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Forked from AndrasKovacs/SystemF.agda
Last active June 30, 2019 21:41
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Embedding of predicative polymorphic System F in Agda.
open import Function
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Fin renaming (_+_ to _f+_)
open import Data.Unit
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.Vec
open import Data.Vec.Properties
import Level as L
--------------------------------- Helpers --------------------------------------------
fromℕ' : n Fin (n + 1)
fromℕ' zero = zero
fromℕ' (suc n) = suc (fromℕ' n)
veclast :
{a}{A : Set a} n x (xs : Vec A n)
lookup (xs ++ x ∷ []) (fromℕ' n) ≡ x
veclast zero x [] = refl
veclast (suc n) x (y ∷ ys) = veclast n x ys
tighten : {n}(i : Fin (n + 1)) (i ≡ fromℕ' n) ⊎ (∃ λ (i' : Fin n) i ≡ inject+ 1 i')
tighten {zero} zero = inj₁ refl
tighten {zero} (suc ())
tighten {suc n} zero = inj₂ (zero , refl)
tighten {suc n} (suc i) with tighten {n} i
tighten {suc n} (suc .(fromℕ' n)) | inj₁ refl = inj₁ refl
tighten {suc n} (suc .(inject+ 1 proj₁)) | inj₂ (proj₁ , refl) = inj₂ (suc proj₁ , refl)
------------------------------------- Types -------------------------------------------
infixr 5 _⇒_
data Type (f b : ℕ) : (level : ℕ) Set where
free : Fin f Type f b zero
bound : Fin b Type f b zero
unit : Type f b zero
_⇒_ : {l1 l2} Type f b l1 Type f b l2 Type f b (l1 ⊔ l2)
∀' : {l} Type f (suc b) l Type f b (suc zero ⊔ l)
relaxBound : {f b l} n Type f b l Type f (b + n) l
relaxBound n (free x) = free x
relaxBound n (bound x) = bound (inject+ n x)
relaxBound n unit = unit
relaxBound n (a ⇒ b) = relaxBound n a ⇒ relaxBound n b
relaxBound n (∀' t) = ∀' (relaxBound n t)
raiseFree : {f b l} n Type f b l Type (n + f) b l
raiseFree n (free x) = free (raise n x)
raiseFree n (bound x) = bound x
raiseFree n unit = unit
raiseFree n (a ⇒ b) = raiseFree n a ⇒ raiseFree n b
raiseFree n (∀' x) = ∀' (raiseFree n x)
inst : {f b l} Type f 0 zero Type f (b + 1) l Type f b l
inst t' (free x) = free x
inst {_}{b} t' (bound x) = [ const (relaxBound b t') , bound ∘ proj₁ ]′ (tighten x)
inst t' unit = unit
inst t' (a ⇒ b) = inst t' a ⇒ inst t' b
inst t' (∀' x) = ∀' (inst t' x)
abst : {f b l} Type (suc f) b l Type f (b + 1) l
abst {_}{b}(free zero) = bound (fromℕ' b)
abst (free (suc x)) = free x
abst (bound x) = bound (inject+ 1 x)
abst unit = unit
abst (a ⇒ b) = abst a ⇒ abst b
abst (∀' x) = ∀' (abst x)
-- ----------------------------------- Language -----------------------------------------------
data Context : Set where
[] : Context 0
term : {f l} Type f 0 l Context f Context f
type : {f} Context f Context (suc f)
data Var {l : ℕ} : {f} Context f Type f 0 l Set where
here : {f cxt t} Var {f = f}(term t cxt) t
term : {f cxt t l' t'} Var {l} cxt t Var {f = f} (term {l = l'} t' cxt) t
type : {f cxt t} Var cxt t Var {f = suc f} (type cxt) (raiseFree 1 t)
infixl 5 _$'_
data Term {f : ℕ} (cxt : Context f) : {l} Type f 0 l Set where
unit : Term cxt unit
var : {l t} Var {l} cxt t Term cxt {l} t
λ' : {l1 l2 b} a Term (term {l = l1} a cxt) {l2} b Term cxt {l1 ⊔ l2} (a ⇒ b)
_$'_ : {l1 l2 a b} Term cxt {l1 ⊔ l2} (a ⇒ b) Term cxt {l1} a Term cxt {l2} b
