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Created March 28, 2016 15:40
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(C)opyright 2015 by Miguel Negrão
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Sound.MN.MIDI where
import Text.Show.Pretty
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Lazy
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Data.Map (fromList, toList, Map, lookup)
import Reactive.Banana
import Reactive.Banana.Frameworks
data StringOrInt = IsString String | IsInt Int deriving (Show, Read)
instance Eq StringOrInt where
(IsString _) == (IsInt _) = False
(IsInt _) == (IsString _) = False
(IsString a) == (IsString b) = a == b
(IsInt a) == (IsInt b) = a == b
instance Ord StringOrInt where
(IsString _) <= (IsInt _) = True
(IsInt _) <= (IsString _) = False
(IsString a) <= (IsString b) = a <= b
(IsInt a) <= (IsInt b) = a <= b
data KtlControlType = Slider | Knob | Button deriving (Show)
-- make chan word8 and midinum word32, possibly more efficient
data MKtlObj = MKtlObj{ midiChan::Int, midiNum::Int, ktltype::KtlControlType } deriving (Show)
--type MKtlObject = Int
data MKtlNode a = MKtlEndNode a | MKtlArrayNode [MKtlNode a] | MKtlMapNode (Map String (MKtlNode a)) deriving (Show)
data MKtl0 a = MKtl0 (Map String (MKtlNode a)) deriving (Show)
type MKtl = MKtl0 MKtlObj
type KtlTag = [StringOrInt]
type Channel = Int
type CC = Int
type MIDIValue = Double
type MIDIMessage = (Channel, CC, MIDIValue)
ktl :: String -> [StringOrInt]
ktl s = [IsString s]
--(!) :: CanBeStringOrInt a => [StringOrInt] -> a -> [StringOrInt]
--(!) xs x = (toStringOrInt x) : xs
(!) :: [StringOrInt] -> Int -> [StringOrInt]
(!) xs x = (IsInt x) : xs
(<!) :: [StringOrInt] -> String -> [StringOrInt]
(<!) xs x = (IsString x) : xs
createDict' :: MKtlNode MKtlObj -> ReaderT KtlTag (Writer [(KtlTag,(Int,Int))]) ()
createDict' (MKtlEndNode (MKtlObj midiChan midiNum ktltype)) = do
tag <- ask
(lift.tell) [(tag,(midiChan,midiNum))]
createDict' (MKtlArrayNode xs) = sequence_ $ zipWith f xs [0..(length xs - 1)] where
f node i = local (! i) $ createDict' node
createDict' (MKtlMapNode m) = sequence_ $ fmap f (toList m) where
f (tag,node) = local (<! tag) $ createDict' node
createDict :: MKtl0 MKtlObj -> Map KtlTag (Int, Int)
createDict (MKtl0 m) = fromList $ (snd . runIdentity . runWriterT . runReaderT z) [] where
z = sequence_ $ fmap f (toList m)
f (tag,node) = local (<! tag) $ createDict' node
f ktltype = fmap (\(xs,ys) -> MKtlArrayNode $ zipWith (\cc ch -> MKtlEndNode MKtlObj{ midiChan=ch, midiNum=cc, ktltype=ktltype }) xs ys)
nano = MKtl0 $ fromList [
("sl", MKtlArrayNode sl),
("kn", MKtlArrayNode kn),
("bt", MKtlArrayNode bt),
("rew", MKtlEndNode MKtlObj{ midiChan=0, midiNum=47, ktltype=Button }),
("play", MKtlEndNode MKtlObj{ midiChan=0, midiNum=45, ktltype=Button }),
("fwd", MKtlEndNode MKtlObj{ midiChan=0, midiNum=48, ktltype=Button }),
("loop", MKtlEndNode MKtlObj{ midiChan=0, midiNum=49, ktltype=Button }),
("stop", MKtlEndNode MKtlObj{ midiChan=0, midiNum=46, ktltype=Button }),
("rec", MKtlEndNode MKtlObj{ midiChan=0, midiNum=44, ktltype=Button })
] where
bt = fmap (MKtlArrayNode.(fmap (\(xs,ys) -> MKtlArrayNode $ zipWith (\cc ch -> MKtlEndNode MKtlObj{ midiChan=ch, midiNum=cc, ktltype=Button }) xs ys))) [
[ ([23..31], replicate 9 0 ), ([33..41], replicate 9 0 ) ],
[ ([67..75], replicate 9 0 ), ([76..84], replicate 9 0 ) ],
[ ([107..115], replicate 9 0 ), ([116..124], replicate 9 0 )],
[ (replicate 9 16, 16:[1..8] ), ( replicate 9 17, [0..8] ) ]
sl = f Slider [
( [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13 ], replicate 9 0 ),
( [ 42, 43, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56 ], replicate 9 0 ),
( [ 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93 ], replicate 9 0 ),
( replicate 9 7, [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] )
kn = f Knob [
( [14..22], replicate 9 0 ),
( [57..63]++[65,66], replicate 9 0 ),
( [94..97]++[102..106], replicate 9 0 ),
( replicate 9 10, [0..8] )
--putStrLn $ ppShow nano
nanoDict = createDict nano
ktlE :: KtlTag -> Event t MIDIMessage -> Event t MIDIValue
ktlE ktlTag e = (\(ch,cc,x) -> x) <$> (filterE (\(ch,cc,x) -> Just (ch,cc) == Data.Map.lookup ktlTag nanoDict) e)
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