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Created December 12, 2020 23:42
The design goal of this module is to abstract over the differences between `pact
-s` servers and full chainweb nodes. The library handles the details of
detecting what kind of server you're talking to, getting the information about
the server such as what chains are currently supported, etc. It provides a
convenient API for constructing Pact transactions, including some high level
porcelain for common transactions such as basic fungible transfers, safe
transfers, etc. It also handles detection of the ChainwebVersion and takes this
into account properly when querying pact endpoints.
Future work:
Add some more convenience functions for outputting the unsigned transaction YAML
expected by pact to facilitate the construction of transactions that can be
signed with a cold wallet.
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module KadenaPorcelain where
import qualified Chainweb.Api.ChainId as CID
import Chainweb.Api.NodeInfo
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Error
import Control.Lens hiding ((.=))
import Control.Monad
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Lens
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as B16
import Data.Decimal
import Data.Default
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.List.NonEmpty
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.String
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding
import Data.Time
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Network.Connection
import Network.HTTP.Client
import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status
import Pact.ApiReq
import Pact.Parse
import Pact.Server.API
import Pact.Types.API
import Pact.Types.Capability
import Pact.Types.ChainId
import Pact.Types.ChainMeta
import Pact.Types.Command
import Pact.Types.Crypto
import Pact.Types.Exp
import Pact.Types.Gas
import Pact.Types.Hash
import Pact.Types.PactValue
import Pact.Types.Pretty
import Pact.Types.RPC
import Pact.Types.Term
import Pact.Types.Util
import Servant.Client hiding (responseBody)
import System.FilePath
import Text.Printf
newtype NodeUrl = NodeUrl { nodeUrl :: Text }
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read,IsString)
nodeUrlStr :: NodeUrl -> String
nodeUrlStr = T.unpack . nodeUrl
data ServerType = PactServer | ChainwebServer
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
data Env = Env
{ _env_server :: NodeUrl
, _env_clientManager :: Manager
, _env_clientEnv :: ClientEnv
, _env_serverType :: ServerType
, _env_nodeInfo :: Maybe NodeInfo
-- ^ mainnet01, testnet04, etc or Nothing if it's a pact -s server
getEnv :: NodeUrl -> IO (Either String Env)
getEnv h = do
case parseRequest (T.unpack infoUrl) of
Nothing -> return $ Left ("Could not parse '" <> nodeUrlStr h <> "'")
Just req -> do
mgr <- if secure req
then newTlsManagerWith (mkManagerSettings (TLSSettingsSimple True False False) Nothing)
else newManager defaultManagerSettings
url <- parseBaseUrl (nodeUrlStr h)
let clientEnv = mkClientEnv mgr url
resp <- httpLbs req mgr
if statusIsSuccessful (responseStatus resp)
then do
case eitherDecode (responseBody resp) of
Left e -> return $ Left ("Error decoding response: " <> e)
Right ni -> do
cwUrl <- parseBaseUrl (nodeUrlStr h </> "chainweb/0.0" </> T.unpack (_nodeInfo_chainwebVer ni))
return $ Right $ Env h mgr (mkClientEnv mgr cwUrl) ChainwebServer (Just ni)
else do
case parseRequest (T.unpack versionUrl) of
Nothing -> return $ Left ("Could not parse '" <> T.unpack versionUrl <> "'")
Just req2 -> do
resp2 <- httpLbs req2 mgr
if statusIsSuccessful (responseStatus resp2)
then return $ Right $ Env h mgr clientEnv PactServer Nothing
else return $ Left ("Error requesting from " <> T.unpack versionUrl)
infoUrl = nodeUrl h <> "/info"
versionUrl = nodeUrl h <> "/version"
minPrice :: GasPrice
minPrice = GasPrice $ ParsedDecimal 0.000000000001
chain0 :: ChainId
chain0 = ChainId "0"
importKeyFile :: FilePath -> IO SomeKeyPair
importKeyFile keyFile = do
v :: Value <- decodeYaml keyFile
let ekp = do
-- These keys are from genKeys in Main.hs. Might want to convert to a
-- dedicated data type at some point.
