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Created January 12, 2021 07:35
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  • Save micw/a3f172484e98d7660b8a51f71e38c69f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save micw/a3f172484e98d7660b8a51f71e38c69f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
  • Ensure that mailu runs on mysql as DB for easier SQL migrations
  • Create temporary tables with the correct structure for mailu (remove where filter like domain_id=4 or email like "" to dump all domains)
CREATE TABLE mailu_domain
    cast(now() as date) as created_at,
    null as updated_at,
    'ispconfig_import' as comment,
    domain as name,
    -1 as max_users,
    -1 as max_aliases,
    0 as max_quota_bytes,
    0 as signup_enabled
    from mail_domain
    where active='y'
    and domain_id=4;
CREATE TABLE mailu_user
    cast(now() as date) as created_at,
    null as updated_at,
    'ispconfig_import' as comment,
    SUBSTRING(email, 1, LOCATE('@', email)-1) as localpart,
    0 as quota_bytes,
    0 as global_admin,
    disableimap='n' as enable_imap,
    disablepop3='n' as enable_pop3,
    length(cc)>0 as forward_enabled,
    cc as forward_destination,
    autoresponder='y' as reply_enabled,
    autoresponder_subject as reply_subject,
    autoresponder_text as reply_body,
    name as displayed_name,
    1 as spam_enabled,
    SUBSTRING(email, LOCATE('@', email)+1) as domain_name,
    80 as spam_threshold,
    1 as forward_keep,
    cast(autoresponder_end_date as date) as reply_enddate,
    disabledeliver='n' as enabled,
    0 as quota_bytes_used,
    cast(autoresponder_start_date as date) as startdate
    from mail_user
    where email like "";
CREATE TABLE mailu_alias
    cast(now() as date) as created_at,
    null as updated_at,
    'ispconfig_import' as comment,
    if (type='catchall',
      SUBSTRING(source, 1, LOCATE('@', source)-1),
      '%') as localpart,
    SUBSTRING(source, LOCATE('@', source)+1) as domain_name,
    if (type='catchall',
      source) as email,
    type='catchall' as wildcard
    from mail_forwarding
    where type in ('alias','forward','catchall')
    and active='y'
    and source like "";
  • Now dump the tables (and rename it in the dump)
mysqldump ispconfig -t mailu_domain -t mailu_user -t mailu_alias | grep "^INSERT INTO" | sed 's/INSERT INTO `mailu_/INSERT INTO `/' > mail.sql
  • Copy the dump to the new server and insert it into mailu database
mysql -u root -p$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD mailu < dump.sql
  • Finally copy each mail directory to the new server (dovecot should be stopped meanwhile)
rsync -avr --delete-during
chown -R /data/mailu/dovecotmail/
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