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Created December 11, 2012 18:13
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Save midorikocak/4260757 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This file is part of Authake.
Author: Jérôme Combaz (jakecake/
Authake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Authake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Foobar. If not, see <>.
class AuthakeComponent extends Component {
var $components = array('Session');
var $_forward = null;
var $_flashmessage = '';
function initialize(Controller $controller) {
function __construct(ComponentCollection $collection, $settings = array()) {
parent::__construct($collection, $settings);
function startup(Controller &$controller = null) {
* All these changes can be overrided in AppController->beforeFilter action
* Base URL, used to insert the application URL in mails.
if (Configure::read('Authake.baseUrl') == null) {
Configure::write('Authake.baseUrl', Router::url('/', true)); // set the full application url
if (Configure::read('Authake.service') == null) {
Configure::write('Authake.service', 'Authake'); //Name of the service i.e. "Super Authake"
* Default login action
if (Configure::read('Authake.loginAction') == null) {
Configure::write('Authake.loginAction', array('plugin' => 'authake', 'controller' => 'user', 'action' => 'login', 'admin' => 0));
* Used to redirect the users if the current user is logged out. Basically, this
* is used in case when The login page is the home page. If this is not set to different location, then it's going into recursion.
if (Configure::read('Authake.loggedAction') == null) {
Configure::write('Authake.loggedAction', Configure::read('Authake.baseUrl'));
* Session timeout in seconds, if managed by Authake (or null to disable)
if (Configure::read('Authake.sessionTimeout') == null) {
Configure::write('Authake.sessionTimeout', 3600 * 24 * 7);
* Default page when access is denied (should be allowed by ACLs...)
if (Configure::read('Authake.defaultDeniedAction') == null) {
Configure::write('Authake.defaultDeniedAction', array('plugin' => 'authake', 'controller' => 'user', 'action' => 'denied', 'admin' => 0));
* Reload all rules every x seconds
if (Configure::read('Authake.rulesCacheTimeout') == null) {
Configure::write('Authake.rulesCacheTimeout', 300);
* Email which sends the system mails
if (Configure::read('Authake.systemEmail') == null) {
Configure::write('Authake.systemEmail', '');
if (Configure::read('Authake.systemReplyTo') == null) {
Configure::write('Authake.systemReplyTo', '');
* User need to authenticate that he requested the password change
* (by receiving the confirmation link at his e-mail)
if (Configure::read('Authake.passwordVerify') == null) {
Configure::write('Authake.passwordVerify', true);
* Users can register
if (Configure::read('Authake.registration') == null) {
Configure::write('Authake.registration', true); //or false
* Default group for registered users
* If set registered user will be inserted into specified group
if (Configure::read('Authake.defaultGroup') == null) {
Configure::write('Authake.defaultGroup', 2); //could be array or single number
* Skip using authake layout for User controller.
* This is used to display default layout of the application to actions
* like login, register, change password etc.
if (Configure::read('Authake.useDefaultLayout') == null) {
Configure::write('Authake.useDefaultLayout', false); //could be true or false
* Use only email instead of user/email (a lot of sites are using this behavior, i.e.: Google,
* so people is already used to it)
* Defaults to false so it keeps on the old behavior
if (Configure::read('Authake.useEmailAsUsername') == null) {
Configure::write('Authake.useEmailAsUsername', false); //could be true or false
function beforeFilter(&$controller) { //pr($this);
//Getting vars
// get action path
$path = $controller->request->params;
$loginAction = Configure::read('Authake.loginAction');
if (Router::url($controller->request->params + array("base" => false)) != Router::url($loginAction + array("base" => false)) ) {
// check session timeout
$tm = Configure::read('Authake.sessionTimeout');
if ($tm && $this->isLogged()) {
$ts = $this->Session->read('Authake.timestamp');
if ((time() - $ts) > $tm) {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('Your session expired'), 'warning');
if (!$this->isAllowed($path)) { // check for permissions
if ($this->isLogged()) { // if denied & logged, write a message
if ($this->_flashmessage) { // message from the rule (accept path in %s)
$this->Session->setFlash(sprintf(__($this->_flashmessage), $path), 'error'); // Set Flash message
