2012 02:59
On freenode's policy
[22:48] <microp11> hi, i am looking for the policy regarding how many irc clients can be ran from the same ip over freenode. can anyone help?
[22:49] <Ttech> microp11: Those limits are not published, are you reaching the limits?
[22:49] <c> microp11: as a standard it is just a handful, it will tell you when you've hit the limit
[22:49] * Magiobiwan ( has joined #freenode
[22:49] * Magiobiwan ( Quit (Changing host)
[22:49] * Magiobiwan (~Seig2@unaffiliated/magiobiwan) has joined #freenode
[22:49] <sheep> microp11: it's not really a policy
[22:49] * ChanServ sets mode: +o eir
[22:49] * eir sets mode: -qqo *!*@2001:0:4137:9e76:1060:221f:b9cf:a2b2 *!* eir
[22:49] <thumbs> microp11: enough for more casual users
microp11 / gist:2217847
Created March 27, 2012 16:49
Every subsequent push, failes during auto merge.
Created an app.
Pushed the app. App has a bug.
Fixed the bug locally.
Pushed again...
Push failed on auto merge!!!
$ nodester apps
nodester info ircbeta on port 16311 running: true
nodester info so1 on port 16096 running: true