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Last active December 8, 2023 04:45
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ChatGPT function calling sample with Product search API
import openai
import random
import json
openai.api_key = "YOUR_OPEN_API_KEY"
def search_printer_products(model_name=None, manufacturer=None, release_date_from=None, release_date_to=None,
price_min=None, price_max=None, paper_size=None, color_printing=None,
tray_capacity_min=None, tray_capacity_max=None, ink_cost_min=None, ink_cost_max=None,
width_min=None, width_max=None, depth_min=None, depth_max=None,
height_min=None, height_max=None, color_print_speed_min=None, color_print_speed_max=None,
mono_print_speed_min=None, mono_print_speed_max=None, scan_function=None,
duplex_printing=None, copy_function=None, fax_function=None, features=None):
params = {
'model_name': model_name,
'manufacturer': manufacturer,
'release_date_from': release_date_from,
'release_date_to': release_date_to,
'price_min': price_min,
'price_max': price_max,
'paper_size': paper_size,
'color_printing': color_printing,
'tray_capacity_min': tray_capacity_min,
'tray_capacity_max': tray_capacity_max,
'ink_cost_min': ink_cost_min,
'ink_cost_max': ink_cost_max,
'width_min': width_min,
'width_max': width_max,
'depth_min': depth_min,
'depth_max': depth_max,
'height_min': height_min,
'height_max': height_max,
'color_print_speed_min': color_print_speed_min,
'color_print_speed_max': color_print_speed_max,
'mono_print_speed_min': mono_print_speed_min,
'mono_print_speed_max': mono_print_speed_max,
'scan_function': scan_function,
'duplex_printing': duplex_printing,
'copy_function': copy_function,
'fax_function': fax_function,
'features': features
# Noneでないパラメータのみを含める
params = {k: v for k, v in params.items() if v is not None}
return str(params)
my_functions = [
"name": "search_printer_products",
"description": "Searches for printer products based on specified criteria and returns their information.",
"parameters": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"model_name": {
"type": "string", "description": "The model name of the printer."
"manufacturer": {
"type": "string", "enum": ["Company A", "Company B", "Company C", "Company D"], "description": "The name of the printer's manufacturer."
"release_date_from": {
"type": "string", "description": "The start range of the release date (YYYY-MM-DD)."
"release_date_to": {
"type": "string", "description": "The end range of the release date (YYYY-MM-DD)."
"price_min": {
"type": "number", "description": "The minimum price of the printer (in yen)."
"price_max": {
"type": "number", "description": "The maximum price of the printer (in yen)."
"paper_size": {
"type": "string", "description": "The compatible paper size."
"color_printing": {
"type": "boolean", "description": "Whether color printing is available or not."
"tray_capacity_min": {
"type": "number", "description": "The minimum tray capacity (in sheets)."
"tray_capacity_max": {
"type": "number", "description": "The maximum tray capacity (in sheets)."
"ink_cost_min": {
"type": "number", "description": "The minimum ink cost (in yen)."
"ink_cost_max": {
"type": "number", "description": "The maximum ink cost (in yen)."
"width_min": {
"type": "number", "description": "The minimum width (in mm)."
"width_max": {
"type": "number", "description": "The maximum width (in mm)."
"depth_min": {
"type": "number", "description": "The minimum depth (in mm)."
"depth_max": {
"type": "number", "description": "The maximum depth (in mm)."
"height_min": {
"type": "number", "description": "The minimum height (in mm)."
"height_max": {
"type": "number", "description": "The maximum height (in mm)."
"color_print_speed_min": {
"type": "number", "description": "The minimum color print speed (pages per minute)."
"color_print_speed_max": {
"type": "number", "description": "The maximum color print speed (pages per minute)."
"mono_print_speed_min": {
"type": "number", "description": "The minimum monochrome print speed (pages per minute)."
"mono_print_speed_max": {
"type": "number", "description": "The maximum monochrome print speed (pages per minute)."
"scan_function": {
"type": "boolean", "description": "Whether scanning function is available or not."
"duplex_printing": {
"type": "boolean", "description": "Whether duplex printing function is available or not."
"copy_function": {
"type": "boolean", "description": "Whether copy function is available or not."
"fax_function": {
"type": "boolean", "description": "Whether fax function is available or not."
"features": {
"type": "string", "description": "The features of the printer (free-form text)."
"required": []
# 会話履歴を保持するリスト
conversation_history = []
while True:
prompt = input("input message: ")
if prompt == "終了":
# 会話履歴にユーザーのメッセージを追加
conversation_history.append({"role": "user", "content": prompt})
# print(conversation_history)
# 会話履歴が10件を超えた場合、最も古いメッセージを削除
if len(conversation_history) > 10:
# ChatGPTの応答を取得
completion = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
response = completion.choices[0]
if "function_call" in response["message"]:
# 関数の呼び出し処理
# print("function_call")
function_call = response["message"]["function_call"]
function_name = function_call["name"]
function_args = json.loads(function_call.get("arguments", "{}"))
# ここで関数に応じた処理を実装
if function_name == "search_printer_products":
# 引数を取得
model_name = function_args.get("model_name")
manufacturer = function_args.get("manufacturer")
release_date_from = function_args.get("release_date_from")
release_date_to = function_args.get("release_date_to")
price_min = function_args.get("price_min")
price_max = function_args.get("price_max")
paper_size = function_args.get("paper_size")
color_printing = function_args.get("color_printing")
tray_capacity_min = function_args.get("tray_capacity_min")
tray_capacity_max = function_args.get("tray_capacity_max")
ink_cost_min = function_args.get("ink_cost_min")
ink_cost_max = function_args.get("ink_cost_max")
width_min = function_args.get("width_min")
width_max = function_args.get("width_max")
depth_min = function_args.get("depth_min")
depth_max = function_args.get("depth_max")
height_min = function_args.get("height_min")
height_max = function_args.get("height_max")
color_print_speed_min = function_args.get("color_print_speed_min")
color_print_speed_max = function_args.get("color_print_speed_max")
mono_print_speed_min = function_args.get("mono_print_speed_min")
mono_print_speed_max = function_args.get("mono_print_speed_max")
scan_function = function_args.get("scan_function")
duplex_printing = function_args.get("duplex_printing")
copy_function = function_args.get("copy_function")
fax_function = function_args.get("fax_function")
features = function_args.get("features")
# 関数を呼び出し
function_response = search_printer_products(
model_name, manufacturer, release_date_from, release_date_to,
price_min, price_max, paper_size, color_printing,
tray_capacity_min, tray_capacity_max, ink_cost_min, ink_cost_max,
width_min, width_max, depth_min, depth_max,
height_min, height_max, color_print_speed_min, color_print_speed_max,
mono_print_speed_min, mono_print_speed_max, scan_function,
duplex_printing, copy_function, fax_function, features
conversation_history.append({"role": "assistant", "content": function_response})
# 結果を出力
print(f"Function response: {function_response}")
# 他の関数に対する処理もここに追加
# 通常のメッセージ処理
message = response.get("message", {}).get("content", "")
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