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- scsynth trie to load supernova plugins.
# User Test Checklist
## 1 Check that correct files & directories are made at startup & shutdown
1. Clear userAppSupport, systemAppSupport directories
2. Start SuperCollider (IDE)
3. Files & folders should be:
- downloaded-quarks (empty)
- Help (help files)
- HistoryLogs (empty)
- sc\_ide\_conf.yaml
- sessions (empty)
- synthdefs (empty)
root@mbp:/home/aÖßæ# ls -l .local/share/SuperCollider/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 1 aÖßæ aÖßæ 0 jul 21 14:00 downloaded-quarks
drwxr-xr-x 1 aÖßæ aÖßæ 448 jul 21 14:00 Help
drwxr-xr-x 1 aÖßæ aÖßæ 0 jul 21 14:00 HistoryLogs
drwxr-xr-x 1 aÖßæ aÖßæ 0 jul 21 14:00 synthdefs
root@mbp:/home/aÖßæ# ls -l .config/SuperCollider/
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 aÖßæ aÖßæ 1208 jul 21 14:04 sc_ide_conf.yaml
drwxr-xr-x 1 aÖßæ aÖßæ 64 jul 21 14:04 sessions
4. Close the IDE
5. Files & folders are the same except for
- archive.sctxar
root@mbp:/home/aÖßæ# ls -l .local/share/SuperCollider/
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 aÖßæ aÖßæ 478 jul 21 14:04 archive.sctxar
drwxr-xr-x 1 aÖßæ aÖßæ 0 jul 21 14:00 downloaded-quarks
drwxr-xr-x 1 aÖßæ aÖßæ 448 jul 21 14:00 Help
drwxr-xr-x 1 aÖßæ aÖßæ 0 jul 21 14:00 HistoryLogs
drwxr-xr-x 1 aÖßæ aÖßæ 0 jul 21 14:00 synthdefs
## 2 Check that all components boot (scsynth, scide, supernova, scdoc/help browser)
1. Does the IDE boot?
2. Does sclang boot after the IDE?
3. Does the help browser boot after sclang?
4. Can you navigate in the help browser?
5. Code script:
3 + 4 // sclang basic execution
**PROBLEM** s.boot // booting scsynth
Couldn't set realtime scheduling priority 1: Operation not permitted
SCDoc: Indexing help-files...
SCDoc: Indexed 1873 documents in 1.5 seconds
booting server 'localhost' on address:
Found 2 LADSPA plugins
*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugjackdmp 1.9.11
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
Copyright 2004-2014 Grame.
jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
JACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 10
self-connect-mode is "Don't restrict self connect requests"
Acquire audio card Audio0
creating alsa driver ... hw:0|hw:0|1024|2|48000|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit
configuring for 48000Hz, period = 1024 frames (21.3 ms), buffer = 2 periods
ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 32bit integer little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for capture
ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 32bit integer little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for playback
ins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'JackDriver: client name is 'SuperCollider'
SC_AudioDriver: sample rate = 48000.000000, driver's block size = 1024
JackDriver: connected system:capture_1 to SuperCollider:in_1
JackDriver: connected system:capture_2 to SuperCollider:in_2
JackDriver: connected SuperCollider:out_1 to system:playback_1
JackDriver: connected SuperCollider:out_2 to system:playback_2
SuperCollider 3 server ready.
JackDriver: max output latency 42.7 ms
Shared memory server interface initialized
Receiving notification messages from server 'localhost'
There are problems with supernova plugins
{, 0, 0.1) * Done.freeSelf)}.play // sound w scsynth
Server.supernova // switch to supernova
s.boot // booting supernova
booting server 'localhost' on address:
Supernova booting
Found 2 LADSPA plugins
Warning: cannot raise thread priority
samplerate mismatch between command line argument and jack
forcing samplerate of 48000Hz
Supernova ready
Warning: cannot raise thread priority
Warning: cannot raise thread priority
Warning: cannot raise thread priority
Shared memory server interface initialized
Receiving notification messages from server 'localhost'
{, 0, 0.1) * Done.freeSelf)}.play // sound w supernova
## 3a (macOS) Behavior of aliases during compilation
I ran this, but it appears this was only for macOS.
Perform these steps all in order.
### Compiling normal extensions
1. Save this file in the Extensions folder:
TestClass { *testMethod { ^5 } }
2. Recompile the class library
compiling class library...
initPassOne started
NumPrimitives = 712
initPassOne done
Compiling directory '/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary'
Compiling directory '/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions'
Compiling directory '/home/aÖßæ/.local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions'
pass 1 done
3. Can you run that method?
**PROBLEM** ### Compiling aliased extensions (duplicate class failure)
1. Create an alias of the file from step 1 of the prevous test. The name should be ` alias`
2. Recompile the class library
3. Compilation should fail. Did it?
I understood an alias to mean a symlink.
ln -s ' alias'
aÖßæ@mbp:~/.local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions$ cat\ alias
TestClass { *testMethod { ^5 } }
Compilation DID NOT fail.
