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Created September 26, 2015 10:34
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Save mid-kid/8279635ee8dc57560e96 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Unpack and repack Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon's message.bin
from sys import argv
from struct import unpack, unpack_from, pack
from os import makedirs
from os.path import isdir
from json import dumps, loads
def unpack_wchar_str_from(bytes, pos):
string = b""
while bytes[pos] != 0 or bytes[pos + 1] != 0:
string += unpack_from("2s", bytes, pos)[0]
pos += 2
return string
def bin_to_hex_string(bytes):
string = ""
for x in bytes:
if x < 0x10:
string += "0"
string += hex(x)[2:]
return string
def hex_string_to_bin(string):
bytes = b""
for x in range(0, len(string), 2):
bytes += pack("B", int(string[x:x + 2], 16))
return bytes
def decode_offsetlist(offsetlist):
offsets = []
append = 0
for bit in offsetlist:
if bit == 0:
if bit & 0x80:
append <<= 7
append |= bit & 0x7F
bit &= 0x7F
if append:
bit |= append << 7
append = 0
if len(offsets) > 0:
bit += offsets[-1]
return offsets
def encode_offsetlist(offsets):
offsetlist = b""
last_offset = 0
for offset in offsets:
offset -= last_offset
last_offset += offset
active = False
for x in reversed(range(4)):
cur = offset >> (x * 7) & 0x7F
if cur or active:
if x > 0:
cur |= 0x80
active = True
offsetlist += pack("B", cur)
return offsetlist + b"\0"
def extract_farc(farc):
Extract FARC archives.
# According to some, this "unknown data" contains the file count.
# But in my experience, this hasn't been the case.
# If you need to add new files to a farc archive,
# please modify the pack_farc function to place the file count where you
# think it is.
unknown_data = farc[4:36]
files = []
offset = 36
while unpack_from("<Q", farc, offset)[0] != 0:
file_offset, file_length = unpack_from("<II", farc, offset)
files.append(farc[file_offset:file_offset + file_length])
offset += 8
return unknown_data, files
def pack_farc(unknown_data, files):
header = b"FARC" + unknown_data
header_size = len(header) + len(files) * 8
header_padding = b""
if header_size % 128:
padding = 128 - header_size % 128
header_padding = b"\0" * padding
header_size += padding
file_data = b""
offset_data = b""
for file in files:
if len(file_data) % 128:
file_data += b"\0" * (128 - len(file_data) % 128)
file_data += file
offset_data += pack("<II", len(file_data) - len(file) + header_size,
return header + offset_data + header_padding + file_data
def extract_sirpack(info, sirpack):
There's times where there's a SIR file that gives info about the offsets
and sizes of files inside another file.
This function extracts such files.
subheader_ptr, offsetlist_ptr = unpack_from("<II", info, 4)
filelist_ptr, file_count = unpack_from("<II", info, subheader_ptr)
files = []
for x in range(file_count):
unknown, offset, size = unpack_from("<III", info,
filelist_ptr + 12 * x)
files.append((unknown, sirpack[offset:offset + size]))
return files
def pack_sirpack(files):
file_list = b""
sirpack = b""
for file in files:
sirpack += file[1]
file_list += pack("<III", file[0], len(sirpack) - len(file[1]),
subheader = pack("<III", 16, len(files), 1)
offsetlist_offset = 16 + len(file_list) + len(subheader)
if offsetlist_offset % 16:
padding = 16 - offsetlist_offset % 16
subheader += b"\0" * padding
offsetlist_offset += padding
header = pack("<4sIIxxxx", b"SIR0", 16 + len(file_list), offsetlist_offset)
offsetlist = encode_offsetlist([4, 8, len(header) + len(file_list)])
file_size = offsetlist_offset + len(offsetlist)
if file_size % 16:
offsetlist += b"\0" * (16 - file_size % 16)
return header + file_list + subheader + offsetlist, sirpack
def extract_sir(sir):
The name of this function is misleading, since it doesn't extract "sir"
files, it extracts the strings inside sir files that contain strings.
