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import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Implementation of linear minimum area enclosing triangle algorithm.
* Computational and Applied Mathematics, 35(2), 423–438.
* doi:10.1007/s40314-014-0198-8
* @author Algorithm by Ovidiu Parvu
* @author Java port by Michael Carleton
public class MinimumEnclosingTriangle {
// Intersection of line and polygon
private static final int INTERSECTS_BELOW = 1;
private static final int INTERSECTS_ABOVE = 2;
private static final int INTERSECTS_CRITICAL = 3;
// Error messages
private static final String ERR_SIDE_B_GAMMA = "The position of side B could not be determined, because gamma(b) could not be computed.";
private static final String ERR_VERTEX_C_ON_SIDE_B = "The position of the vertex C on side B could not be determined, because the considered lines do not intersect.";
// Possible values for validation flag
private static final int VALIDATION_SIDE_A_TANGENT = 0;
private static final int VALIDATION_SIDE_B_TANGENT = 1;
private static final int VALIDATION_SIDES_FLUSH = 2;
// Threshold value for comparisons
private static final double EPSILON = 1E-5;
* Broken out into class level for Java as C++ uses pass-by-reference.
Coordinate vertexA, vertexB, vertexC;
Coordinate sideAStartVertex, sideAEndVertex;
Coordinate sideBStartVertex, sideBEndVertex;
Coordinate sideCStartVertex, sideCEndVertex;
public List<Coordinate> triangle;
public double area = Double.MAX_VALUE;
public int validationFlag;
public MinimumEnclosingTriangle() {
triangle = new ArrayList<Coordinate>();
vertexA = new Coordinate();
vertexB = new Coordinate();
vertexC = new Coordinate();
sideAStartVertex = new Coordinate();
sideBStartVertex = new Coordinate();
sideCStartVertex = new Coordinate();
sideAEndVertex = new Coordinate();
sideBEndVertex = new Coordinate();
sideCEndVertex = new Coordinate();
* Find the minimum area enclosing triangle for the given polygon
* @param polygon The polygon representing the convex hull of the points (not
* closed)
public void findMinimumAreaEnclosingTriangle(final List<Coordinate> polygon) {
// Algorithm specific variables
List<Coordinate> copy = new ArrayList<Coordinate>();
polygon.forEach(c -> copy.add(c.copy()));
MutableInt a, b, c;
final int nrOfPoints;
// Variables initialisation
nrOfPoints = polygon.size();
a = new MutableInt(1);
b = new MutableInt(2);
c = new MutableInt(0);
// Main algorithm steps
while (c.value < nrOfPoints) {
advanceBToRightChain(polygon, nrOfPoints, b, c);
moveAIfLowAndBIfHigh(polygon, nrOfPoints, a, b, c);
searchForBTangency(polygon, nrOfPoints, a, b, c);
updateSidesCA(polygon, nrOfPoints, a, c);
if (isNotBTangency(polygon, nrOfPoints, a.value, b.value, c.value)) {
updateSidesBA(polygon, nrOfPoints, a.value, b.value, c.value);
} else {
updateSideB(polygon, nrOfPoints, a.value, b.value, c.value);
if (isLocalMinimalTriangle(polygon, nrOfPoints, a.value, b.value)) {
* Return the minimum area enclosing (pseudo-)triangle in case the convex //
* polygon has at most three points
* @param polygon The polygon representing the convex hull of the points
* @param triangle Minimum area triangle enclosing the given polygon
* @param area Area of the minimum area enclosing triangle
void returnMinimumAreaEnclosingTriangle(final List<Coordinate> polygon) {
int nrOfPoints = polygon.size();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
triangle.add(polygon.get(i % nrOfPoints));
area = areaOfTriangle(triangle.get(0), triangle.get(1), triangle.get(2));
* Advance b to the right chain
* See paper .get(2) for more details
* @param polygon The polygon representing the convex hull of the points
* @param nrOfPoints Number of points defining the convex polygon
* @param b Index b
* @param c Index c int
void advanceBToRightChain(final List<Coordinate> polygon, int nrOfPoints, MutableInt b, final MutableInt c) {
while (greaterOrEqual(height(successor(b.value, nrOfPoints), polygon, nrOfPoints, c.value),
height(b, polygon, nrOfPoints, c))) {
advance(b, nrOfPoints);
* Move "a" if it is low and "b" if it is high
* See paper .get(2) for more details
* @param polygon The polygon representing the convex hull of the points
* @param nrOfPoints Number of points defining the convex polygon
* @param a Index a
* @param b Index b
* @param c Index c
void moveAIfLowAndBIfHigh(final List<Coordinate> polygon, int nrOfPoints, MutableInt a, MutableInt b,
MutableInt c) {
Coordinate gammaOfA = new Coordinate();
while (height(b, polygon, nrOfPoints, c) > height(a, polygon, nrOfPoints, c)) {
if ((gamma(a.value, gammaOfA, polygon, nrOfPoints, a.value, c.value))
&& (intersectsBelow(gammaOfA, b.value, polygon, nrOfPoints, c.value))) {
advance(b, nrOfPoints);
} else {
advance(a, nrOfPoints);
* Search for the tangency of side B
* See paper .get(2) for more details
* @param polygon The polygon representing the convex hull of the points
* @param nrOfPoints Number of points defining the convex polygon
* @param a Index a
* @param b Index b
* @param c Index c
void searchForBTangency(final List<Coordinate> polygon, int nrOfPoints, MutableInt a, MutableInt b, MutableInt c) {
