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Last active March 7, 2018 02:55
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Rails standards and conventions - forked from

Rails naming conventions

General Ruby conventions

  • Class names are CamelCase.
  • Methods and variables are snake_case.
  • Methods with a ? suffix will return a boolean, and are called predicates.
  • Methods with a ! suffix mean one of two things: either the method changes the state of the object instance in some fashion, or it will raise and exception instead of failing (such as Rails models' #save! vs. #save).
  • In documentation, ::method_name denotes a class method, while #method_name denotes a instance method.


The Database conventions are designed to provide a lot of automatic functionality for free. For example, if the table naming convention is followed, the associated Models automatically know which table they are supposed to use. Otherwise things must be explicitly specified and maintained.

  • Database tables use snake_case. Table names are plural.
  • Column names in the database use snake_case, but are generally singular. They do not use hungarian, or other terse notation, but instead use common English words (or whatever other language). This facilitates automatic, readable, common-sense field names and error messages in forms.
  • Primary keys are by default always named id. This facilitates model.to_param and other automatic magic.
  • Foreign keys are by default always named table_name_id singular. This facilitates "magic" relationships between models.
  • Join tables are by default always named alpha_things_beta_things - with the first table being lexically first (sorted alphabetically)


| bigfoot_sightings        |
| id         | ID          |
| sighted_at | DATETIME    |
| location   | STRING      |
| profile_id | FOREIGN KEY |

| profiles                     |
| id                  | ID     |
| name                | STRING |
| years_of_experience | INT    |

| bigfoot_sightings_profiles     |
| bigfoot_sighting_id   | INT    |
| sightings_profile_id  | INT    |

Database Migrations


  • Model class names use CamelCase. These are singular, and will map automatically to the plural database table name.
  • Model attributes and methods use snake_case and match the column names in the database.
  • Model files go in app/models/#{singular_model_name}.rb.


# app/models/bigfoot_sighting.rb
class BigfootSighting < ActiveRecord::Base
  # This class will have these attributes: id, sighted_at, location
# app/models/profile.rb
class Profile < ActiveRecord::Base
  # Methods follow the same conventions as attributes
  def veteran_hunter?
    years_of_experience > 2

Relations in models

  • Relations use snake_case and follow the type of relation, so has_one and belongs_to are singular while has_many is plural.
  • Rails expects foreign keys in the database to have an _id suffix, and will map relations to those keys automatically if the names line up.


# app/models/bigfoot_sighting.rb
class BigfootSighting < ActiveRecord::Base
  # This knows to use the profile_id field in the database
  belongs_to :profile
# app/models/profile.rb
class Profile < ActiveRecord::Base
  # This knows to look at the BigfootSighting class and find the foreign key in that table
  has_many :bigfoot_sightings


  • Controller class names use CamelCase and have Controller as a suffix. The Controller suffix is always singular. The name of the resource is usually plural.
  • Controller actions use snake_case and usually match the standard route names Rails defines (index, show, new, create, edit, update, delete).
  • Controller files go in app/controllers/#{resource_name}_controller.rb.


# app/controllers/bigfoot_sightings_controller.rb
BigfootSightingsController < ApplicationController
  def index
    # ...
  def show
    # ...
  # etc
# app/controllers/profiles_controller.rb
ProfilesController < ApplicationController
  def show
    # ...
  # etc


  • Route names are snake_case, and usually match the controller. Most of the time routes are plural and use the plural resources.
  • Singular routes are a special case. These use the singular resource and a singular resource name. However, they still map to a plural controller by default!


resources :bigfoot_sightings
# Users can only see their own profiles, so we'll use `/profile` instead
# of putting an id in the URL.
resource :profile


  • View file names, by default, match the controller and action that they are tied to.
  • Views go in app/views/#{resource_name}/#{action_name}.html.erb.


  • app/views/bigfoot_sightings/index.html.erb
  • app/views/bigfoot_sightings/show.html.erb
  • app/views/profile/show.html.erb

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