Λ : {l t} Term (type cxt) {l} t Term cxt {suc zero ⊔ l}(∀' (abst t))
_$*_ : {l t} Term cxt (∀' {l = l} t) (t' : Type f 0 zero) Term cxt (inst t' t)
-- ------------------------------------ Levels -----------------------------------------------
getLevel : {f b l} Type f b l L.Level
getLevel (free x) =
getLevel (bound x) =
getLevel unit =
getLevel (a ⇒ b) = getLevel a L.⊔ getLevel b
getLevel (∀' t) = L.suc L.⊔ getLevel t
level : L.Level
level zero =
level (suc n) = L.suc (level n)
level-⊔ : l1 l2 level l1 L.⊔ level l2 ≡ level (l1 ⊔ l2)
level-⊔ zero zero = refl
level-⊔ zero (suc r2) = refl
level-⊔ (suc r1) zero = refl
level-⊔ (suc r1) (suc r2) = cong L.suc (level-⊔ r1 r2)
level-subst : {l l'} l ≡ l' Set l Set l'
level-subst refl x = x
level-subst-remove : {l l' x} p level-subst{l}{l'} p x x
level-subst-remove refl x₁ = x₁
level-subst-add : {l l' x} p x level-subst{l}{l'} p x
level-subst-add refl x₁ = x₁
level-cong : {f b l} (t : Type f b l) getLevel t ≡ level l
level-cong (free x) = refl
level-cong (bound x) = refl
level-cong unit = refl
level-cong (_⇒_ {la}{lb} a b) rewrite level-cong a | level-cong b = level-⊔ la lb
level-cong (∀' {l} t) rewrite level-cong t = level-⊔ (suc zero) l
-- ----------------------------------- Interpretation ------------------------------------------
interp : {f b l} Vec Set f Vec Set b (t : Type f b l) Set (getLevel t)
interp fs bs (free x) = lookup fs x
interp fs bs (bound x) = lookup bs x
interp fs bs unit =
interp fs bs (a ⇒ b) = interp fs bs a interp fs bs b
interp fs bs (∀' t) = (A : Set) interp fs (A ∷ bs) t
_⟦_⟧ : {f} fs Type f 0 zero Set
_⟦_⟧ fs t = level-subst (level-cong t) (interp fs [] t)
iRaiseFree :
{f b l bs fs x} t
interp{f}{b}{l} fs bs t
interp (x ∷ fs) bs (raiseFree 1 t)
iRaiseFree' :
{f b l bs fs x} t
interp (x ∷ fs) bs (raiseFree 1 t)
interp{f}{b}{l} fs bs t
iRaiseFree (free x₁) y = y
iRaiseFree (bound x₁) y = y
iRaiseFree unit y = tt
iRaiseFree (a ⇒ b) f y = iRaiseFree b $ f $ iRaiseFree' a y
iRaiseFree (∀' t) g A = iRaiseFree t $ g A
iRaiseFree' (free x₁) y = y
iRaiseFree' (bound x₁) y = y
iRaiseFree' unit y = tt
iRaiseFree' (a ⇒ b) f y = iRaiseFree' b $ f $ iRaiseFree a y
iRaiseFree' (∀' t) g A = iRaiseFree' t $ g A
iRelaxBound :
{b b' bs bs' f fs l} t
interp {f}{b}{l} fs bs t
interp fs (bs ++ bs') (relaxBound b' t)
iRelaxBound' :
{b b' bs bs' f fs l} t
interp fs (bs ++ bs') (relaxBound b' t)
interp {f}{b}{l} fs bs t
iRelaxBound (free x) y = y
iRelaxBound {bs = bs}{bs' = bs'}(bound x) y rewrite lookup-++ˡ bs bs' x = y
iRelaxBound unit y = y
iRelaxBound (a ⇒ b) f y = iRelaxBound b $ f $ iRelaxBound' a y
iRelaxBound (∀' t) g A = iRelaxBound t $ g A
iRelaxBound' (free x) y = y
iRelaxBound' {bs = bs}{bs' = bs'}(bound x) y rewrite lookup-++ˡ bs bs' x = y
iRelaxBound' unit y = y
iRelaxBound' (a ⇒ b) f y = iRelaxBound' b $ f $ iRelaxBound a y
iRelaxBound' (∀' t) g A = iRelaxBound' t $ g A
iAbst :
{f b l bs fs A} t
interp{suc f}{b}{l} (A ∷ fs) bs t
interp{f}{b + 1}{l} fs (bs ++ A ∷ []) (abst t)
iAbst' :
{f b l bs fs A} t
interp{f}{b + 1}{l} fs (bs ++ A ∷ []) (abst t)
interp{suc f}{b}{l} (A ∷ fs) bs t
iAbst {f}{b}{bs = bs}{A = A}(free zero) y rewrite veclast b A bs = y
