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Last active February 1, 2021 16:58
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A sample controller for a Visualizer component.
//Break component code into separate modules and load them as dependencies.
define(["./animateIn, ./validateSomething"], function(animateIn, validateSomething) {
// Static constant. Shared across instances of this component. Can't be changed.
const SOME_CONSTANT = 3.14159;
// Static variable. Shared across instances of this component. Can be changed by any instance.
var count = 0;
// Static function. Shared by all instances of this component. Can't be changed.
const doFoo = () => { //Use function instead of => for older browsers.
return "Hello world";
// Functions specific to each instance of this component.
return {
// Variables individual to each instance of this component.
bar: "bar",
// Functions individual to each instance of this component.
hideStuff: function(b){
// Position stuff out of sight or give it opacity 0.
//Note: NEVER declare init for a component. It will cause an error. Use the constructor for init work.
preShow: function(){
// Do things like placing widgets out of sight. —e.g.
// this.hideStuff();
postShow: function(){
// Do things like animating stuff back in, call services, pupulate data
// or bind widget events. —e.g.:
// this.view.doFooButton.onClick = doFoo;
// this.view.barLabel =;
// animateIn(this.view.someAnimatedWidget);
onHide: function(){
// Do things like freeing up and reseting variables.
//Use the constructor to bind preShow, postShow and onHide.
constructor: function(/*baseConfig, layoutConfig, pspConfig*/) {
this.view.preShow = this.preShow;
this.view.postShow = this.postShow;
this.view.onHide = this.onHide;
//Logic for getters/setters of custom properties
initGettersSetters: function() {
//Field foo
defineGetter(this, "foo", () => {return this._foo;});
defineSetter(this, "foo", (foo) => {this._foo = foo;});
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