### Compiling aliased extensions (success)
1. Move the original `` into the user app support directory (out of the compilation path)
2. Delete the original alias, create a new alias of ``, and move the new alias into the
extensions folder.
3. Recompile the class library
4. Can you run the method?
**PROBLEM** ### Compiling with bad alias file
1. Delete ``.
2. Recompile the class library
3. You should get an error message that the 'target missing for alias'. Did you?
Different error
ERROR: Could not read /home/aÖßæ/.local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions/ basic_ios::clear: iostream error.
4. The class library should still compile correctly. Did it?
recompiled library (without restart interpreter).
Compilation doesn't finish:
compiling class library...
I need to forcefully end interpreter and then restarting interpreter:
initPassOne done
Compiling directory '/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary'
Compiling directory '/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions'
Compiling directory '/home/aÖßæ/.local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions'
ERROR: Could not read /home/aÖßæ/.local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions/ basic_ios::clear: iostream error.
ERROR: file '/home/aÖßæ/.local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions/' open failed
Library has not been compiled successfully.
**PROBLEM** ### Compiling aliased directory
1. Delete the alias from previous tests.
2. In the user app support dir, create the following:
- `TestFolder`, a new folder
- `TestFolder/`, with the same contents as before
- `Extensions/TestFolder alias`, an alias of `TestFolder`
3. Recompile the class library
4. Compilation should succeed,
It doesn't
and you should be able to run the method. Did it, and can you?
aÖßæ@mbp:~/.local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions$ mkdir TestFolder
aÖßæ@mbp:~/.local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions$ mv ~/ TestFolder/
aÖßæ@mbp:~/.local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions$ ln -s TestFolder TestFolder.alias
aÖßæ@mbp:~/.local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions$ ls -l
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 1 aÖßæ aÖßæ 24 jul 21 14:22 TestFolder
lrwxrwxrwx 1 aÖßæ aÖßæ 10 jul 21 14:22 TestFolder.alias -> TestFolder
compiling class library...
**PROBLEM** Interpreter has crashed or stopped forcefully. [Exit code: 11]
boot interpreter:
compiling class library...
initPassOne started
NumPrimitives = 712
initPassOne done
Compiling directory '/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary'
Compiling directory '/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions'
Compiling directory '/home/aÖßæ/.local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions'
ERROR: duplicate Class found: 'TestClass'
pass 1 done
ERROR: There is a discrepancy.
numClassDeps 1635 gNumClasses 3268
Library has not been compiled successfully.
### Compiling with bad alias directory
1. Delete `TestFolder` and its contents.
2. Recompile the class library.
3. You should get a 'target missing for alias' error. Did you?
No. Got ERROR: Could not iterate on '/home/aÖßæ/.local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions/TestFolder.alias': No such file or directory
4. The class library should still compile successfully. Did it?
aÖßæ@mbp:~/.local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions$ mv TestFolder ~
aÖßæ@mbp:~/.local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions$ ls -l
total 4
lrwxrwxrwx 1 aÖßæ aÖßæ 10 jul 21 14:22 TestFolder.alias -> TestFolder
compiling class library...
initPassOne started
NumPrimitives = 712
initPassOne done
Compiling directory '/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/SCClassLibrary'
Compiling directory '/usr/local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions'
Compiling directory '/home/aÖßæ/.local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions'
ERROR: Could not iterate on '/home/aÖßæ/.local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions/TestFolder.alias': No such file or directory
pass 1 done
compile done
### Cleanup
1. Delete any leftover files or aliases in the user app support dir.
## 3b (POSIX) Compilation with symlinks
### Compiling normal extensions
1. Save this file in the Extensions folder:
TestClass { *testMethod { ^5 } }
2. Recompile the class library.
3. Can you run that method?
### Compiling symlinked extensions (same folder)
1. `cd` into the extensions directory and:
ln -s TestClass_link
2. Recompile the class library.
3. Compilation should succeed. Did it?
4. You should be able to run the test method. Can you?
### Compiling symlinked extensions (broken symlink)
1. Now:
mv ..
2. Recompile the class library.
3. Compilation should succeed with no error or warning. Did it?
No, got:
ERROR: Could not iterate on '/home/aÖßæ/.local/share/SuperCollider/Extensions/TestClass_link': No such file or directory
But it does compile the library.
