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Created July 8, 2021 17:00
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Convert GIMP palette (.gpl) to Photoshop color swatch (.aco)
# -*- mode: python; Encoding: utf-8; coding: utf-8 -*-
# Last updated: <2021/07/08 04:18:55 +0900>
Convert GIMP palette (.gpl) to Photoshop color swatch (.aco).
usage: python GPL_FILE ACO_FILE
Windows10 x64 20H2 + Python 3.9.5 64bit
import sys
import re
import struct
import argparse
def load_and_parse_gpl(filepath):
name = ""
columns = 0
colors = []
pat1 = re.compile(r'^\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(.+)$')
pat2 = re.compile(r'^\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s*$')
with open(filepath) as f:
lines =
linenum = 0
for l in lines.split("\n"):
linenum += 1
if linenum == 1:
if l.find("GIMP Palette") == 0:
print("Found [GIMP Plaette]")
print("Error: This file is not a GIMP palette.")
if len(l) == 0 or l[0] == '#':
if l.find("Name:") == 0:
name = l[5:].strip()
print("Found Name: [%s]" % name)
elif l.find("Columns:") == 0:
columns = int(l[8:].strip())
print("Found Columns: [%d]" % columns)
# r g b colorname
r = pat1.match(l)
if r:
r, g, b, cname = r.groups()
colors.append([int(r), int(g), int(b), cname])
r = pat2.match(l)
if r:
r, g, b = r.groups()
colors.append([int(r), int(g), int(b), ""])
print("Error: Syntax [%s] in line %d" % (l, linenum))
return name, columns, colors
def create_aco(vernum, nonull, colors):
aco_ver = vernum # 1 or 2
col_len = len(colors)
bindata = struct.pack(">2H", aco_ver, col_len)
cspace = 0 # color ID 0 = RGB
for c in colors:
r, g, b, color_name = c
w = int(65535 * r / 255)
x = int(65535 * g / 255)
y = int(65535 * b / 255)
z = 0
bindata += struct.pack(">5H", cspace, w, x, y, z)
if vernum == 2:
if nonull == False:
name_len = len(color_name) + 1
bindata += struct.pack(">L", name_len)
for s in list(color_name):
n = ord(s)
bindata += struct.pack(">H", n)
# add NULL word
bindata += struct.pack(">H", 0)
name_len = len(color_name)
bindata += struct.pack(">L", name_len)
for s in list(color_name):
n = ord(s)
bindata += struct.pack(">H", n)
return bindata
def main():
# parse argv
desc = "Convert GIMP palette (.gpl) to Photoshop color swatch (.aco)"
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc)
p.add_argument("gpl_file", help="Input GIMP palette file (.gpl)")
p.add_argument("aco_file", help="Output Photoshop swatch file (.aco)")
p.add_argument("--nonull", help="Exclude null from color name",
action='store_true', default=False)
args = p.parse_args()
infile = args.gpl_file
outfile = args.aco_file
print("input file: %s" % infile)
print("output file: %s" % outfile)
nonull = args.nonull
# load and parse gpl file
name, columns, colors = load_and_parse_gpl(infile)
# for c in colors:
# print(c)
print("Found Color length: %d" % len(colors))
# create aco binary ver1 and ver2
aco_bin = create_aco(1, nonull, colors)
aco_bin += create_aco(2, nonull, colors)
# write aco file
print("Write: %s" % outfile)
with open(outfile, 'wb') as f:
if __name__ == '__main__':
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