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Forked from ff6347/.babelrc
Last active May 9, 2022 09:34
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# EditorConfig helps developers define and maintain consistent
# coding styles between different editors and IDEs
root = true
# Change these settings to your own preference
indent_style = space
indent_size = 2
# We recommend you to keep these unchanged
end_of_line = lf
charset = utf-8
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
insert_final_newline = true
trim_trailing_whitespace = false
"parser": "babel-eslint",
"env": {
"node": true,
"ecmaFeatures": {
"jsx": true
"globals": {
"plugins": [
"rules": {
// Possible Errors
"comma-dangle": [2, "never"],
"no-cond-assign": 2,
//"no-console": 2,
"no-constant-condition": 2,
"no-control-regex": 2,
"no-debugger": 2,
"no-dupe-keys": 2,
"no-empty": 2,
"no-empty-character-class": 2,
"no-ex-assign": 2,
"no-extra-boolean-cast": 2,
"no-extra-parens": 0,
"no-extra-semi": 2,
"no-func-assign": 2,
"no-inner-declarations": 2,
"no-invalid-regexp": 2,
"no-irregular-whitespace": 2,
"no-negated-in-lhs": 2,
"no-obj-calls": 2,
"no-regex-spaces": 2,
"no-reserved-keys": 0,
"no-sparse-arrays": 2,
"no-unreachable": 2,
"use-isnan": 2,
"valid-jsdoc": 0,
"valid-typeof": 2,
// Best Practices
"block-scoped-var": 2,
"complexity": 0,
"consistent-return": 2,
"curly": 2,
"default-case": 2,
"dot-notation": 2,
"eqeqeq": 2,
"guard-for-in": 2,
"no-alert": 2,
"no-caller": 2,
"no-div-regex": 2,
"no-else-return": 2,
"no-empty-label": 2,
"no-eq-null": 2,
"no-eval": 2,
"no-extend-native": 2,
"no-extra-bind": 2,
"no-fallthrough": 2,
"no-floating-decimal": 2,
"no-implied-eval": 2,
"no-iterator": 2,
"no-labels": 2,
"no-lone-blocks": 2,
"no-loop-func": 2,
"no-multi-spaces": 2,
"no-multi-str": 0,
"no-native-reassign": 2,
//"no-new": 2,
"no-new-func": 2,
"no-new-wrappers": 2,
"no-octal": 2,
"no-octal-escape": 2,
"no-process-env": 2,
"no-proto": 2,
"no-redeclare": 2,
"no-return-assign": 2,
"no-script-url": 2,
"no-self-compare": 2,
"no-sequences": 2,
"no-unused-expressions": 2,
"no-void": 0,
"no-warning-comments": 2,
"no-with": 2,
"radix": 2,
"vars-on-top": 0,
"wrap-iife": 2,
"yoda": 2,
// Strict Mode
//"strict": [2, "global"],
// Variables
"no-catch-shadow": 2,
"no-delete-var": 2,
"no-label-var": 2,
"no-shadow": 2,
"no-shadow-restricted-names": 2,
"no-undef": 2,
"no-undef-init": 2,
"no-undefined": 2,
//"no-unused-vars": 2,
"no-use-before-define": 2,
// Stylistic Issues
"indent": [2, 2, {
"SwitchCase": 1
"brace-style": 2,
"camelcase": 0,
"comma-spacing": 2,
"comma-style": 2,
"consistent-this": 0,
"eol-last": 2,
"func-names": 0,
"func-style": 0,
"key-spacing": [2, {
"beforeColon": false,
"afterColon": true
"max-nested-callbacks": 0,
"new-cap": 2,
"new-parens": 2,
"no-array-constructor": 2,
"no-inline-comments": 0,
"no-lonely-if": 2,
"no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs": 2,
"no-nested-ternary": 2,
"no-new-object": 2,
"semi-spacing": [2, {
"before": false,
"after": true
"no-spaced-func": 2,
"no-ternary": 0,
"no-trailing-spaces": 2,
"no-multiple-empty-lines": 2,
"no-underscore-dangle": 0,
"one-var": 0,
"operator-assignment": [2, "always"],
"padded-blocks": 0,
"quotes": [2, "single"],
"quote-props": [2, "as-needed"],
"semi": [2, "always"],
"sort-vars": [2, {"ignoreCase": true}],
"space-after-keywords": 2,
"space-before-blocks": 2,
"object-curly-spacing": [2, "never"],
"array-bracket-spacing": [2, "never"],
"space-in-parens": 2,
"space-infix-ops": 2,
"space-return-throw-case": 2,
"space-unary-ops": 2,
"spaced-comment": 2,
"wrap-regex": 0,
// Legacy
"max-depth": 0,
"max-len": [2, 120],
"max-params": 0,
"max-statements": 0,
"no-plusplus": 0
# nodejs and web dev
# sublime sftp plugin
# sublime
# processing
# codekit
# a file with private data
# for extendscript ID dev
# for CRAN
# History files
# Example code in package build process
# R data files from past sessions
# RStudio files
# After Effects
Adobe\ After\ Effects\ Auto-Save/
Adobe\ After\ Effects\ Auto-Speichern
# Particle Photon

my sublime eslint setup

npm install -g eslint babel-eslint

install SublimeLinter & SublimeLinter-contrib-eslint

add the .eslintrc to your project root or your $HOME folder.

import * as fs from 'fs';
let main = () =>{
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