4. You should not be able to run the test method. Can you?
Off course not. :-)
### Compiling symlinked extensions (out of folder)
1. Now, remove the older symlink, and add a new one pointing at moved extension file.
rm TestClass_link
ln -s ../ TestClass_link
2. Recompile the class library.
3. Compilation should succeed with no error or warning. Did it?
4. You should not be able to run the test method. Can you?
## 4 Check that Quarks work correctly
1. Run
2. Does the GUI load?
3. Try to install a Quark, such as BandSplitter.
4. Do you get an "Installed Quark: BandSplitter[1.0.0]" message?
Installing BandSplitter
Adding path: /home/aÖßæ/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/BandSplitter
BandSplitter installed
5. Check that the `downloaded-quarks` folder now contains `quarks` and `BandSplitter`
It does
6. Check that the user app support dir now contains `sclang_conf.yaml` with these contents:
It does.
- /Users/<USER'S NAME>/Library/Application Support/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/BandSplitter
postInlineWarnings: false
aÖßæ@mbp:~/.local/share/SuperCollider$ cat ~/.config/SuperCollider/sclang_conf.yaml
- /home/aÖßæ/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/BandSplitter
7. Close the Quarks GUI, and recompile the class library.
compile succeeds
8. Do you now have access to the BandSplitter class? (Or the resources of whatever you downloaded?)
## 5 Install and check sc3-plugins
1. Download [sc3-plugins](
2. Unzip and move into <userAppSupportDir>/Extensions
On linux they are installed from code. I had them already installed.
3. Recompile the class library.
4. Can you execute the following code? (scsynth)
{, 0.5, 0.5, 0.1)}.play
5. Change the folder name for DistortionUGens to something with a non-ASCII character in it.
6. Recompile the class library.
7. Can you still execute the above code?
Not applicable. Plugins are installed system wide in linux.
## 6 Check test script
1. Download the [test script](
2. Run it and confirm that all operations succeed.
They do
lang config:
3. Run it again, commenting out lines that delete files, to confirm that files are created with the
correctly encoded names.
ls ~
aa b😂.wav d我_copy Modelos testscripts.scd
aa_copy c✋ d我.wav Música test.txt
aa.wav c✋_copy eé paths-test-result.txt Transferências
Área de Trabalho c✋.wav eé_copy Público Vídeos
b😂 Documentos eé.wav TestFolder
b😂_copy d我 Imagens test.scd
Seems like they are.
4. Remember to check sclang\_conf.yaml
- C:/Users/üsér/
- C:/Users/üsér/
postInlineWarnings: false
## 7 String.standardizePath : conform to old behavior
Confirm that the following script produces accurate results. These results are basically
the same between Windows and macOS. POSIX systems are probably also similar.
"~,~/,/~/,~~,~~/,~/~".split( $, ).do { |x|
"%: %\n".postf( x.padRight(8), x.standardizePath );
// ~ : ~
// ~/ : /Users/<USER'S NAME>/
// /~/ : /~/
// ~~ : ~~
// ~~/ : ~~/
// ~/~ : /Users/<USER'S NAME>/~
~ : /home/aÖßæ
~/ : /home/aÖßæ/
/~/ : /~/
~~ : ~~
~~/ : ~~/
~/~ : /home/aÖßæ/~
Seems correct.
## 8 String.pathMatch : conform to old behavior
Confirm that the following script produces accurate results. Note that you may get differences
for "\*", "\*/", etc. Check it against what `File.getcwd` returns. For the test below, mine was:
~path = Platform.userHomeDir +/+ "";
~simplePaths = ( === \windows).if {