Coordinate gammaOfB = new Coordinate(); // TODO mutates by gamma()
while (((gamma(b.value, gammaOfB, polygon, nrOfPoints, a.value, c.value))
&& (intersectsBelow(gammaOfB, b.value, polygon, nrOfPoints, c.value)))
&& (greaterOrEqual(height(b.value, polygon, nrOfPoints, c.value),
height(predecessor(a.value, nrOfPoints), polygon, nrOfPoints, c.value)))) {
advance(b, nrOfPoints);
* Check if tangency for side B was not obtained
* See paper .get(2) for more details
* @param polygon The polygon representing the convex hull of the points
* @param nrOfPoints Number of points defining the convex polygon
* @param a Index a
* @param b Index b
* @param c Index c
boolean isNotBTangency(final List<Coordinate> polygon, int nrOfPoints, int a, int b, int c) {
Coordinate gammaOfB = new Coordinate(); // TODO mutates by gamma();
if (((gamma(b, gammaOfB, polygon, nrOfPoints, a, c)) && (intersectsAbove(gammaOfB, b, polygon, nrOfPoints, c)))
|| (height(b, polygon, nrOfPoints, c) < height(predecessor(a, nrOfPoints), polygon, nrOfPoints, c))) {
return true;
return false;
* Update sides A and C
* Side C will have as start and end vertices the polygon points "c" and "c-1"
* Side A will have as start and end vertices the polygon points "a" and "a-1"
* @param polygon The polygon representing the convex hull of the
* points
* @param nrOfPoints Number of points defining the convex polygon
* @param a Index a
* @param c Index c
* @param sideAStartVertex Start vertex for defining side A
* @param sideAEndVertex End vertex for defining side A
* @param sideCStartVertex Start vertex for defining side C
* @param sideCEndVertex End vertex for defining side C
void updateSidesCA(final List<Coordinate> polygon, int nrOfPoints, MutableInt a, MutableInt c) {
sideCStartVertex = polygon.get(predecessor(c.value, nrOfPoints));
sideCEndVertex = polygon.get(c.value).copy();
sideAStartVertex = polygon.get(predecessor(a.value, nrOfPoints));
sideAEndVertex = polygon.get(a.value).copy();
* Update sides B and possibly A if tangency for side B was not obtained
* See paper .get(2) for more details
* @param polygon The polygon representing the convex hull of the
* points
* @param nrOfPoints Number of points defining the convex polygon
* @param a Index a
* @param b Index b
* @param c Index c
* @param validationFlag Flag used for validation
* @param sideAStartVertex Start vertex for defining side A
* @param sideAEndVertex End vertex for defining side A
* @param sideBStartVertex Start vertex for defining side B
* @param sideBEndVertex End vertex for defining side B
* @param sideCStartVertex Start vertex for defining side C
* @param sideCEndVertex End vertex for defining side C
void updateSidesBA(final List<Coordinate> polygon, int nrOfPoints, int a, int b, int c) {
// Side B is flush with edge [b, b-1)
sideBStartVertex = polygon.get(predecessor(b, nrOfPoints)).copy();
sideBEndVertex = polygon.get(b).copy();
// Find middle point of side B
Coordinate sideBMiddlePoint = new Coordinate();
if ((middlePointOfSideB(sideBMiddlePoint, sideAStartVertex, sideAEndVertex, sideBStartVertex, sideBEndVertex,
sideCStartVertex, sideCEndVertex))
&& (height(sideBMiddlePoint, polygon, nrOfPoints, c) < height(predecessor(a, nrOfPoints), polygon,
nrOfPoints, c))) {
sideAStartVertex = polygon.get(predecessor(a, nrOfPoints)).copy();
sideAEndVertex = findVertexCOnSideB(polygon, nrOfPoints, a, c, sideBStartVertex, sideBEndVertex,
sideCStartVertex, sideCEndVertex).copy();
} else {
* Set side B if tangency for side B was obtained
* See paper .get(2) for more details
* @param polygon The polygon representing the convex hull of the
* points
* @param nrOfPoints Number of points defining the convex polygon
* @param a Index a
* @param b Index b
* @param c Index c
* @param validationFlag Flag used for validation
* @param sideBStartVertex Start vertex for defining side B
* @param sideBEndVertex End vertex for defining side B
void updateSideB(final List<Coordinate> polygon, int nrOfPoints, int a, int b, int c) {
if (!gamma(b, sideBStartVertex, polygon, nrOfPoints, a, c)) {
sideBEndVertex = polygon.get(b).copy();
* Update the triangle vertices after all sides were set and check if a local //
* minimal triangle was found or not
* See paper .get(2) for more details
* @param vertexA Vertex A of the enclosing triangle
* @param vertexB Vertex B of the enclosing triangle
* @param vertexC Vertex C of the enclosing triangle
* @param polygon The polygon representing the convex hull of the
* points
* @param nrOfPoints Number of points defining the convex polygon
* @param a Index a
* @param b Index b
* @param validationFlag Flag used for validation
* @param sideAStartVertex Start vertex for defining side A
* @param sideAEndVertex End vertex for defining side A
* @param sideBStartVertex Start vertex for defining side B
* @param sideBEndVertex End vertex for defining side B
* @param sideCStartVertex Start vertex for defining side C
* @param sideCEndVertex End vertex for defining side C
boolean isLocalMinimalTriangle(final List<Coordinate> polygon, int nrOfPoints, int a, int b) {
