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Created February 21, 2020 07:31
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UoA Engineering ENGGEN 131 s2 2019 MATLAB project
function [medianImage , maxImage] = SixLiner(dirName , fileType)
% SixLiner: does the matlab project in six lines of code
% inputs : dirName = directory of the images
% fileType = file extension type of the images
% outputs :medianImage = image background
% maxImage = images combined on background
% by simon shan
% ---------------- 6 lines ---------------- %
dirFiles = dir(dirName + "/*." + fileType);
images = cellfun(@imread , dirName+ "/" + {}, 'UniformOutput', false);
% remove action %
medianImage = median(cat(4 , images{:}) , 4);
% action shot %
[~,index] = max(sum((double(cat(4 , images{:})) - double(medianImage)) .^ 2 , 3) , [] , 4);
layerIndex(1 , 1 , 1 , 1:length(images)) = 1 : length(images);
maxImage = uint8(sum(double(cat(4 , images{:})) .* (index == layerIndex) , 4));
% ---------------- 6 lines ---------------- %
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