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Forked from davidad/0_0_1.v
Last active August 15, 2020 03:35
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There is exactly one way to choose 0 elements from the empty set.
module Choose where
open import Data.Product using (_,_ ; proj₁ ; proj₂ ; ∃) renaming (_×_ to _∧_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality using (_≡_ ; sym ; subst)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_)
infix 0 _⇔_
_⇔_ : Set Set Set
A ⇔ B = (A B) ∧ (B A)
set : Set
_∈_ : set set Set
_⊆_ : set set Set
a ⊆ b = x x ∈ a x ∈ b
ZF-extensionality : {x y} ( z z ∈ x ⇔ z ∈ y) x ≡ y
ZF-specification : (P : set Set) z ∃ (λ y x x ∈ y ⇔ x ∈ z ∧ P x)
ZF-pairing : x y ∃ (λ z x ∈ z ∧ y ∈ z)
ZF-powerset : x ∃ (λ y z z ⊆ x z ∈ y)
ZF-emptyset : ∃ (λ x y ¬ y ∈ x)
proper-powerset : x ∃ (λ y z z ⊆ x ⇔ z ∈ y)
proper-powerset x =
let px , f = ZF-powerset x in
let ppx , g = ZF-specification (_⊆ x) px in
ppx , λ y
(λ y⊆x proj₂ (g y) (f y y⊆x , y⊆x)) ,
(λ y∈ppx proj₂ (proj₁ (g y) y∈ppx))
subsets-of : set set
subsets-of x = proj₁ (proper-powerset x)
specified : (set Set) set set
specified P x = proj₁ (ZF-specification P x)
Empty : set
Empty = proj₁ ZF-emptyset
Zero : set
Zero = Empty
one : ∃ (λ One z z ∈ One ⇔ z ≡ Zero)
one =
let pzz , a , b = ZF-pairing Zero Zero in
let One , g = ZF-specification (_≡ Zero) pzz in
One , λ z
(λ z∈1 proj₂ (proj₁ (g z) z∈1)) ,
(λ z≡0 proj₂ (g z) (subst (_∈ _) (sym z≡0) a , z≡0))
One : set
One = proj₁ one
lem₁ : {z} z ≡ Empty z ⊆ Empty
lem₁ z≡0 x x∈z = subst (x ∈_) z≡0 x∈z
lem₂ : {z} z ≡ Empty z ∈ subsets-of Empty
lem₂ {z} z≡0 = proj₁ (proj₂ (proper-powerset Empty) z) (lem₁ z≡0)
thm : specified (_≡ Zero) (subsets-of Empty) ≡ One
thm =
let h1 = proj₂ (ZF-specification (_≡ Zero) (subsets-of Empty)) in
ZF-extensionality λ z
(λ z∈s
let z≡0 = proj₂ (proj₁ (h1 z) z∈s) in
proj₂ (proj₂ one z) z≡0) ,
(λ z∈1
let z≡0 = proj₁ (proj₂ one z) z∈1 in
proj₂ (h1 z) (lem₂ z≡0 , z≡0))
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