if ((!lineIntersection(sideAStartVertex, sideAEndVertex, sideBStartVertex, sideBEndVertex, vertexC))
|| (!lineIntersection(sideAStartVertex, sideAEndVertex, sideCStartVertex, sideCEndVertex, vertexB))
|| (!lineIntersection(sideBStartVertex, sideBEndVertex, sideCStartVertex, sideCEndVertex, vertexA))) {
return false;
return isValidMinimalTriangle(polygon, nrOfPoints, a, b);
* Check if the found minimal triangle is valid
* This means that all midpoints of the triangle should touch the polygon
* See paper .get(2) for more details
* @param vertexA Vertex A of the enclosing triangle
* @param vertexB Vertex B of the enclosing triangle
* @param vertexC Vertex C of the enclosing triangle
* @param polygon The polygon representing the convex hull of the
* points
* @param nrOfPoints Number of points defining the convex polygon
* @param a Index a
* @param b Index b
* @param validationFlag Flag used for validation
* @param sideAStartVertex Start vertex for defining side A
* @param sideAEndVertex End vertex for defining side A
* @param sideBStartVertex Start vertex for defining side B
* @param sideBEndVertex End vertex for defining side B
* @param sideCStartVertex Start vertex for defining side C
* @param sideCEndVertex End vertex for defining side C
boolean isValidMinimalTriangle(final List<Coordinate> polygon, int nrOfPoints, int a, int b) {
Coordinate midpointSideA = middlePoint(vertexB, vertexC);
Coordinate midpointSideB = middlePoint(vertexA, vertexC);
Coordinate midpointSideC = middlePoint(vertexA, vertexB);
boolean sideAValid = (validationFlag == VALIDATION_SIDE_A_TANGENT)
? (areEqualPoints(midpointSideA, polygon.get(predecessor(a, nrOfPoints))))
: (isPointOnLineSegment(midpointSideA, sideAStartVertex, sideAEndVertex));
boolean sideBValid = (validationFlag == VALIDATION_SIDE_B_TANGENT)
? (areEqualPoints(midpointSideB, polygon.get(b)))
: (isPointOnLineSegment(midpointSideB, sideBStartVertex, sideBEndVertex));
boolean sideCValid = (validationFlag == VALIDATION_SIDES_FLUSH)
|| isPointOnLineSegment(midpointSideC, sideCStartVertex, sideCEndVertex);
return (sideAValid && sideBValid && sideCValid);
* Update the current minimum area enclosing triangle if the newly obtained //
* one has a smaller area
* @param triangle Minimum area triangle enclosing the given polygon
* @param area Area of the minimum area triangle enclosing the given polygon
* @param vertexA Vertex A of the enclosing triangle
* @param vertexB Vertex B of the enclosing triangle
* @param vertexC Vertex C of the enclosing triangle
void updateMinimumAreaEnclosingTriangle() {
final double triangleArea = areaOfTriangle(vertexA, vertexB, vertexC);
if (triangleArea < area) {
area = triangleArea;
* Return the middle point of side B
* @param middlePointOfSideB Middle point of side B
* @param sideAStartVertex Start vertex for defining side A
* @param sideAEndVertex End vertex for defining side A
* @param sideBStartVertex Start vertex for defining side B
* @param sideBEndVertex End vertex for defining side B
* @param sideCStartVertex Start vertex for defining side C
* @param sideCEndVertex End vertex for defining side C
boolean middlePointOfSideB(final Coordinate middlePointOfSideB, final Coordinate sideAStartVertex,
final Coordinate sideAEndVertex, final Coordinate sideBStartVertex, final Coordinate sideBEndVertex,
final Coordinate sideCStartVertex, final Coordinate sideCEndVertex) {
// Coordinate vertexA = new Coordinate(); // TODO init as empty
// Coordinate vertexC = new Coordinate();
if ((!lineIntersection(sideBStartVertex, sideBEndVertex, sideCStartVertex, sideCEndVertex, vertexA))
|| (!lineIntersection(sideBStartVertex, sideBEndVertex, sideAStartVertex, sideAEndVertex, vertexC))) {
return false;
final Coordinate c = middlePoint(vertexA, vertexC);
middlePointOfSideB.x = c.x;
middlePointOfSideB.y = c.y;
return true;
* Check if the line intersects below
* Check if the line determined by gammaPoint and polygon.get(polygonPointIndex)
* intersects the polygon below the point polygon.get(polygonPointIndex)
* @param gammaPoint Gamma(p)
* @param polygonPointIndex Index of the polygon point which is considered when
* determining the line
* @param polygon The polygon representing the convex hull of the
* points
* @param nrOfPoints Number of points defining the convex polygon
* @param c Index c
boolean intersectsBelow(final Coordinate gammaPoint, int polygonPointIndex, final List<Coordinate> polygon,
int nrOfPoints, int c) {
double angleOfGammaAndPoint = angleOfLineWrtOxAxis(polygon.get(polygonPointIndex), gammaPoint);
return (intersects(angleOfGammaAndPoint, polygonPointIndex, polygon, nrOfPoints, c) == INTERSECTS_BELOW);
* Check if the line intersects above
* Check if the line determined by gammaPoint and polygon.get(polygonPointIndex)
* intersects the polygon above the point polygon.get(polygonPointIndex)
* @param gammaPoint Gamma(p)
* @param polygonPointIndex Index of the polygon point which is considered when
* determining the line
* @param polygon The polygon representing the convex hull of the
* points
* @param nrOfPoints Number of points defining the convex polygon
* @param c Index c