",/,*,C:/,C:\\,C://,C:\\\\,C:/*,C:/*/,C:/*,C:/*/,C:/*e*,C:/*e*/*,C:/*/*,????,C:/?,C:/????,C:/*????,C:/users/,C:/Users/,C:/Users*/,C:/A*/,C:/[ABC]*".split( $, );
} {
",/,//,*,*/,/*,/*/,/*e*,/*e*/*,/*/*,????,/????,/*????,/users/,/Users/,/Users*/,/[abc]*/".split( $, );
~userPaths = ",*,/,*/,???,D*,D*/*.*".split( $, ).collect( ~path ++ _ );
~relativePaths = ( === \windows).if {
".,..,C:/.,C:/..,C:/*/..,C:/*/.,C:/*/./*,C:/*/../*".split( $, );
} {
".,..,/.,/..,/*/..,/*/.,/*/./*,/*/../*".split( $, );
~allPaths = ~simplePaths ++ ~userPaths ++ ~relativePaths; { |x|
"%: %\n".postf( x.padRight(30), x.pathMatch )
: [ ]
/ : [ // ]
// : [ // ]
* : [ aa, aa_copy, aa.wav, Área de Trabalho/, b😂, b😂_copy, b😂.wav, c✋, c✋_copy, c✋.wav, Documentos/, d我, d我_copy, d我.wav, eé, eé_copy, eé.wav, Imagens/, Modelos/, Música/, paths-test-result.txt, Público/, TestFolder/, test.scd, testscripts.scd, test.txt, Transferências/, Vídeos/ ]
*/ : [ Área de Trabalho//, Documentos//, Imagens//, Modelos//, Música//, Público//, TestFolder//, Transferências//, Vídeos// ]
/* : [ /addtogrub.txt, /bin/, /boot/, /dev/, /etc/, /home/, /initrd.img, /initrd.img.old, /lib/, /lib32/, /lib64/, /libx32/, /media/, /mnt/, /nix/, /opt/, /proc/, /root/, /run/, /sbin/, /srv/, /sys/, /tmp/, /usr/, /var/, /vmlinuz, /vmlinuz.old ]
/*/ : [ /bin/, /boot/, /dev/, /etc/, /home/, /initrd.img, /initrd.img.old, /lib/, /lib32/, /lib64/, /libx32/, /media/, /mnt/, /nix/, /opt/, /proc/, /root/, /run/, /sbin/, /srv/, /sys/, /tmp/, /usr/, /var/, /vmlinuz, /vmlinuz.old ]
/*e* : [ /dev/, /etc/, /home/, /media/ ]
/*e*/* : [ /dev/autofs, /dev/block/, /dev/bsg/, /dev/btrfs-control, /dev/bus/, /dev/char/, /dev/console, /dev/core, /dev/cpu/, /dev/cpu_dma_latency, /dev/cuse, /dev/disk/, /dev/dm-0, /dev/dm-1, /dev/dm-2, /dev/dm-3, /dev/dri/, /dev/fb0, /dev/fb1, /dev/fd/, /dev/full, /dev/fuse, /dev/fw0, /dev/fw1, /dev/hidraw0, /dev/hidraw1, /dev/hidraw2, /dev/hidraw5, /dev/hidraw6, /dev/hidraw7, /dev/hidraw8, /dev/hidraw9, /dev/hpet, /dev/hugepages/, /dev/hwrng, /dev/iio:device0, /dev/initctl, /dev/input/, /dev/kfd, /dev/kmsg, /dev...etc...
/*/* : [ /bin/bash, /bin/btrfs, /bin/btrfs-calc-size, /bin/btrfsck, /bin/btrfs-convert, /bin/btrfs-debug-tree, /bin/btrfs-find-root, /bin/btrfs-image, /bin/btrfs-map-logical, /bin/btrfs-select-super, /bin/btrfs-show-super, /bin/btrfstune, /bin/btrfs-zero-log, /bin/bunzip2, /bin/busybox, /bin/bzcat, /bin/bzcmp, /bin/bzdiff, /bin/bzegrep, /bin/bzexe, /bin/bzfgrep, /bin/bzgrep, /bin/bzip2, /bin/bzip2recover, /bin/bzless, /bin/bzmore, /bin/cat, /bin/chacl, /bin/chgrp, /bin/chmod, /bin/chown, /bin/chvt, /bin/cp, /bin/c...etc...
???? : [ ]
/???? : [ /boot/, /home/, /proc/, /root/, /sbin/ ]
/*???? : [ /addtogrub.txt, /boot/, /home/, /initrd.img, /initrd.img.old, /lib32/, /lib64/, /libx32/, /media/, /proc/, /root/, /sbin/, /vmlinuz, /vmlinuz.old ]
/users/ : [ ]
/Users/ : [ ]
/Users*/ : [ ]
/[abc]*/ : [ /bin/, /boot/ ]
/home/aÖßæ/ : [ /home/aÖßæ/ ]
/home/aÖßæ/* : [ /home/aÖßæ/aa, /home/aÖßæ/aa_copy, /home/aÖßæ/aa.wav, /home/aÖßæ/Área de Trabalho/, /home/aÖßæ/b😂, /home/aÖßæ/b😂_copy, /home/aÖßæ/b😂.wav, /home/aÖßæ/c✋, /home/aÖßæ/c✋_copy, /home/aÖßæ/c✋.wav, /home/aÖßæ/Documentos/, /home/aÖßæ/d我, /home/aÖßæ/d我_copy, /home/aÖßæ/d我.wav, /home/aÖßæ/eé, /home/aÖßæ/eé_copy, /home/aÖßæ/eé.wav, /home/aÖßæ/Imagens/, /home/aÖßæ/Modelos/, /home/aÖßæ/Música/, /home/aÖßæ/paths-test-result.txt, /...etc...
