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Created December 12, 2017 09:29
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class CommandInvocableHandlerMethod(private val handlerMethod: HandlerMethod,
private val requestCommandFactory: RequestCommandFactory,
private val configuration: RequestCommandConfiguration) : ServletInvocableHandlerMethod(handlerMethod) {
private lateinit var returnValueHandlers: HandlerMethodReturnValueHandlerComposite
@Trace(dispatcher = true)
override fun invokeForRequest(request: NativeWebRequest?, mavContainer: ModelAndViewContainer?, vararg providedArgs: Any?): Any {
// same as super.invokeForRequest(request, mavContainer, *providedArgs)
//but with request passed to do invoke
val args = this.getMethodArgumentValuesCallable.invoke(request, mavContainer, providedArgs)
val result = doInvokeWithRequest(request, args)
return result
private fun doInvokeWithRequest(request: NativeWebRequest?, args: Array<out Any?>?): Any {
val nativeRequest = request?.getNativeRequest(
// If the response has already set error status code tomcat will not wait for async result
// not sure how we should only handle DispatcherType.REQUEST
return if (nativeRequest != null && nativeRequest.dispatcherType == DispatcherType.REQUEST) {
val callSuper = Callable {
super.doInvoke(*(args ?: emptyArray()))
val job = callSuper
val context = RequestCommandContext(configuration, handlerMethod, SecurityContextHolder.getContext(), job)
val result = requestCommandFactory.createSingle(context)
} else {
super.doInvoke(*(args ?: emptyArray()))
override fun setHandlerMethodReturnValueHandlers(returnValueHandlers: HandlerMethodReturnValueHandlerComposite?) {
this.returnValueHandlers = returnValueHandlers!!
override fun wrapConcurrentResult(result: Any?): ServletInvocableHandlerMethod {
return ConcurrentResultHandlerMethod(result, ConcurrentResultMethodParameter(result))
private val getMethodArgumentValuesMethod = InvocableHandlerMethod::class.members
.single { == "getMethodArgumentValues" }
.apply { isAccessible = true }
//Object[] getMethodArgumentValues(NativeWebRequest request, ModelAndViewContainer mavContainer, Object... providedArgs)
private val getMethodArgumentValuesCallable: (request: NativeWebRequest?, mavContainer: ModelAndViewContainer?, args: Array<out Any?>) -> Array<out Any?>?
= { request, mavContainer, args ->
val receiver = this@CommandInvocableHandlerMethod
try {, request, mavContainer, args) as Array<out Any?>?
} catch (ex: InvocationTargetException) {
LOG.debug("Invocation failed for $handlerMethod")
throw ex.cause ?: ex
private inner class ConcurrentResultHandlerMethod(result: Any?, returnType: CommandInvocableHandlerMethod.ConcurrentResultMethodParameter) : ServletInvocableHandlerMethod(Callable {
if (result is Exception) {
throw result
} else if (result is Throwable) {
throw NestedServletException("Async processing failed", result)
private val _returnType: MethodParameter
init {
this._returnType = returnType
* Bridge to actual controller type-level annotations.
override fun getBeanType(): Class<*>? {
return this@CommandInvocableHandlerMethod.getBeanType()
* Bridge to actual return value or generic type within w the declared
* async return type, e.g. Foo instead of `DeferredResult<Foo>`.
override fun getReturnValueType(returnValue: Any?): MethodParameter? {
return this._returnType
* Bridge to controller method-level annotations.
override fun <A : Annotation> getMethodAnnotation(annotationType: Class<A>): A? {
return this@CommandInvocableHandlerMethod.getMethodAnnotation(annotationType)
// next spring version
* Bridge to controller method-level annotations.
override fun <A : Annotation> hasMethodAnnotation(annotationType: Class<A>): Boolean {
return this@CommandInvocableHandlerMethod.hasMethodAnnotation(annotationType)
* MethodParameter subclass based on the actual return value type or if
* that's null falling back on the generic type within the declared async
* return type, e.g. Foo instead of `DeferredResult<Foo>`.
private inner class ConcurrentResultMethodParameter : HandlerMethod.HandlerMethodParameter {
private val returnValue: Any?
private val returnType: ResolvableType?
constructor(returnValue: Any?) : super(-1) {
this.returnValue = returnValue
this.returnType = if (returnValue is DeferredResult<*> || returnValue is Callable<*> || returnValue is Future<*>) {
val genericParameterType = super.getGenericParameterType()
} else {
constructor(original: ConcurrentResultMethodParameter) : super(original) {
this.returnValue = original.returnValue
this.returnType = original.returnType
override fun getParameterType(): Class<*>? {
if (this.returnValue != null) {
return this.returnValue.javaClass
if (this.returnType != null && ResolvableType.NONE != this.returnType) {
return this.returnType.resolve()
return super.getParameterType()
override fun getGenericParameterType(): Type? {
//This might not be correct, but from what I've checked works as expected
return this.returnType?.type ?: parameterType
// next spring version
override fun clone(): ConcurrentResultMethodParameter {
return ConcurrentResultMethodParameter(this)
companion object {
val CALLABLE_METHOD = Callable<*>::call.javaMethod
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