boolean intersectsAbove(final Coordinate gammaPoint, int polygonPointIndex, final List<Coordinate> polygon,
int nrOfPoints, int c) {
double angleOfGammaAndPoint = angleOfLineWrtOxAxis(gammaPoint, polygon.get(polygonPointIndex));
return (intersects(angleOfGammaAndPoint, polygonPointIndex, polygon, nrOfPoints, c) == INTERSECTS_ABOVE);
* Check if/where the line determined by gammaPoint and //
* polygon.get(polygonPointIndex) intersects the polygon
* @param angleGammaAndPoint Angle determined by gammaPoint and
* polygon.get(polygonPointIndex) wrt Ox axis
* @param polygonPointIndex Index of the polygon point which is considered when
* determining the line
* @param polygon The polygon representing the convex hull of the
* points
* @param nrOfPoints Number of points defining the convex polygon
* @param c Index c
int intersects(double angleGammaAndPoint, int polygonPointIndex, final List<Coordinate> polygon, int nrOfPoints,
int c) {
double anglePointPredecessor = angleOfLineWrtOxAxis(polygon.get(predecessor(polygonPointIndex, nrOfPoints)),
double anglePointSuccessor = angleOfLineWrtOxAxis(polygon.get(successor(polygonPointIndex, nrOfPoints)),
double angleFlushEdge = angleOfLineWrtOxAxis(polygon.get(predecessor(c, nrOfPoints)), polygon.get(c));
if (isFlushAngleBtwPredAndSucc(angleFlushEdge, anglePointPredecessor, anglePointSuccessor)) {
if ((isGammaAngleBtw(angleGammaAndPoint, anglePointPredecessor, angleFlushEdge))
|| (almostEqual(angleGammaAndPoint, anglePointPredecessor))) {
return intersectsAboveOrBelow(predecessor(polygonPointIndex, nrOfPoints), polygonPointIndex, polygon,
nrOfPoints, c);
} else if ((isGammaAngleBtw(angleGammaAndPoint, anglePointSuccessor, angleFlushEdge))
|| (almostEqual(angleGammaAndPoint, anglePointSuccessor))) {
return intersectsAboveOrBelow(successor(polygonPointIndex, nrOfPoints), polygonPointIndex, polygon,
nrOfPoints, c);
} else {
if ((isGammaAngleBtw(angleGammaAndPoint, anglePointPredecessor, anglePointSuccessor))
|| ((isGammaAngleEqualTo(angleGammaAndPoint, anglePointPredecessor))
&& (!isGammaAngleEqualTo(angleGammaAndPoint, angleFlushEdge)))
|| ((isGammaAngleEqualTo(angleGammaAndPoint, anglePointSuccessor))
&& (!isGammaAngleEqualTo(angleGammaAndPoint, angleFlushEdge)))) {
* If (gamma(x) x) intersects P between successorOrPredecessorIndex and //
* pointIntex is it above/below?
* @param succPredIndex Index of the successor or predecessor
* @param pointIndex Index of the point x in the polygon
* @param polygon The polygon representing the convex hull of the points
* @param nrOfPoints Number of points defining the convex polygon
* @param c Index c
private static int intersectsAboveOrBelow(int succPredIndex, int pointIndex, final List<Coordinate> polygon,
int nrOfPoints,
int c) {
if (height(succPredIndex, polygon, nrOfPoints, c) > height(pointIndex, polygon, nrOfPoints, c)) {
} else {
* Find gamma for a given point "p" specified by its index
* The function returns true if gamma exists i.e. if lines (a a-1) and (x y)
* intersect and false otherwise. In case the two lines intersect in point
* intersectionPoint, gamma is computed.
* Considering that line (x y) is a line parallel to (c c-1) and that the
* distance between the lines is equal to 2 * height(p), we can have two
* possible (x y) lines.
* Therefore, we will compute two intersection points between the lines (x y)
* and (a a-1) and take the point which is on the same side of line (c c-1) as
* the polygon.
* See paper .get(2) and formula for distance from point to a line for more
* details
* @param polygonPointIndex Index of the polygon point
* @param gammaPoint Point gamma(polygon.get(polygonPointIndex))
* @param polygon The polygon representing the convex hull of the
* points
* @param nrOfPoints Number of points defining the convex polygon
* @param a Index a
* @param c Index c
boolean gamma(int polygonPointIndex, Coordinate gammaPoint, final List<Coordinate> polygon, int nrOfPoints, int a,
int c) {
Coordinate intersectionPoint1 = new Coordinate(); // init empty (other methods set vals)
Coordinate intersectionPoint2 = new Coordinate(); // init empty
// Get intersection points if they exist
if (!findGammaIntersectionPoints(polygon, nrOfPoints, c, polygonPointIndex, polygon.get(a),
polygon.get(predecessor(a, nrOfPoints)), polygon.get(c), polygon.get(predecessor(c, nrOfPoints)),
intersectionPoint1, intersectionPoint2)) {
return false;
// Select the point which is on the same side of line C as the polygon
if (areOnTheSameSideOfLine(intersectionPoint1, polygon.get(successor(c, nrOfPoints)), polygon.get(c),
polygon.get(predecessor(c, nrOfPoints)))) {
gammaPoint.x = intersectionPoint1.x; // TODO mutate x & y instead of c++ reference
gammaPoint.y = intersectionPoint1.y; // TODO mutate x & y instead of c++ reference
} else {
gammaPoint.x = intersectionPoint2.x;
gammaPoint.y = intersectionPoint2.y;
return true;
* Find vertex C which lies on side B at a distance = 2 * height(a-1) from //
* side C
* Considering that line (x y) is a line parallel to (c c-1) and that the
* distance between the lines is equal to 2 * height(a-1), we can have two
* possible (x y) lines.