/home/aÖßæ// : [ /home/aÖßæ/ ]
/home/aÖßæ/*/ : [ /home/aÖßæ/Área de Trabalho/, /home/aÖßæ/Documentos/, /home/aÖßæ/Imagens/, /home/aÖßæ/Modelos/, /home/aÖßæ/Música/, /home/aÖßæ/Público/, /home/aÖßæ/TestFolder/, /home/aÖßæ/Transferências/, /home/aÖßæ/Vídeos/ ]
/home/aÖßæ/??? : [ ]
/home/aÖßæ/D* : [ /home/aÖßæ/Documentos/ ]
/home/aÖßæ/D*/*.* : [ ]
. : [ ./ ]
.. : [ ../ ]
/. : [ /./ ]
/.. : [ /../ ]
/*/.. : [ /bin/../, /boot/../, /dev/../, /etc/../, /home/../, /lib/../, /lib32/../, /lib64/../, /libx32/../, /media/../, /mnt/../, /nix/../, /opt/../, /proc/../, /run/../, /sbin/../, /srv/../, /sys/../, /tmp/../, /usr/../, /var/../ ]
/*/. : [ /bin/./, /boot/./, /dev/./, /etc/./, /home/./, /lib/./, /lib32/./, /lib64/./, /libx32/./, /media/./, /mnt/./, /nix/./, /opt/./, /proc/./, /run/./, /sbin/./, /srv/./, /sys/./, /tmp/./, /usr/./, /var/./ ]
/*/./* : [ /bin/./bash, /bin/./btrfs, /bin/./btrfs-calc-size, /bin/./btrfsck, /bin/./btrfs-convert, /bin/./btrfs-debug-tree, /bin/./btrfs-find-root, /bin/./btrfs-image, /bin/./btrfs-map-logical, /bin/./btrfs-select-super, /bin/./btrfs-show-super, /bin/./btrfstune, /bin/./btrfs-zero-log, /bin/./bunzip2, /bin/./busybox, /bin/./bzcat, /bin/./bzcmp, /bin/./bzdiff, /bin/./bzegrep, /bin/./bzexe, /bin/./bzfgrep, /bin/./bzgrep, /bin/./bzip2, /bin/./bzip2recover, /bin/./bzless, /bin/./bzmore, /bin/./cat, /bin/./chacl, /bin/....etc...
/*/../* : [ /bin/../addtogrub.txt, /bin/../bin/, /bin/../boot/, /bin/../dev/, /bin/../etc/, /bin/../home/, /bin/../initrd.img, /bin/../initrd.img.old, /bin/../lib/, /bin/../lib32/, /bin/../lib64/, /bin/../libx32/, /bin/../media/, /bin/../mnt/, /bin/../nix/, /bin/../opt/, /bin/../proc/, /bin/../root/, /bin/../run/, /bin/../sbin/, /bin/../srv/, /bin/../sys/, /bin/../tmp/, /bin/../usr/, /bin/../var/, /bin/../vmlinuz, /bin/../vmlinuz.old, /boot/../addtogrub.txt, /boot/../bin/, /boot/../boot/, /boot/../dev/, /boot/../etc/...etc...
### Behavior on macOS (posix system)
Check that the results are the same (not verbatim, but that all the path components
like trailing slashes etc. are identical):
: [ ]
/ : [ / ]
// : [ // ]
* : [ ]
*/ : [ ]
/* : [ /Applications/, /Library/, /Network/, /System/, /Users/, /Volumes/, /bin/, /cores/, /dev/, /etc/, /home/, /installer.failurerequests, /net/, /opt/, /private/, /sbin/, /tmp/, /usr/, /var/ ]
/*/ : [ /Applications/, /Library/, /Network/, /System/, /Users/, /Volumes/, /bin/, /cores/, /dev/, /etc/, /home/, /net/, /opt/, /private/, /sbin/, /tmp/, /usr/, /var/ ]
/*e* : [ /Network/, /System/, /Users/, /Volumes/, /cores/, /dev/, /etc/, /home/, /installer.failurerequests, /net/, /private/ ]
/*e*/* : [ /System/Library/, /Users/Shared/, /Users/brianheim/, /Volumes/Macintosh HD/, /dev/afsc_type5, /dev/auditpipe, /dev/auditsessions, /dev/autofs, /dev/autofs_control, /dev/autofs_homedirmounter, /dev/autofs_notrigger, /dev/autofs_nowait, /dev/bpf0, /dev/bpf1, /dev/bpf2, /dev/bpf3, /dev/bpf4, /dev/console, /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port, /dev/cu.RNBT-7DCE-RNI-SPP, /dev/disk0, /dev/disk0s1, /dev/disk0s2, /dev/disk0s3, /dev/disk1, /dev/disk2, /dev/disk2s1, /dev/disk2s2, /dev/disk3, /dev/disk3s1, /dev/disk3s2, ...etc...
/*/* : [ /Applications/Ableton Live 9, /Applications/Adobe Acrobat DC/, /Applications/Adobe Creative Cloud/, /Applications/Adobe Experience Design CC (Beta)/, /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CC 2017/, /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC 2017/, /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CC 2017/, /Applications/Android, /Applications/App, /Applications/, /Applications/, /Applications/, /Applications/Audacity/, /Applications/, /Applications/, /A...etc...