pub <- parseB16TextOnly =<< note "Error parsing public key" (v ^? key "public" . _String)
sec <- parseB16TextOnly =<< note "Error parsing secret key" (v ^? key "secret" . _String)
importKeyPair defaultScheme (Just $ PubBS pub) (PrivBS sec)
case ekp of
Left e -> error $ "Could not parse key file " <> keyFile <> ": " <> e
Right kp -> return kp
getPubKey :: SomeKeyPair -> Pact.Types.Term.PublicKey
getPubKey = PublicKey . B16.encode . getPublic
keysetFromFiles :: Text -> [FilePath] -> IO KeySet
keysetFromFiles p fs = do
keys <- mapM (fmap getPubKey . importKeyFile) fs
return $ mkKeySet keys p
mkCap :: Maybe NamespaceName -> Text -> Text -> [PactValue] -> SigCapability
mkCap ns mn cap args = SigCapability qn args
qn = QualifiedName (ModuleName mn ns) cap def
data Tx = Tx
{ _tx_sigs :: [SomeKeyPairCaps]
, _tx_chain :: ChainId
, _tx_sender :: Text
, _tx_gasLimit :: GasLimit
, _tx_gasPrice :: GasPrice
, _tx_creationTime :: Maybe POSIXTime
, _tx_ttl :: Integer
, _tx_code :: Text
, _tx_envData :: Value
} deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''Tx
defaultTTL :: Integer
defaultTTL = 3600
mkTx :: Text -> Text -> Value -> Tx
mkTx sender code envData = Tx [] "0" sender 600 minPrice Nothing defaultTTL code envData
mkTxChain :: ChainId -> Text -> Text -> Value -> Tx
mkTxChain cid sender code envData = Tx [] cid sender 600 minPrice Nothing defaultTTL code envData
signWithCaps :: [SigCapability] -> SomeKeyPair -> Tx -> Tx
signWithCaps caps kp = over tx_sigs ((kp, caps):)
nodePactRoot :: ServerType -> ChainId -> String
nodePactRoot PactServer _ = ""
nodePactRoot ChainwebServer c = "chain" </> T.unpack (_chainId c) </> "pact"
runPact :: (t -> ClientM a) -> Env -> ChainId -> t -> IO (Either ClientError a)
runPact theEndpoint e cid sb = do
let ce = _env_clientEnv e
let p = baseUrlPath (baseUrl ce) </> nodePactRoot (_env_serverType e) cid
let pactEnv = ce { baseUrl = (baseUrl ce) { baseUrlPath = p } }
runClientM (theEndpoint sb) pactEnv
txToExecCmd :: Tx -> Env -> IO (Command ByteString)
txToExecCmd tx e = do
now <- (subtract 30) <$> getPOSIXTime
let ctPosix = fromMaybe now $ _tx_creationTime tx
let ct = TxCreationTime $ ParsedInteger $ round ctPosix
ttl = TTLSeconds $ ParsedInteger defaultTTL
meta = toJSON $ PublicMeta (_tx_chain tx) (_tx_sender tx) (_tx_gasLimit tx) (_tx_gasPrice tx) ttl ct
mkCommand (_tx_sigs tx) meta (T.pack $ show $ posixSecondsToUTCTime now)
(NetworkId . _nodeInfo_chainwebVer <$> _env_nodeInfo e) (Exec $ ExecMsg (_tx_code tx) (_tx_envData tx))
local :: Env -> ChainId -> (Env -> IO (Command ByteString)) -> IO (Either ClientError (CommandResult Hash))
local e cid mkCmd = do
c <- mkCmd e
putStrLn "--- running local command ---"
putStrLn $ T.unpack $ decodeUtf8 $ _cmdPayload c
putStrLn "-----------------------"
runPact localClient e cid (decodeUtf8 <$> c)
localTx :: Env -> Tx -> IO (Either ClientError (CommandResult Hash))
localTx e tx = local e (_tx_chain tx) (txToExecCmd tx)
send :: Env -> ChainId -> (Env -> IO (Command ByteString)) -> IO (Either ClientError RequestKeys)
send e cid mkCmd = do
c <- mkCmd e
putStrLn "--- sending command ---"
putStrLn $ T.unpack $ decodeUtf8 $ _cmdPayload c
putStrLn "-----------------------"
runPact sendClient e cid (SubmitBatch ((decodeUtf8 <$> c) :| []))
toPactChainId :: CID.ChainId -> ChainId
toPactChainId = ChainId . T.pack . show . CID.unChainId
forAllChains :: Env -> (ChainId -> IO a) -> IO [a]
forAllChains e go = do
let chains = maybe [chain0] (fmap toPactChainId . S.toList . _nodeInfo_chains) $ _env_nodeInfo e
forM chains (\c -> go c)
sendAllChains :: Env -> (ChainId -> Env -> IO (Command ByteString)) -> IO [(ChainId, Either ClientError RequestKeys)]
sendAllChains e mkCmd = do
forAllChains e $ \c -> do
res <- send e c (mkCmd c)
return (c, res)