* Therefore, we will compute two intersection points between the lines (x y)
* and (b b-1) and take the point which is on the same side of line (c c-1) as
* the polygon.
* See paper .get(2) and formula for distance from point to a line for more
* details
* @param polygon The polygon representing the convex hull of the
* points
* @param nrOfPoints Number of points defining the convex polygon
* @param a Index a
* @param c Index c
* @param sideBStartVertex Start vertex for defining side B
* @param sideBEndVertex End vertex for defining side B
* @param sideCStartVertex Start vertex for defining side C
* @param sideCEndVertex End vertex for defining side C
Coordinate findVertexCOnSideB(final List<Coordinate> polygon, int nrOfPoints, int a, int c,
final Coordinate sideBStartVertex, final Coordinate sideBEndVertex, final Coordinate sideCStartVertex,
final Coordinate sideCEndVertex) {
Coordinate intersectionPoint1 = new Coordinate();
Coordinate intersectionPoint2 = new Coordinate();
// Get intersection points if they exist
if (!findGammaIntersectionPoints(polygon, nrOfPoints, c, predecessor(a, nrOfPoints), sideBStartVertex,
sideBEndVertex, sideCStartVertex, sideCEndVertex, intersectionPoint1, intersectionPoint2)) {
// Select the point which is on the same side of line C as the polygon
if (areOnTheSameSideOfLine(intersectionPoint1, polygon.get(successor(c, nrOfPoints)), polygon.get(c),
polygon.get(predecessor(c, nrOfPoints)))) {
return intersectionPoint1;
} else {
return intersectionPoint2;
* Find the intersection points to compute gamma(point)
* @param polygon The polygon representing the convex hull of the
* points
* @param nrOfPoints Number of points defining the convex polygon
* @param c Index c
* @param polygonPointIndex Index of the polygon point for which the distance
* is known
* @param side1StartVertex Start vertex for side 1
* @param side1EndVertex End vertex for side 1
* @param side2StartVertex Start vertex for side 2
* @param side2EndVertex End vertex for side 2
* @param intersectionPoint1 First intersection point between one pair of lines
* @param intersectionPoint2 Second intersection point between other pair of
* lines
boolean findGammaIntersectionPoints(final List<Coordinate> polygon, int nrOfPoints, int c, int polygonPointIndex,
final Coordinate side1StartVertex, final Coordinate side1EndVertex, final Coordinate side2StartVertex,
final Coordinate side2EndVertex, Coordinate intersectionPoint1, Coordinate intersectionPoint2) {
List<Double> side1Params = lineEquationParameters(side1StartVertex, side1EndVertex);
List<Double> side2Params = lineEquationParameters(side2StartVertex, side2EndVertex);
// Compute side C extra parameter using the formula for distance from a point to
// a line
double polygonPointHeight = height(polygonPointIndex, polygon, nrOfPoints, c);
double distFormulaDenom = Math
.sqrt((side2Params.get(0) * side2Params.get(0)) + (side2Params.get(1) * side2Params.get(1)));
double sideCExtraParam = 2 * polygonPointHeight * distFormulaDenom;
// Get intersection points if they exist or if lines are identical
if (areIntersectingLines(side1Params, side2Params, sideCExtraParam, intersectionPoint1, intersectionPoint2)) {
return true;
} else if (areIdenticalLines(side1Params, side2Params, sideCExtraParam)) {
intersectionPoint1.x = side1StartVertex.x; // TODO mutate x,y
intersectionPoint1.y = side1StartVertex.y;
intersectionPoint2.x = side1EndVertex.x;
intersectionPoint2.y = side1EndVertex.y;
return true;
return false;
* Check if the given lines are identical or not
* The lines are specified as: ax + by + c = 0 OR ax + by + c (+/-)
* sideCExtraParam = 0
* @param side1Params Vector containing the values of a, b and c for side 1
* @param side2Params Vector containing the values of a, b and c for side 2
* @param sideCExtraParam Extra parameter for the flush edge C
boolean areIdenticalLines(final List<Double> side1Params, final List<Double> side2Params, double sideCExtraParam) {
return ((areIdenticalLines(side1Params.get(0), side1Params.get(1), -(side1Params.get(2)), side2Params.get(0),
side2Params.get(1), -(side2Params.get(2)) - sideCExtraParam))
|| (areIdenticalLines(side1Params.get(0), side1Params.get(1), -(side1Params.get(2)), side2Params.get(0),
side2Params.get(1), -(side2Params.get(2)) + sideCExtraParam)));
* Check if the given lines intersect or not. If the lines intersect find //
* their intersection points.
