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Created December 24, 2010 17:30
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<apply template="layout">
<bind tag="bodycontent">
<div class="posts">
<collection name="posts" template="/posts/_post"/>
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Splices.MongoDB where
import Prelude
import qualified Prelude as P
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.UString (u)
import qualified Data.UString as U
import Database.MongoDB
import qualified Database.MongoDB as Mongo
import Snap.Extension.MongoDB
import Text.Templating.Heist
import Snap.Extension.Heist
import qualified Text.XML.Expat.Tree as X
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
localTS :: (Monad m)
=> (TemplateState m -> TemplateState m)
-> TemplateMonad m a
-> TemplateMonad m a
localTS fn action = do
ts <- getTS
putTS (fn ts)
result <- action
putTS ts
return result
getParamAttr :: (Monad m) => ByteString -> TemplateMonad m (Maybe ByteString)
getParamAttr k = do
node <- getParamNode
return $ X.getAttribute node k
getRequiredAttribute :: (Monad m) => ByteString -> TemplateMonad m ByteString
getRequiredAttribute name = fromJust `liftM` getParamAttr name
stringValue :: (Monad m) => Document -> Splice m
stringValue doc = do
fieldName <- getRequiredAttribute "name"
fieldValue <- B.pack `liftM` Mongo.lookup (U.pack $ B.unpack fieldName) doc
return [X.Text fieldValue]
ifNothing :: (Monad m) => Document -> Splice m
ifNothing doc = do
node <- getParamNode
fieldName <- getRequiredAttribute "name"
let children = X.eChildren node
let value = Mongo.look (U.pack $ B.unpack fieldName) doc :: Maybe Value
return $ maybe children (const []) value
ifPresent :: (Monad m) => Document -> Splice m
ifPresent doc = do
node <- getParamNode
fieldName <- getRequiredAttribute "name"
let children = X.eChildren node
let value = Mongo.look (U.pack $ B.unpack fieldName) doc :: Maybe Value
return $ maybe [] (const children) value
collectionSplice :: (MonadHeist n m, MonadMongoDB m) => Splice m
collectionSplice = do
collectionName <- getRequiredAttribute "name"
templateName <- getRequiredAttribute "template"
let uCollectionName = U.pack $ B.unpack collectionName
result <- lift $ withDB (find (select [] uCollectionName) >>= rest)
case result of
Left e -> return $ [X.Text (B.pack $ show e)]
Right collection -> do
templates <- forM collection $ \doc -> do
let splices = [ ("ifNothing", ifNothing doc)
, ("ifPresent", ifPresent doc)
, ("stringValue", stringValue doc)]
localTS (bindSplices splices) (fromJust `liftM` callTemplate templateName [])
return $ concat templates
<div class="post">
<p class="title"><stringValue name="title"/></p>
<div class="content">
<stringValue name="content"/>
<div class="meta">
<ifNothing name="createdAt">
This text is here because there is no createdAt
<ifPresent name="createdAt">
This text is here because there is a createdAt
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