???? : [ ]
/???? : [ /home/, /sbin/ ]
/*???? : [ /Applications/, /Library/, /Network/, /System/, /Users/, /Volumes/, /cores/, /home/, /installer.failurerequests, /private/, /sbin/ ]
/users/ : [ /users/ ]
/Users/ : [ /Users/ ]
/Users*/ : [ /Users/ ]
/[abc]*/ : [ /bin/, /cores/ ]
/Users/brianheim/ : [ /Users/brianheim/ ]
/Users/brianheim/* : [ /Users/brianheim/Applications/, /Users/brianheim/Box Sync/, /Users/brianheim/CLionProjects/, /Users/brianheim/Creative Cloud Files/, /Users/brianheim/Desktop/, /Users/brianheim/Documents/, /Users/brianheim/Downloads/, /Users/brianheim/Dropbox (Love Local Design)/, /Users/brianheim/Dropbox (Personal)/, /Users/brianheim/Dropbox/, /Users/brianheim/Library/, /Users/brianheim/Movies/, /Users/brianheim/Music/, /Users/brianheim/Pictures/, /Users/brianheim/Public/, /Users/brianheim/bin/, /Users/brianheim/cpp/, /U...etc...
/Users/brianheim// : [ /Users/brianheim// ]
/Users/brianheim/*/ : [ /Users/brianheim/Applications/, /Users/brianheim/Box Sync/, /Users/brianheim/CLionProjects/, /Users/brianheim/Creative Cloud Files/, /Users/brianheim/Desktop/, /Users/brianheim/Documents/, /Users/brianheim/Downloads/, /Users/brianheim/Dropbox (Love Local Design)/, /Users/brianheim/Dropbox (Personal)/, /Users/brianheim/Dropbox/, /Users/brianheim/Library/, /Users/brianheim/Movies/, /Users/brianheim/Music/, /Users/brianheim/Pictures/, /Users/brianheim/Public/, /Users/brianheim/bin/, /Users/brianheim/cpp/, /U...etc...
/Users/brianheim/??? : [ /Users/brianheim/bin/, /Users/brianheim/cpp/, /Users/brianheim/ftp/, /Users/brianheim/git/, /Users/brianheim/php/ ]
/Users/brianheim/D* : [ /Users/brianheim/Desktop/, /Users/brianheim/Documents/, /Users/brianheim/Downloads/, /Users/brianheim/Dropbox (Love Local Design)/, /Users/brianheim/Dropbox (Personal)/, /Users/brianheim/Dropbox/ ]
/Users/brianheim/D*/*.* : [ /Users/brianheim/Desktop/Ableton.Live.Suite.9.6.x64.MAC/, /Users/brianheim/Desktop/Screen Shot 2017-07-12 at 10.58.12 AM.png, /Users/brianheim/Desktop/Screen Shot 2017-07-12 at 3.14.13 PM.png, /Users/brianheim/Desktop/Screen Shot 2017-07-15 at 3.18.47 PM.png, /Users/brianheim/Documents/Kirby's Dream Course (USA).frz, /Users/brianheim/Documents/notez.nktrl2_data, /Users/brianheim/Documents/pearl_main.dst, /Users/brianheim/Documents/typical.nktrl2_data, /Users/brianheim/Downloads/64-ia-32-architectures-soft...etc...
. : [ ./ ]
.. : [ ../ ]
/. : [ /./ ]
/.. : [ /../ ]
/*/.. : [ /Applications/../, /Library/../, /Network/../, /System/../, /Users/../, /Volumes/../, /bin/../, /cores/../, /dev/../, /etc/../, /home/../, /net/../, /opt/../, /private/../, /sbin/../, /tmp/../, /usr/../, /var/../ ]
/*/. : [ /Applications/./, /Library/./, /Network/./, /System/./, /Users/./, /Volumes/./, /bin/./, /cores/./, /dev/./, /etc/./, /home/./, /net/./, /opt/./, /private/./, /sbin/./, /tmp/./, /usr/./, /var/./ ]
/*/./* : [ /Applications/./Ableton Live 9, /Applications/./Adobe Acrobat DC/, /Applications/./Adobe Creative Cloud/, /Applications/./Adobe Experience Design CC (Beta)/, /Applications/./Adobe Illustrator CC 2017/, /Applications/./Adobe InDesign CC 2017/, /Applications/./Adobe Photoshop CC 2017/, /Applications/./Android, /Applications/./App, /Applications/./, /Applications/./, /Applications/./, /Applications/./Audacity/, /Applications/./, ...etc...