* The lines are specified as: ax + by + c = 0 OR ax + by + c (+/-)
* sideCExtraParam = 0
* @param side1Params Vector containing the values of a, b and c for side
* 1
* @param side2Params Vector containing the values of a, b and c for side
* 2
* @param sideCExtraParam Extra parameter for the flush edge C
* @param intersectionPoint1 The first intersection point, if it exists
* @param intersectionPoint2 The second intersection point, if it exists
boolean areIntersectingLines(final List<Double> side1Params, final List<Double> side2Params, double sideCExtraParam,
Coordinate intersectionPoint1, Coordinate intersectionPoint2) {
return ((lineIntersection(side1Params.get(0), side1Params.get(1), -(side1Params.get(2)), side2Params.get(0),
side2Params.get(1), -(side2Params.get(2)) - sideCExtraParam, intersectionPoint1))
&& (lineIntersection(side1Params.get(0), side1Params.get(1), -(side1Params.get(2)), side2Params.get(0),
side2Params.get(1), -(side2Params.get(2)) + sideCExtraParam, intersectionPoint2)));
* Get the line equation parameters "a", "b" and "c" for the line determined //
* by points "p" and "q"
* The equation of the line is considered in the general form: ax + by + c = 0
* @param p One point for defining the equation of the line
* @param q Second point for defining the equation of the line
List<Double> lineEquationParameters(final Coordinate p, final Coordinate q) { // TODO CHANGE TO ARRAY
List<Double> lineEquationParameters = new ArrayList<Double>();
double[] out = lineEquationDeterminedByPoints(p, q);
double a = out[0];
double b = out[1];
double c = out[2];
return lineEquationParameters;
* Compute the height of the point
* See paper .get(2) for more details
* @param polygonPoint Polygon point
* @param polygon The polygon representing the convex hull of the points
* @param nrOfPoints Number of points defining the convex polygon
* @param c Index c
double height(final Coordinate polygonPoint, final List<Coordinate> polygon, int nrOfPoints, int c) {
Coordinate pointC = polygon.get(c);
Coordinate pointCPredecessor = polygon.get(predecessor(c, nrOfPoints));
return distanceFromPointToLine(polygonPoint, pointC, pointCPredecessor);
* Compute the height of the point specified by the given index
* See paper .get(2) for more details
* @param polygonPointIndex Index of the polygon point
* @param polygon The polygon representing the convex hull of the
* points
* @param nrOfPoints Number of points defining the convex polygon
* @param c Index c
double height(MutableInt polygonPointIndex, final List<Coordinate> polygon, int nrOfPoints, MutableInt c) {
Coordinate pointC = polygon.get(c.value);
Coordinate pointCPredecessor = polygon.get(predecessor(c.value, nrOfPoints));
Coordinate polygonPoint = polygon.get(polygonPointIndex.value);
return distanceFromPointToLine(polygonPoint, pointC, pointCPredecessor);
private static double height(int polygonPointIndex, final List<Coordinate> polygon, int nrOfPoints, int c) {
Coordinate pointC = polygon.get(c);
Coordinate pointCPredecessor = polygon.get(predecessor(c, nrOfPoints));
Coordinate polygonPoint = polygon.get(polygonPointIndex);
return distanceFromPointToLine(polygonPoint, pointC, pointCPredecessor);
* Advance the given index with one position
* @param index Index of the point
* @param nrOfPoints Number of points defining the convex polygon
private void advance(MutableInt index, int nrOfPoints) {
index.setValue(successor(index.value, nrOfPoints));
* Return the successor of the provided point index
* The successor of the last polygon point is the first polygon point (circular
* referencing)
* @param index Index of the point
* @param nrOfPoints Number of points defining the convex polygon
private static int successor(int index, int nrOfPoints) {
return ((index + 1) % nrOfPoints);
* Return the predecessor of the provided point index
* The predecessor of the first polygon point is the last polygon point
* (circular referencing)
* @param index Index of the point
* @param nrOfPoints Number of points defining the convex polygon
private static int predecessor(int index, int nrOfPoints) {
return (index == 0) ? (nrOfPoints - 1) : (index - 1);
* Check if the flush edge angle/opposite angle lie between the predecessor //
* and successor angle
* Check if the angle of the flush edge or its opposite angle lie between the
* angle of the predecessor and successor
* @param angleFlushEdge Angle of the flush edge
* @param anglePred Angle of the predecessor
* @param angleSucc Angle of the successor
boolean isFlushAngleBtwPredAndSucc(double angleFlushEdge, double anglePred, double angleSucc) {
if (isAngleBetweenNonReflex(angleFlushEdge, anglePred, angleSucc)) {
return true;
} else if (isOppositeAngleBetweenNonReflex(angleFlushEdge, anglePred, angleSucc)) {
angleFlushEdge = oppositeAngle(angleFlushEdge);
return true;
return false;
* Check if the angle of the line (gamma(p) p) or its opposite angle is equal //
* to the given angle
* @param gammaAngle Angle of the line (gamma(p) p)
* @param angle Angle to compare against
boolean isGammaAngleEqualTo(double gammaAngle, double angle) {
return (almostEqual(gammaAngle, angle));
* Check if the angle of the line (gamma(p) p) or its opposite angle lie //
* between angle1 and angle2
* @param gammaAngle Angle of the line (gamma(p) p)
* @param angle1 One of the boundary angles
* @param angle2 Another boundary angle
boolean isGammaAngleBtw(double gammaAngle, double angle1, double angle2) {
return (isAngleBetweenNonReflex(gammaAngle, angle1, angle2));
* Get the angle of the line measured from the Ox axis in counterclockwise //
* direction
* The line is specified by points "a" and "b". The value of the angle is
* expressed in degrees.
