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terraform-providers/terraform-provider-mysql Issue #9
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [INFO] Terraform version: 0.9.8
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [INFO] Go runtime version: go1.8.3
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [INFO] CLI args: []string{"/usr/local/Cellar/terraform/0.9.8/bin/terraform", "plan"}
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] Detected home directory from env var: /Users/miguel
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] Detected home directory from env var: /Users/miguel
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] Attempting to open CLI config file: /Users/miguel/.terraformrc
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] Detected home directory from env var: /Users/miguel
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [INFO] CLI command args: []string{"plan"}
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] command: loading backend config file: /Users/miguel/tmp/terraform
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] command: no data state file found for backend config
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] New state was assigned lineage "e8822e64-aef5-4ce6-98eb-8768b5b13a6b"
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [INFO] command: backend initialized: <nil>
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [INFO] command: backend <nil> is not enhanced, wrapping in local
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [INFO] backend/local: starting Plan operation
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] New state was assigned lineage "c311e317-f304-4ca0-a7b2-608cf7c99e3f"
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [INFO] terraform: building graph: GraphTypeInput
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] Resource state not found for "mysql_user.user": mysql_user.user
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] ReferenceTransformer: "mysql_user.user" references: []
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] ReferenceTransformer: "provider.test.mysql" references: []
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [TRACE] Graph after step *terraform.ReferenceTransformer:
mysql_user.user - *terraform.NodeAbstractResource
provider.test.mysql - *terraform.NodeApplyableProvider
provider.test.mysql - *terraform.NodeApplyableProvider
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [TRACE] Graph after step *terraform.CountBoundaryTransformer:
meta.count-boundary (count boundary fixup) - *terraform.NodeCountBoundary
mysql_user.user - *terraform.NodeAbstractResource
provider.test.mysql - *terraform.NodeApplyableProvider
mysql_user.user - *terraform.NodeAbstractResource
provider.test.mysql - *terraform.NodeApplyableProvider
provider.test.mysql - *terraform.NodeApplyableProvider
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] Starting graph walk: walkInput
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] dag/walk: added new vertex: "provider.test.mysql"
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] dag/walk: added new vertex: "meta.count-boundary (count boundary fixup)"
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] dag/walk: added new vertex: "provider.test.mysql (close)"
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] dag/walk: added new vertex: "root"
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] dag/walk: added new vertex: "mysql_user.user"
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] dag/walk: added edge: "meta.count-boundary (count boundary fixup)" waiting on "mysql_user.user"
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] dag/walk: added edge: "provider.test.mysql (close)" waiting on "mysql_user.user"
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] dag/walk: added edge: "root" waiting on "meta.count-boundary (count boundary fixup)"
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] dag/walk: added edge: "root" waiting on "provider.test.mysql (close)"
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] dag/walk: added edge: "mysql_user.user" waiting on "provider.test.mysql"
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] dag/walk: dependencies changed for "meta.count-boundary (count boundary fixup)", sending new deps
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] dag/walk: dependencies changed for "provider.test.mysql (close)", sending new deps
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] dag/walk: dependencies changed for "root", sending new deps
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] dag/walk: dependencies changed for "mysql_user.user", sending new deps
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] dag/walk: walking "provider.test.mysql"
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] vertex 'root.provider.test.mysql': walking
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] vertex 'root.provider.test.mysql': evaluating
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] root: eval: *terraform.EvalSequence
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] root: eval: *terraform.EvalInitProvider
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] plugin: starting plugin: /usr/local/Cellar/terraform/0.9.8/bin/terraform []string{"/usr/local/Cellar/terraform/0.9.8/bin/terraform", "internal-plugin", "provider", "test"}
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] plugin: waiting for RPC address for: /usr/local/Cellar/terraform/0.9.8/bin/terraform
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] plugin: terraform: 2017/07/17 16:28:00 [INFO] Terraform version: 0.9.8
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] plugin: terraform: 2017/07/17 16:28:00 [INFO] Go runtime version: go1.8.3
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] plugin: terraform: 2017/07/17 16:28:00 [INFO] CLI args: []string{"/usr/local/Cellar/terraform/0.9.8/bin/terraform", "internal-plugin", "provider", "test"}
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] plugin: terraform: 2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] Detected home directory from env var: /Users/miguel
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] plugin: terraform: 2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] Detected home directory from env var: /Users/miguel
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] plugin: terraform: 2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] Attempting to open CLI config file: /Users/miguel/.terraformrc
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] plugin: terraform: 2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] Detected home directory from env var: /Users/miguel
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] plugin: terraform: 2017/07/17 16:28:00 [INFO] CLI command args: []string{"internal-plugin", "provider", "test"}
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] plugin: terraform: test-provider (internal) 2017/07/17 16:28:00 [INFO] Starting provider plugin test
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] plugin: terraform: test-provider (internal) 2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] plugin: plugin address: unix /var/folders/05/w67cb69n1w3c227sysp4kk140000gn/T/plugin498286012
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] root: eval: *terraform.EvalOpFilter
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] root: eval: *terraform.EvalSequence
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] root: eval: *terraform.EvalGetProvider
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] root: eval: *terraform.EvalInterpolate
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] root: eval: *terraform.EvalBuildProviderConfig
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] root: eval: *terraform.EvalInputProvider
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] root: eval: terraform.EvalNoop
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] root: eval: terraform.EvalNoop
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] root: eval: terraform.EvalNoop
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [TRACE] [walkInput] Exiting eval tree: provider.test.mysql
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] dag/walk: walking "mysql_user.user"
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] vertex 'root.mysql_user.user': walking
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] dag/walk: walking "meta.count-boundary (count boundary fixup)"
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] vertex 'root.meta.count-boundary (count boundary fixup)': walking
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] dag/walk: walking "provider.test.mysql (close)"
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] vertex 'root.provider.test.mysql (close)': walking
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] vertex 'root.meta.count-boundary (count boundary fixup)': evaluating
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] vertex 'root.provider.test.mysql (close)': evaluating
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] dag/walk: walking "root"
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] vertex 'root.root': walking
1 error(s) occurred:
* module root: 1 error(s) occurred:
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] plugin: waiting for all plugin processes to complete...
* module : provider alias must be defined by the module or a parent: test.mysql
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] plugin: terraform: test-provider (internal) 2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] plugin: waiting for all plugin processes to complete...
2017/07/17 16:28:00 [DEBUG] plugin: /usr/local/Cellar/terraform/0.9.8/bin/terraform: plugin process exited
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