subheader_ptr, offsetlist_ptr = unpack_from("<II", sir, 4)
string_count, string_info_ptr = unpack_from("<II", sir, subheader_ptr)
offsets = []
strings = []
for x in range(string_count):
offset, hash, unk1, unk2 = unpack_from("<IIhh", sir,
string_info_ptr + x * 12)
string = unpack_wchar_str_from(sir, offset)
"string": string,
"hash": hash,
"unk1": unk1,
"unk2": unk2
# The order of the strings differs in the string info list,
# and in the actual file.
# We sort them by order of the string info,
# and add an "order" parameter to tell the order in the string table.
# Why? Because it's easier to debug problems just comapring the binary
# files this way.
offsets_sorted = sorted(offsets)
for order in range(len(offsets_sorted)):
strings[offsets.index(offsets_sorted[order])]["order"] = order
return strings
def pack_sir(strings):
offsets = []
string_table = b""
for string in sorted(strings, key=lambda k: k["order"]):
string_table += string["string"] + b"\0\0"
if len(string_table) % 4:
string_table += b"\0" * (4 - len(string_table) % 4)
string_info = b""
for string in strings:
string_info += pack("<IIhh", 16 + offsets[string["order"]],
string["hash"], string["unk1"], string["unk2"])
subheader = pack("<II", len(strings), 16 + len(string_table))
offsetlist_offset = (16 + len(string_table) + len(string_info) +
if offsetlist_offset % 16:
padding = 16 - offsetlist_offset % 16
subheader += b"\0" * padding
offsetlist_offset += padding
header = pack("<4sIIxxxx", b"SIR0",
16 + len(string_table) + len(string_info), offsetlist_offset)
offsetlist = encode_offsetlist(
[4, 8] +
[len(header) + len(string_table) + 12 * x
for x in range(len(strings))] +
[len(header) + len(string_table) + len(string_info) + 4]
file_size = offsetlist_offset + len(offsetlist)
if file_size % 16:
offsetlist += b"\0" * (16 - file_size % 16)
return header + string_table + string_info + subheader + offsetlist
def decode_ninty_utf(string):
Again a crappy function name.
This is an attempt to decode strings that can't be decoded by normal means, usually because they contain weird characters.
It'd be nice if all the different kinds of characters could be documented.
My best guess is those characters are used for formatting.
decoded = ""
for x in range(0, len(string), 2):
chars = string[x:x + 2]
# Chars under 0x20 are control characters. They're parsed in a weird way by some things, so I prefer saving them.
if chars[0] < 0x20 and chars[1] == 0:
chars = "{{ctrl:%i}}" % chars[0]
if isinstance(chars, bytes):
chars = chars.decode("utf_16_le")
chars = "{{unk:%s}}" % bin_to_hex_string(chars)
decoded += chars
return decoded
def encode_ninty_utf(string):
encoded = b""
x = 0
while x < len(string):
if string[x:x + 2] == "{{":
x += 2
thing = ""
while string[x:x + 2] != "}}":
thing += string[x]
x += 1
x += 2
thing = thing.split(":")
if thing[0] == "unk":
encoded += hex_string_to_bin(thing[1])
elif thing[0] == "ctrl":
encoded += chr(int(thing[1])).encode("utf_16_le")
print("Huh? Unknown thingy?", thing[0])
encoded += string[x].encode("utf_16_le")
x += 1
return encoded
if argv[1] == "extract":
source = open(argv[2], "rb").read()
dest_dir = argv[3]
if not isdir(dest_dir):
print("Extracting farc...")
unknown_data, farc = extract_farc(source)
print("Extracting sirpack...")
sirpack = extract_sirpack(farc[0], farc[1])
sirs = []
for sir in sirpack:
print("Extracting sir #%i..." % (sirpack.index(sir) + 1))
filename = "%i.txt" % (sirpack.index(sir) + 1)
sirs.append((sir[0], filename))
file = open(dest_dir + "/" + filename, "w")
strings = extract_sir(sir[1])
for string in strings:
decoded_string = decode_ninty_utf(string["string"])
file.write("%i %i %i %i %s;;\n" %
(string["hash"], string["unk1"],
string["unk2"], string["order"], decoded_string))
open(dest_dir + "/info.json", "w").write(dumps((
bin_to_hex_string(unknown_data), sirs)))
elif argv[1] == "pack":
source_dir = argv[2]
dest = argv[3]
unknown_data, sirs = loads(open(source_dir + "/info.json").read())
packed_sirs = []
for x in sirs:
print("Packing sir #%i..." % (sirs.index(x) + 1))
unknown, filename = x
info = open(source_dir + "/" + filename).read().split(";;\n")
while not info[-1]:
del info[-1]
strings = []
for x in info:
line = x.split(" ")
"hash": int(line[0]),
"unk1": int(line[1]),
"unk2": int(line[2]),
"order": int(line[3]),
"string": encode_ninty_utf(" ".join(line[4:]))
packed_sirs.append((unknown, pack_sir(strings)))
print("Packing sirpack...")
sirpack = pack_sirpack(packed_sirs)
print("Packing farc...")
farc = pack_farc(hex_string_to_bin(unknown_data), sirpack)
open(dest, "wb").write(farc)
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