* @param a Point a
* @param b Point b
private static double angleOfLineWrtOxAxis(final Coordinate a, final Coordinate b) {
double y = b.y - a.y;
double x = b.x - a.x;
double angle = (Math.atan2(y, x) * 180 / Math.PI);
return (angle < 0) ? (angle + 360) : angle;
* Check if angle1 lies between non reflex angle determined by angles 2 and 3
* @param angle1 The angle which lies between angle2 and angle3 or not
* @param angle2 One of the boundary angles
* @param angle3 The other boundary angle
boolean isAngleBetweenNonReflex(double angle1, double angle2, double angle3) {
if (Math.abs(angle2 - angle3) > 180) {
if (angle2 > angle3) {
return (((angle2 < angle1) && (lessOrEqual(angle1, 360)))
|| ((lessOrEqual(0, angle1)) && (angle1 < angle3)));
} else {
return (((angle3 < angle1) && (lessOrEqual(angle1, 360)))
|| ((lessOrEqual(0, angle1)) && (angle1 < angle2)));
} else {
return isAngleBetween(angle1, angle2, angle3);
* Check if the opposite of angle1, ((angle1 + 180) % 360), lies between non //
* reflex angle determined by angles 2 and 3
* @param angle1 The angle which lies between angle2 and angle3 or not
* @param angle2 One of the boundary angles
* @param angle3 The other boundary angle
boolean isOppositeAngleBetweenNonReflex(double angle1, double angle2, double angle3) {
double angle1Opposite = oppositeAngle(angle1);
return (isAngleBetweenNonReflex(angle1Opposite, angle2, angle3));
* Check if angle1 lies between angles 2 and 3
* @param angle1 The angle which lies between angle2 and angle3 or not
* @param angle2 One of the boundary angles
* @param angle3 The other boundary angle
private static boolean isAngleBetween(double angle1, double angle2, double angle3) {
if ((((int) (angle2 - angle3)) % 180) > 0) {
return ((angle3 < angle1) && (angle1 < angle2));
} else {
return ((angle2 < angle1) && (angle1 < angle3));
* Return the angle opposite to the given angle
* if (angle < 180) then return (angle + 180); else return (angle - 180); endif
* @param angle Angle
private static double oppositeAngle(double angle) {
return (angle > 180) ? (angle - 180) : (angle + 180);
* Compute the distance from a point "a" to a line specified by two points "B"
* // and "C"
* Formula used:
* |(x_c - x_b) * (y_b - y_a) - (x_b - x_a) * (y_c - y_b)| d =
* ------------------------------------------------------- sqrt(((x_c - x_b)^2)
* + ((y_c - y_b)^2))
* Reference:
* (Last access: 15.09.2013)
* @param a Point from which the distance is measures
* @param linePointB One of the points determining the line
* @param linePointC One of the points determining the line
private static double distanceFromPointToLine(final Coordinate a, final Coordinate linePointB,
final Coordinate linePointC) {
double term1 = linePointC.x - linePointB.x;
double term2 = linePointB.y - a.y;
double term3 = linePointB.x - a.x;
double term4 = linePointC.y - linePointB.y;
double nominator = Math.abs((term1 * term2) - (term3 * term4));
double denominator = Math.sqrt((term1 * term1) + (term4 * term4));
return (denominator != 0) ? (nominator / denominator) : 0;
* Compute the distance between two points
* Compute the Euclidean distance between two points
* @param a Point a
* @param b Point b
double distanceBtwPoints(final Coordinate a, final Coordinate b) {
double xDiff = a.x - b.x;
double yDiff = a.y - b.y;
return Math.sqrt((xDiff * xDiff) + (yDiff * yDiff));
* Compute the area of a triangle defined by three points
* The area is computed using the determinant method. An example is depicted at
* (Last
* access: 15.09.2013)
* @param a Point a
* @param b Point b
* @param c Point c
private static double areaOfTriangle(final Coordinate a, final Coordinate b, final Coordinate c) {
double posTerm = (a.x * b.y) + (a.y * c.x) + (b.x * c.y);
double negTerm = (b.y * c.x) + (a.x * c.y) + (a.y * b.x);
double determinant = posTerm - negTerm;
return Math.abs(determinant) / 2d;
* Get the point in the middle of the segment determined by points "a" and "b"
* @param a Point a
* @param b Point b
private static Coordinate middlePoint(final Coordinate a, final Coordinate b) {
double middleX = (a.x + b.x) / 2d;
double middleY = (a.y + b.y) / 2d;
return new Coordinate(middleX, middleY);
* Determine the intersection point of two lines, if this point exists
* Two lines intersect if they are not parallel (Parallel lines intersect at +/-
* infinity, but we do not consider this case here).
* The lines are specified in the following form: A1x + B1x = C1 A2x + B2x = C2
* If det (= A1*B2 - A2*B1) == 0, then lines are parallel else they intersect
* If they intersect, then let us denote the intersection point with P(x, y)
* where: x = (C1*B2 - C2*B1) / (det) y = (C2*A1 - C1*A2) / (det)
* @param a1 A1
* @param b1 B1
* @param c1 C1
* @param a2 A2
* @param b2 B2
* @param c2 C2
* @param intersection The intersection point, if this point exists (mutates)
private static boolean lineIntersection(double a1, double b1, double c1, double a2, double b2, double c2,
Coordinate intersection) {
double det = (a1 * b2) - (a2 * b1);
if (!(almostEqual(det, 0))) {
intersection.x = ((c1 * b2) - (c2 * b1)) / (det);
intersection.y = ((c2 * a1) - (c1 * a2)) / (det);
return true;
return false;
* Determine the intersection point of two lines, if this point exists
* Two lines intersect if they are not parallel (Parallel lines intersect at +/-
* infinity, but we do not consider this case here).
* The lines are specified by a pair of points each. If they intersect, then the
* function returns true, else it returns false.