iAbst (free (suc x)) y = y
iAbst {bs = bs}{fs = fs}{A = A}(bound x) y rewrite lookup-++ˡ bs (A ∷ []) x = y
iAbst unit y = y
iAbst (a ⇒ b) f y = iAbst b $ f $ iAbst' a y
iAbst (∀' t) g A = iAbst t $ g A
iAbst' {f}{b}{bs = bs}{A = A}(free zero) y rewrite veclast b A bs = y
iAbst' (free (suc x)) y = y
iAbst' {bs = bs}{fs = fs}{A = A}(bound x) y rewrite lookup-++ˡ bs (A ∷ []) x = y
iAbst' unit y = y
iAbst' (a ⇒ b) f y = iAbst' b $ f $ iAbst a y
iAbst' (∀' t) g A = iAbst' t $ g A
iInst :
{f b l fs bs t'} t
interp fs (bs ++ (fs ⟦ t' ⟧) ∷ []) t
interp {f}{b}{l} fs bs (inst t' t)
iInst' :
{f b l fs bs t'} t
interp {f}{b}{l} fs bs (inst t' t)
interp fs (bs ++ (fs ⟦ t' ⟧) ∷ []) t
iInst (free x) y = y
iInst {b = b}(bound x) y with tighten{b} x
iInst {fs = fs}{bs = bs}{t' = t'}(bound ._) y | inj₁ refl
rewrite veclast _ (fs ⟦ t' ⟧) bs = iRelaxBound t' (level-subst-remove (level-cong t') y)
iInst {fs = fs}{bs = bs}{t' = t'}(bound .(inject+ 1 i)) y | inj₂ (i , refl)
rewrite lookup-++ˡ bs (fs ⟦ t' ⟧ ∷ []) i = y
iInst unit y = y
iInst {f}{b'}(a ⇒ b) g y = iInst{f}{b'} b $ g $ iInst'{f}{b'} a y
iInst {f}{b}(∀' t) g A = iInst {f} {suc b} t (g A)
iInst' (free x) y = y
iInst' {b = b}(bound x) y with tighten {b} x
iInst' {fs = fs}{bs = bs}{t' = t'}(bound ._) y | inj₁ refl
rewrite veclast _ (fs ⟦ t' ⟧) bs = level-subst-add (level-cong t') $ iRelaxBound' t' y
iInst' {fs = fs}{bs = bs}{t' = t'}(bound .(inject+ 1 i)) y | inj₂ (i , refl)
rewrite lookup-++ˡ bs (fs ⟦ t' ⟧ ∷ []) i = y
iInst' unit y = y
iInst' {f}{b'}(a ⇒ b) g y = iInst'{f}{b'} b $ g $ iInst{f}{b'} a y
iInst' {f}{b}(∀' t) g A = iInst' {f} {suc b} t (g A)
-- ------------------------------------- Evaluation -----------------------------------------------
data Env : {f} Vec Set f Context f Set₁ where
[] : Env [] []
term : {f l ts cxt t} interp {f}{0}{l} ts [] t Env ts cxt Env ts (term t cxt)
type : {f ts cxt t} Env {f} ts cxt Env (t ∷ ts) (type cxt)
lookupTerm : {l f fs cxt t} Var {l} {f} cxt t Env fs cxt interp fs [] t
lookupTerm here (term x env) = x
lookupTerm (term v) (term x env) = lookupTerm v env
lookupTerm (type {t = t} v) (type env) = iRaiseFree t $ lookupTerm v env
eval : {f l cxt fs t} Env fs cxt Term {f} cxt {l} t interp fs [] t
eval env unit = tt
eval env (var x) = lookupTerm x env
eval env (λ' _ e) x = eval (term x env) e
eval env (f $' x) = eval env f (eval env x)
eval env (Λ {t = t} e) A = iAbst t $ eval (type env) e
eval {fs = fs} env (_$*_ {t = t} f t') = iInst {b = 0} t $ eval env f (fs ⟦ t' ⟧)
-- examples
levelof : {l}{t : Type 0 0 l} Term [] t
levelof {l} _ = l
-- Λ a. λ (x : a). x
ID : Term [] _
ID = Λ (λ' (free zero) (var here))
-- Λ a b. λ (x : a) (y : b). x
CONST : Term [] _
CONST = Λ (Λ (λ' (free (suc zero)) (λ' (free zero) (var (term here)))))
-- Λ a. λ (x : a). Λ b. λ (y : b). x
CONST' : Term [] _
CONST' = Λ (λ' (free zero) (Λ (λ' (free zero) (var (term (type here))))))
-- Λ a. λ (id : Λ a. a → a) (x : a). id [a] x
IDAPP : Term [] _
IDAPP = Λ (λ' (∀' (bound zero ⇒ bound zero)) (λ' (free zero) (var (term here) $* free zero $' var here)))
evaltest : eval [] IDAPP ℕ (eval [] ID) 1010
evaltest = refl
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