$fw = $this->_forward ? $this->_forward : Configure::read('Authake.defaultDeniedAction');
} else { // if denied & not loggued, propose to log in
$strpath = Router::url($path + array("base" => false));
$this->Session->setFlash(sprintf(__('You have to log in to access %s'), $strpath), 'warning');
$this->_flashmessage = '';
* API functions
function setPreviousUrl($url) {
$this->Session->write('Authake.previousUrl', $url);
function getPreviousUrl() {
return $this->Session->read('Authake.previousUrl');
function isLogged() {
return ($this->getUserId() !== null);
function getLogin() {
return $this->Session->read('Authake.login');
function getUserId() {
return $this->Session->read('');
function getUserEmail() {
return $this->Session->read('');
function getGroupIds() {
$gid = $this->Session->read('Authake.group_ids');
return (empty($gid) ? null : $gid); //If not logged in (or no groups - return null)
function getGroupNames() {
$gn = $this->Session->read('Authake.group_names');
return (is_array($gn) ? $gn : array(__('Guest')));
function isMemberOf($gid) {
return in_array($gid, $this->getGroupIds());
function setTimestamp() {
$ts = $this->Session->write('Authake.timestamp', time());
function login($user) {
$previousUrl = $this->Session->read("Authake.previousUrl");
$this->Session->write('Authake', $user);
$this->Session->write("Authake.previousUrl", $previousUrl);
function logout() {
function getRules($group_ids = null) {
$force_reload = (time() - $this->Session->read('Authake.cacheRulesTime')) > Configure::read('Authake.rulesCacheTimeout');
if ($force_reload
|| is_array($group_ids)
//|| ($cacheRules = $this->Session->read('Authake.cacheRules')) === null
|| $cacheRules = null === null
) {
App::import("Model", "Authake.Rule");
$rule = new Rule;
$cacheRules = $rule->getRules(is_array($group_ids) ? $group_ids : $this->getGroupIds(), true); // use groups provided or take groups of the users
if ($group_ids === null) { // cache only if groups of user used
$this->Session->write('Authake.cacheRules', $cacheRules);
$this->Session->write('Authake.cacheRulesTime', time());
return $cacheRules;
// Function to check the access for the controller / action
function isAllowed($url = "", $group_ids = null) { // $checkStr: "/name/action/" $group_ids: check again thess groups
if (is_array($url)) { $url = $this->cleanUrl($url) ;}
$allow = false;
$rules = $this->getRules($group_ids);
foreach ($rules as $data) {
if (preg_match("/^({$data['Rule']['action']})$/i", $url, $matches)) {
$allow = $data['Rule']['permission']; //echo $allow.'=>'.$url.' ** '.$data['Rule']['action'];
//The Enum database type has to be changed to boolean, False for deny, True for allow
if ($allow == false) {
$allow = false;
$this->_forward = $data['Rule']['forward'];
$this->_flashmessage = $data['Rule']['message'];
} else {
$allow = true;
return $allow;
function getActionsPermissions($group_ids) {
$controllers = $this->_getControllers();
$rules = $this->getRules($group_ids);
$actionsList = array();
foreach ($controllers as $controller => $actions) {
foreach ($actions as $k => $action) {
$con = strtolower($controller);
$permission = $this->_areGroupsAllowed("/{$con}/{$action}/", $rules);
$actionsList[$controller][] = array('controller' => $con, 'action' => $action, 'permission' => $permission);
return $actionsList;
function _getControllers($lowercase = false) {//
$aCtrlClasses = App::objects('controller');
foreach ($aCtrlClasses as $controller) {
if ($controller != 'AppController') {
// Load the controller
App::import('Controller', str_replace('Controller', '', $controller));
// Load its methods / actions
$aMethods = get_class_methods($controller);
foreach ($aMethods as $method => $idx) {
if ($method{0} == '_') {
// Load the ApplicationController (if there is one)
App::import('Controller', 'AppController');
$parentActions = get_class_methods('AppController');
$controllers[$controller] = array_diff($aMethods, $parentActions);
return $controllers;
// Function to check the access for the controller / action
function _areGroupsAllowed($url = "", $rules) { // $checkStr: "/name/action/" $group_ids: check again thess groups
$allow = false;
foreach ($rules as $data) {
if (preg_match("/{$data['Rule']['action']}/i", $url, $matches)) {
$allow = $data['Rule']['permission'];
if ($allow == false)
$allow = false;
$allow = true;
return $allow;
private function cleanUrl($url) {
$clurl = array_intersect_key($url, array("controller" => '', "action" => '', "prefix" => '', "admin" => ''));
return Router::url($clurl + array("base" => false));
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