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Forked from dotps1/New-RandomPassword.ps1
Created October 6, 2017 19:01
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Create a new random password with powershell, specify length, upper case, lower case, numbers, symbols. all are ASCII mapped arrays.
Creates random password string of length 1 to 100.
Creates random password with ability to choose what characters are in the string and the length, the symbols can be specificlly defined.
New-RandomPassword -Length 8 -Lowercase
In this example, a random string that consists of 8 lowercase charcters will be returned.
New-RandomPassword -Length 15 -Lowercase -Uppercase -Numbers -Symbols
In this example, a random string that consists of 15 lowercase, uppercase, alpha-numeric and symbols will be returned.
New-RandomPassword -Length 15 -Lowercase -Uppercase -Numbers -Symbols -Exclude ("1", "l", "0", "O", "o", "i", "I")
In this example, a random string that consists of 15 lowercase, uppercase, alpha-numeric and symbols will be returned
without "1", "l", "0", "O", "o", "i", or "I".
function New-RandomPassword
# Length, Type uint32, Length of the random string to create.
# Array of characters to not include in password
# Lowercase, Type switch, Use lowercase characters.
# Uppercase, Type switch, Use uppercase characters.
# Numbers, Type switch, Use alphanumeric characters.
# Symbols, Type switch, Use symbol characters.
if (-not($Lowercase -or $Uppercase -or $Numbers -or $Symbols))
throw "You must specify one of: -Lowercase -Uppercase -Numbers -Symbols"
# Specifies bitmap values for character sets selected.
# Creates character arrays for the different character classes, based on ASCII character values.
$ExcludeRegex = $Exclude -join "|"
$charsLower=97..122 | %{ [Char] $_ } | Where-Object { $PSItem -notmatch $ExcludeRegex }
$charsUpper=65..90 | %{ [Char] $_ } | Where-Object { $PSItem -notmatch $ExcludeRegex }
$charsNumber=48..57 | %{ [Char] $_ } | Where-Object { $PSItem -notmatch $ExcludeRegex }
$charsSymbol=35,36,40,41,42,44,45,46,47,58,59,63,64,92,95 | %{ [Char] $_ } | Where-Object { $PSItem -notmatch $ExcludeRegex }
# Contains the array of characters to use.
# Contains bitmap of the character sets selected.
if ($Lowercase)
$charSets=$charSets -bor $CHARSET_LOWER
if ($Uppercase)
$charSets=$charSets -bor $CHARSET_UPPER
if ($Numbers)
$charSets=$charSets -bor $CHARSET_NUMBER
if ($Symbols)
$charSets=$charSets -bor $CHARSET_SYMBOL
Test string for existnce specified character.
examins each character of a string to determine if it contains a specificed characters
Test-StringContents i string
function Test-StringContents([String] $test, [Char[]] $chars)
foreach ($char in $test.ToCharArray())
if ($chars -ccontains $char)
return $true
return $false
# No character classes matched yet.
# Create output string containing random characters.
1..$Length | % { $output+=$charList[(get-random -maximum $charList.Length)] }
# Check if character classes match.
if ($Lowercase)
if (Test-StringContents $output $charsLower)
$flags=$flags -bor $CHARSET_LOWER
if ($Uppercase)
if (Test-StringContents $output $charsUpper)
$flags=$flags -bor $CHARSET_UPPER
if ($Numbers)
if (Test-StringContents $output $charsNumber)
$flags=$flags -bor $CHARSET_NUMBER
if ($Symbols)
if (Test-StringContents $output $charsSymbol)
$flags=$flags -bor $CHARSET_SYMBOL
until ($flags -eq $charSets)
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In reply to this reddit question, I forked this gist and added the ability to exclude specific characters from the generated passwords.

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