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Forked from yufengwng/arch_cheatsheet.txt
Created March 2, 2021 02:53
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Arch Linux Commands Cheatsheet
view logs: /var/log/pacman.log
update system
# pacman -Syu
list installed packages
# pacman -Q
list packages no longer required by others
# pacman -Qdtq
search installed packages
# pacman -Qs <name>
search packages
# pacman -Ss <name>
install packages
# pacman -S <name>
remove package, its dependencies and config file backups
# pacman -Rns <name>
clean old packages in cache
# pacman -Sc
same as pacman
unit files: /usr/lib/systemd/system/ or /etc/systemd/system/
list running units
$ systemctl
check status
$ systemctl status <unit>
start/stop a service
# systemctl (start|stop) <unit>
enable/disable a service at bootup
# systemctl (enable|disable) <unit>
reload systemd
# systemctl daemon-reload
manual install of AUR packages
update repositories
# pacman -Sy
grab the package
$ curl -O <url> (e.g.
untar package
$ tar xzvf <package.tar.gz>
change into package directory
$ cd <package>
build and install
$ makepkg -si
java environments
check status
$ archlinux-java status
set default version
# archlinux-java set <version>
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