/*/../* : [ /Applications/../Applications/, /Applications/../Library/, /Applications/../Network/, /Applications/../System/, /Applications/../Users/, /Applications/../Volumes/, /Applications/../bin/, /Applications/../cores/, /Applications/../dev/, /Applications/../etc/, /Applications/../home/, /Applications/../installer.failurerequests, /Applications/../net/, /Applications/../opt/, /Applications/../private/, /Applications/../sbin/, /Applications/../tmp/, /Applications/../usr/, /Applications/../var/, /Library/../Applic...etc...
### Behavior on Windows
: [ ]
/ : [ ]
* : [ AUTHORS, bearer\,, COPYING, examples\, generic\, HelpSource\, HID_Support\, icudt54.dll, icuin54.dll, icuuc54.dll, imageformats\, libfftw3f-3.dll, libsndfile-1.dll, msvcp120.dll, msvcr120.dll, platforms\, plugins\, printsupport\, Qt5Core.dll, Qt5Cored.dll, Qt5Gui.dll, Qt5Guid.dll, Qt5Multimedia.dll, Qt5Multimediad.dll, Qt5MultimediaWidgets.dll, Qt5MultimediaWidgetsd.dll, Qt5Network.dll, Qt5Networkd.dll, Qt5OpenGL.dll, Qt5OpenGLd.dll, Qt5Positioning.dll, Qt5Positioningd.dll, Qt5PrintSupport.dl...etc...
C:/ : [ SuperCollider\ ]
C:\ : [ SuperCollider\ ]
C:// : [ ]
C:\\ : [ ]
C:/* : [ C:\$Recycle.Bin\, C:\AppleBcInstaller.log, C:\archive.sctxar, C:\bootmgr, C:\BOOTNXT, C:\Documents and Settings\, C:\Intel\, C:\local\, C:\MinGW\, C:\msys64\, C:\pagefile.sys, C:\PerfLogs\, C:\Program Files\, C:\Program Files (x86)\, C:\ProgramData\, C:\Qt\, C:\Recovery\, C:\swapfile.sys, C:\System Volume Information\, C:\Users\, C:\Windows\ ]
C:/*/ : [ C:\$Recycle.Bin\, C:\AppleBcInstaller.log, C:\archive.sctxar, C:\bootmgr, C:\BOOTNXT, C:\Documents and Settings\, C:\Intel\, C:\local\, C:\MinGW\, C:\msys64\, C:\pagefile.sys, C:\PerfLogs\, C:\Program Files\, C:\Program Files (x86)\, C:\ProgramData\, C:\Qt\, C:\Recovery\, C:\swapfile.sys, C:\System Volume Information\, C:\Users\, C:\Windows\ ]
C:/* : [ C:\$Recycle.Bin\, C:\AppleBcInstaller.log, C:\archive.sctxar, C:\bootmgr, C:\BOOTNXT, C:\Documents and Settings\, C:\Intel\, C:\local\, C:\MinGW\, C:\msys64\, C:\pagefile.sys, C:\PerfLogs\, C:\Program Files\, C:\Program Files (x86)\, C:\ProgramData\, C:\Qt\, C:\Recovery\, C:\swapfile.sys, C:\System Volume Information\, C:\Users\, C:\Windows\ ]
C:/*/ : [ C:\$Recycle.Bin\, C:\AppleBcInstaller.log, C:\archive.sctxar, C:\bootmgr, C:\BOOTNXT, C:\Documents and Settings\, C:\Intel\, C:\local\, C:\MinGW\, C:\msys64\, C:\pagefile.sys, C:\PerfLogs\, C:\Program Files\, C:\Program Files (x86)\, C:\ProgramData\, C:\Qt\, C:\Recovery\, C:\swapfile.sys, C:\System Volume Information\, C:\Users\, C:\Windows\ ]
C:/*e* : [ C:\$Recycle.Bin\, C:\AppleBcInstaller.log, C:\archive.sctxar, C:\Documents and Settings\, C:\Intel\, C:\pagefile.sys, C:\PerfLogs\, C:\Program Files\, C:\Program Files (x86)\, C:\Recovery\, C:\swapfile.sys, C:\System Volume Information\, C:\Users\ ]
C:/*e*/* : [ ]
C:/*/* : [ ]
???? : [ ]
C:/? : [ ]
C:/???? : [ C:\Qt\ ]
C:/*???? : [ C:\$Recycle.Bin\, C:\AppleBcInstaller.log, C:\archive.sctxar, C:\bootmgr, C:\BOOTNXT, C:\Documents and Settings\, C:\Intel\, C:\local\, C:\MinGW\, C:\msys64\, C:\pagefile.sys, C:\PerfLogs\, C:\Program Files\, C:\Program Files (x86)\, C:\ProgramData\, C:\Qt\, C:\Recovery\, C:\swapfile.sys, C:\System Volume Information\, C:\Users\, C:\Windows\ ]
C:/users/ : [ C:\Users\ ]
C:/Users/ : [ C:\Users\ ]
C:/Users*/ : [ C:\Users\ ]
C:/A*/ : [ C:\AppleBcInstaller.log, C:\archive.sctxar ]
C:/[ABC]* : [ ]
C:\Users\brianheim\ : [ C:\Users\brianheim\ ]
C:\Users\brianheim\* : [ C:\Users\brianheim\..gitconfig.un~, C:\Users\brianheim\.gitconfig, C:\Users\brianheim\.gitconfig~, C:\Users\brianheim\.gitignore_global, C:\Users\brianheim\.viminfo, C:\Users\brianheim\._vimrc.un~, C:\Users\brianheim\AppData\, C:\Users\brianheim\Application Data\, C:\Users\brianheim\Contacts\, C:\Users\brianheim\Cookies\, C:\Users\brianheim\Desktop\, C:\Users\brianheim\dev\, C:\Users\brianheim\Documents\, C:\Users\brianheim\Downloads\, C:\Users\brianheim\Favorites\, C:\Users\brianheim\git\, C:\Users\brian...etc...
