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Created June 5, 2019 21:45
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Hello world with formal verification
;; "Hello, world!" smart contract/module
;; Define the module.
(module hello-world MODULE_ADMIN
"A smart contract to greet the world."
; no-op module admin for example purposes.
; in a real contract this could enforce a keyset, or
; tally votes, etc.
(defcap MODULE_ADMIN () true)
(defschema message-schema
@doc "Message schema"
@model [(invariant (!= msg ""))]
(defun set-message
"Set the message that will be used next"
(write message "0" {"msg": m})
(defun greet ()
"Do the hello-world dance"
(with-default-read message "0" { "msg": "" } { "msg":= msg }
(format "Hello {}!" [msg])))
(create-table message)
(set-message "world")
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