* Lines can be specified in the following form: A1x + B1x = C1 A2x + B2x = C2
* If det (= A1*B2 - A2*B1) == 0, then lines are parallel else they intersect
* If they intersect, then let us denote the intersection point with P(x, y)
* where: x = (C1*B2 - C2*B1) / (det) y = (C2*A1 - C1*A2) / (det)
* @param a1 First point for determining the first line
* @param b1 Second point for determining the first line
* @param a2 First point for determining the second line
* @param b2 Second point for determining the second line
* @param intersection The intersection point, if this point exists
private static boolean lineIntersection(final Coordinate a1, final Coordinate b1, final Coordinate a2,
final Coordinate b2, Coordinate intersection) {
double A1 = b1.y - a1.y;
double B1 = a1.x - b1.x;
double C1 = (a1.x * A1) + (a1.y * B1);
double A2 = b2.y - a2.y;
double B2 = a2.x - b2.x;
double C2 = (a2.x * A2) + (a2.y * B2);
double det = (A1 * B2) - (A2 * B1);
if (!almostEqual(det, 0)) {
intersection.x = ((C1 * B2) - (C2 * B1)) / det;
intersection.y = ((C2 * A1) - (C1 * A2)) / det;
return true;
return false;
* Get the values of "a", "b" and "c" of the line equation ax + by + c = 0 //
* knowing that point "p" and "q" are on the line
* a = q.y - p.y b = p.x - q.x c = - (p.x * a) - (p.y * b)
* @param p Point p
* @param q Point q
* @param a Parameter "a" from the line equation
* @param b Parameter "b" from the line equation
* @param c Parameter "c" from the line equation
double[] lineEquationDeterminedByPoints(final Coordinate p, final Coordinate q) {
// CV_Assert(areEqualPoints(p, q) == false);
double a = q.y - p.y;
double b = p.x - q.x;
double c = ((-p.y) * b) - (p.x * a);
return new double[] { a, b, c };
* Check if p1 and p2 are on the same side of the line determined by points a //
* and b
* @param p1 Point p1
* @param p2 Point p2
* @param a First point for determining line
* @param b Second point for determining line
boolean areOnTheSameSideOfLine(final Coordinate p1, final Coordinate p2, final Coordinate a, final Coordinate b) {
double[] out = lineEquationDeterminedByPoints(a, b);
double a1 = out[0];
double b1 = out[1];
double c1 = out[2];
double p1OnLine = (a1 * p1.x) + (b1 * p1.y) + c1;
double p2OnLine = (a1 * p2.x) + (b1 * p2.y) + c1;
return (sign(p1OnLine) == sign(p2OnLine));
* Check if one point lies between two other points
* @param point Point lying possibly outside the line segment
* @param lineSegmentStart First point determining the line segment
* @param lineSegmentEnd Second point determining the line segment
boolean isPointOnLineSegment(final Coordinate point, final Coordinate lineSegmentStart,
final Coordinate lineSegmentEnd) {
double d1 = distanceBtwPoints(point, lineSegmentStart);
double d2 = distanceBtwPoints(point, lineSegmentEnd);
double lineSegmentLength = distanceBtwPoints(lineSegmentStart, lineSegmentEnd);
return (almostEqual(d1 + d2, lineSegmentLength));
* Check if two lines are identical
* Lines are be specified in the following form: A1x + B1x = C1 A2x + B2x = C2
* If (A1/A2) == (B1/B2) == (C1/C2), then the lines are identical else they are
* not
* @param a1 A1
* @param b1 B1
* @param c1 C1
* @param a2 A2
* @param b2 B2
* @param c2 C2
boolean areIdenticalLines(double a1, double b1, double c1, double a2, double b2, double c2) {
double a1B2 = a1 * b2;
double a2B1 = a2 * b1;
double a1C2 = a1 * c2;
double a2C1 = a2 * c1;
double b1C2 = b1 * c2;
double b2C1 = b2 * c1;
return ((almostEqual(a1B2, a2B1)) && (almostEqual(b1C2, b2C1)) && (almostEqual(a1C2, a2C1)));
* Check if points point1 and point2 are equal or not
* @param point1 One point
* @param point2 The other point
boolean areEqualPoints(final Coordinate point1, final Coordinate point2) {
return (almostEqual(point1.x, point2.x) && almostEqual(point1.y, point2.y));
* Return the sign of the number
* The sign function returns: -1, if number < 0 +1, if number > 0 0, otherwise
private static int sign(double number) {
return (number > 0) ? 1 : ((number < 0) ? -1 : 0);
* Return the maximum of the provided numbers
private static double maximum(double number1, double number2, double number3) {
return Math.max(Math.max(number1, number2), number3);
* Check if the two numbers are equal (almost)
* The expression for determining if two real numbers are equal is: if (Abs(x -
* y) <= EPSILON * Max(1.0f, Abs(x), Abs(y))).
* @param number1 First number
* @param number2 Second number
private static boolean almostEqual(double number1, double number2) {
return (Math.abs(number1 - number2) <= (EPSILON * maximum(1.0, Math.abs(number1), Math.abs(number2))));
* Check if the first number is greater than or equal to the second number
* @param number1 First number
* @param number2 Second number
private static boolean greaterOrEqual(double number1, double number2) {
return ((number1 > number2) || (almostEqual(number1, number2)));
* Check if the first number is less than or equal to the second number
* @param number1 First number
* @param number2 Second number
private static boolean lessOrEqual(double number1, double number2) {
return ((number1 < number2) || (almostEqual(number1, number2)));
private class MutableInt {
int value;
public MutableInt(int value) {
this.value = value;
public int getValue() {
return this.value;
public void setValue(int value) {
this.value = value;
public void inc() {
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