C:\Users\brianheim\/ : [ ]
C:\Users\brianheim\*/ : [ C:\Users\brianheim\..gitconfig.un~, C:\Users\brianheim\.gitconfig, C:\Users\brianheim\.gitconfig~, C:\Users\brianheim\.gitignore_global, C:\Users\brianheim\.viminfo, C:\Users\brianheim\._vimrc.un~, C:\Users\brianheim\AppData\, C:\Users\brianheim\Application Data\, C:\Users\brianheim\Contacts\, C:\Users\brianheim\Cookies\, C:\Users\brianheim\Desktop\, C:\Users\brianheim\dev\, C:\Users\brianheim\Documents\, C:\Users\brianheim\Downloads\, C:\Users\brianheim\Favorites\, C:\Users\brianheim\git\, C:\Users\brian...etc...
C:\Users\brianheim\??? : [ C:\Users\brianheim\dev\, C:\Users\brianheim\git\ ]
C:\Users\brianheim\D* : [ C:\Users\brianheim\Desktop\, C:\Users\brianheim\dev\, C:\Users\brianheim\Documents\, C:\Users\brianheim\Downloads\ ]
C:\Users\brianheim\D*/*.* : [ ]
. : [ SuperCollider\ ]
.. : [ Install\ ]
C:/. : [ ]
C:/.. : [ ]
C:/*/.. : [ ]
C:/*/. : [ C:\*\bootmgr, C:\*\BOOTNXT, C:\*\Documents and Settings\, C:\*\Intel\, C:\*\local\, C:\*\MinGW\, C:\*\msys64\, C:\*\PerfLogs\, C:\*\Program Files\, C:\*\Program Files (x86)\, C:\*\ProgramData\, C:\*\Qt\, C:\*\Recovery\, C:\*\System Volume Information\, C:\*\Users\, C:\*\Windows\ ]
C:/*/./* : [ ]
C:/*/../* : [ C:\*\..\$Recycle.Bin\, C:\*\..\AppleBcInstaller.log, C:\*\..\archive.sctxar, C:\*\..\bootmgr, C:\*\..\BOOTNXT, C:\*\..\Documents and Settings\, C:\*\..\Intel\, C:\*\..\local\, C:\*\..\MinGW\, C:\*\..\msys64\, C:\*\..\pagefile.sys, C:\*\..\PerfLogs\, C:\*\..\Program Files\, C:\*\..\Program Files (x86)\, C:\*\..\ProgramData\, C:\*\..\Qt\, C:\*\..\Recovery\, C:\*\..\swapfile.sys, C:\*\..\System Volume Information\, C:\*\..\Users\, C:\*\..\Windows\ ]
## 10 Sessions
1. Boot the IDE
2. Create & save a few files
3. Save the session
4. Close the IDE
5. Check that your session appears in the `sessions` folder
6. Close the IDE, reopen, and confirm that your session loaded properly.
## 11 History logs
1. Execute
2. Did the post window indicate success?
3. Was a new log\_History file created in `HistoryLogs`?
4. Execute
5. Did that work in the post window?
6. Check that the log file in HistoryLogs has been updated.
aÖßæ@mbp:~/.local/share/SuperCollider$ cat HistoryLogs/log_History_170721_154752.scd
// History, as it was on Fri Jul 21 15:47:52 2017.
[ 0, 'me', "3+4" ],
## 12 SynthDefs
1. Boot the server. Make a note of the number of loaded defs.
142 defs
problems with supernova plugins when booting scsynth:
ins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'*** ERROR: couldn't process '/usr/local/lib/SuperCollider/plugins/'JackDriver: client name is 'SuperCollider'
2. Execute
SynthDef(\my_test_synthdef, {,!2) }).store
3. Check the synthdefs folder. Did the file get written?
4. Was the file also sent to the server? (Did the def-count increase by 1?)
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