sendTx :: Env -> Tx -> IO (Either ClientError RequestKeys)
sendTx e tx = send e (_tx_chain tx) (txToExecCmd tx)
pollRKS :: Env -> ChainId -> RequestKeys -> IO (Either ClientError PollResponses)
pollRKS e cid rks = do
runPact pollClient e cid (Poll (_rkRequestKeys rks))
poll :: Env -> ChainId -> Text -> IO (Either ClientError PollResponses)
poll e cid rk = pollRKS e cid (RequestKeys (RequestKey h :| []))
Right h = fromText' rk
:: Env
-> ChainId
-> (Env -> IO (Command ByteString))
-> IO (Either String (HM.HashMap RequestKey (CommandResult Hash)))
sendAndPoll env cid mkCmd = do
erks <- send env cid mkCmd
case erks of
Left e -> return $ Left $ show e
Right rks -> doPoll rks
doPoll rks = do
let delay = case _env_serverType env of
PactServer -> 1_000_000
ChainwebServer -> 10_000_000
threadDelay delay
pollRes <- pollRKS env cid rks
case pollRes of
Left e -> return $ Left $ show e
Right (PollResponses rs) ->
if HM.null rs then doPoll rks else return $ Right rs
getTimeNonce :: IO Text
getTimeNonce = T.pack . show <$> getCurrentTime
localPact :: NodeUrl
localPact = "http://localhost:4443"
localChainweb :: NodeUrl
localChainweb = "https://localhost:4443"
testnet :: NodeUrl
testnet = ""
mainnet :: NodeUrl
mainnet = ""
gasCap :: SigCapability
gasCap = mkCap Nothing "coin" "GAS" []
transferCap :: Text -> Text -> Decimal -> SigCapability
transferCap f t amt = mkCap Nothing "coin" "TRANSFER" [PLiteral $ LString f, PLiteral $ LString t, PLiteral $ LDecimal amt]
-- | Unsafe function for constructing a public key from a base16 text
-- representation. Suitable for constructing keysets with mkKeySet.
b16PubKey :: Text -> Pact.Types.Term.PublicKey
b16PubKey t = case parseB16TextOnly t of
Left _ -> error (T.unpack t ++ " is not a valid public key")
Right _ -> Pact.Types.Term.PublicKey $ encodeUtf8 t
renderPactDecimal :: Decimal -> Text
renderPactDecimal = renderCompactText . LDecimal
-- | Simple function for constructing a single-sig keyset guard.
keyGuard :: Pact.Types.Term.PublicKey -> Guard PactValue
keyGuard pubKey = GKeySet $ mkKeySet [pubKey] "keys-all"
-- Convenience functions for doing transfers. These functions create the Tx
-- value but do not add any signatures. It is your responsibility to add the
-- correct signatures and capabilities.
transfer :: Text -> Text -> Text -> Decimal -> ChainId -> Tx
transfer token f t amt cid =
mkTxChain cid f code Null
code = T.pack $ printf "(%s.transfer %s %s %s)"
token (show f) (show t) (renderPactDecimal amt)
transferCreate :: Text -> Guard PactValue -> Text -> Text -> Decimal -> ChainId -> Tx
transferCreate token g f t amt cid =
mkTxChain cid f code (object ["ks" .= toJSON g])
code = T.pack $ printf "(%s.transfer-create %s %s (read-keyset 'ks) %s)"
token (show f) (show t) (renderPactDecimal amt)
signXfer :: SomeKeyPair -> (Text -> Text -> Decimal -> ChainId -> Tx) -> Text -> Text -> Decimal -> ChainId -> Tx
signXfer fromKeyPair xferFunc f t amt cid = do
signWithCaps [gasCap, transferCap f t amt] fromKeyPair $ xferFunc f t amt cid
-- | Constructs and signs a safe transfer transaction
safeTransfer :: SomeKeyPair -> SomeKeyPair -> Text -> Guard PactValue -> Text -> Text -> Decimal -> ChainId -> Tx
safeTransfer fromKey toKey token g f t amt cid =
signWithCaps [gasCap, transferCap f t (amt + epsilon)] fromKey $
signWithCaps [transferCap t f epsilon] toKey $
set tx_gasLimit 1500 $
mkTxChain cid f code (object ["ks" .= toJSON g])
epsilon = 0.000000000001 :: Decimal
code = T.unlines [there, back]
there = T.pack $ printf "(%s.transfer-create %s %s (read-keyset 'ks) (+ %s %s))"
token (show f) (show t) (renderPactDecimal amt) (renderPactDecimal epsilon)
back = T.pack $ printf "(%s.transfer %s %s %s)"
token (show t) (show f) (renderPactDecimal epsilon)
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