/* DeviceUID.h | |
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> | |
@interface DeviceUID : NSObject | |
+ (NSString *)uid; | |
@end | |
*/ | |
// Device.m | |
#import "DeviceUID.h" | |
@import UIKit; | |
@interface DeviceUID () | |
@property(nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSString *uidKey; | |
@property(nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSString *uid; | |
@end | |
@implementation DeviceUID | |
@synthesize uid = _uid; | |
#pragma mark - Public methods | |
+ (NSString *)uid { | |
return [[[DeviceUID alloc] initWithKey:@"deviceUID"] uid]; | |
} | |
#pragma mark - Instance methods | |
- (id)initWithKey:(NSString *)key { | |
self = [super init]; | |
if (self) { | |
_uidKey = key; | |
_uid = nil; | |
} | |
return self; | |
} | |
/*! Returns the Device UID. | |
The UID is obtained in a chain of fallbacks: | |
- Keychain | |
- NSUserDefaults | |
- Apple IFV (Identifier for Vendor) | |
- Generate a random UUID if everything else is unavailable | |
At last, the UID is persisted if needed to. | |
*/ | |
- (NSString *)uid { | |
if (!_uid) _uid = [[self class] valueForKeychainKey:_uidKey service:_uidKey]; | |
if (!_uid) _uid = [[self class] valueForUserDefaultsKey:_uidKey]; | |
if (!_uid) _uid = [[self class] appleIFV]; | |
if (!_uid) _uid = [[self class] randomUUID]; | |
[self save]; | |
return _uid; | |
} | |
/*! Persist UID to NSUserDefaults and Keychain, if not yet saved | |
*/ | |
- (void)save { | |
if (![DeviceUID valueForUserDefaultsKey:_uidKey]) { | |
[DeviceUID setValue:self.uid forUserDefaultsKey:_uidKey]; | |
} | |
if (![DeviceUID valueForKeychainKey:_uidKey service:_uidKey]) { | |
[DeviceUID setValue:self.uid forKeychainKey:_uidKey inService:_uidKey]; | |
} | |
} | |
#pragma mark - Keychain methods | |
/*! Create as generic NSDictionary to be used to query and update Keychain items. | |
* param1 | |
* param2 | |
*/ | |
+ (NSMutableDictionary *)keychainItemForKey:(NSString *)key service:(NSString *)service { | |
NSMutableDictionary *keychainItem = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; | |
keychainItem[(__bridge id)kSecClass] = (__bridge id)kSecClassGenericPassword; | |
keychainItem[(__bridge id)kSecAttrAccessible] = (__bridge id)kSecAttrAccessibleAlways; | |
keychainItem[(__bridge id)kSecAttrAccount] = key; | |
keychainItem[(__bridge id)kSecAttrService] = service; | |
return keychainItem; | |
} | |
/*! Sets | |
* param1 | |
* param2 | |
*/ | |
+ (OSStatus)setValue:(NSString *)value forKeychainKey:(NSString *)key inService:(NSString *)service { | |
NSMutableDictionary *keychainItem = [[self class] keychainItemForKey:key service:service]; | |
keychainItem[(__bridge id)kSecValueData] = [value dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; | |
return SecItemAdd((__bridge CFDictionaryRef)keychainItem, NULL); | |
} | |
+ (NSString *)valueForKeychainKey:(NSString *)key service:(NSString *)service { | |
OSStatus status; | |
NSMutableDictionary *keychainItem = [[self class] keychainItemForKey:key service:service]; | |
keychainItem[(__bridge id)kSecReturnData] = (__bridge id)kCFBooleanTrue; | |
keychainItem[(__bridge id)kSecReturnAttributes] = (__bridge id)kCFBooleanTrue; | |
CFDictionaryRef result = nil; | |
status = SecItemCopyMatching((__bridge CFDictionaryRef)keychainItem, (CFTypeRef *)&result); | |
if (status != noErr) { | |
return nil; | |
} | |
NSDictionary *resultDict = (__bridge_transfer NSDictionary *)result; | |
NSData *data = resultDict[(__bridge id)kSecValueData]; | |
if (!data) { | |
return nil; | |
} | |
return [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; | |
} | |
#pragma mark - NSUserDefaults methods | |
+ (BOOL)setValue:(NSString *)value forUserDefaultsKey:(NSString *)key { | |
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:value forKey:key]; | |
return [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize]; | |
} | |
+ (NSString *)valueForUserDefaultsKey:(NSString *)key { | |
return [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:key]; | |
} | |
#pragma mark - UID Generation methods | |
+ (NSString *)appleIFA { | |
NSString *ifa = nil; | |
Class ASIdentifierManagerClass = NSClassFromString(@"ASIdentifierManager"); | |
if (ASIdentifierManagerClass) { // a dynamic way of checking if AdSupport.framework is available | |
SEL sharedManagerSelector = NSSelectorFromString(@"sharedManager"); | |
id sharedManager = ((id (*)(id, SEL))[ASIdentifierManagerClass methodForSelector:sharedManagerSelector])(ASIdentifierManagerClass, sharedManagerSelector); | |
SEL advertisingIdentifierSelector = NSSelectorFromString(@"advertisingIdentifier"); | |
NSUUID *advertisingIdentifier = ((NSUUID* (*)(id, SEL))[sharedManager methodForSelector:advertisingIdentifierSelector])(sharedManager, advertisingIdentifierSelector); | |
ifa = [advertisingIdentifier UUIDString]; | |
} | |
return ifa; | |
} | |
+ (NSString *)appleIFV { | |
if(NSClassFromString(@"UIDevice") && [UIDevice instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(identifierForVendor)]) { | |
// only available in iOS >= 6.0 | |
return [[UIDevice currentDevice].identifierForVendor UUIDString]; | |
} | |
return nil; | |
} | |
+ (NSString *)randomUUID { | |
if(NSClassFromString(@"NSUUID")) { | |
return [[NSUUID UUID] UUIDString]; | |
} | |
CFUUIDRef uuidRef = CFUUIDCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault); | |
CFStringRef cfuuid = CFUUIDCreateString(kCFAllocatorDefault, uuidRef); | |
CFRelease(uuidRef); | |
NSString *uuid = [((__bridge NSString *) cfuuid) copy]; | |
CFRelease(cfuuid); | |
return uuid; | |
} | |
@end |
This is excellent! I can't thank you enough, as this came at the perfect time (nearly submitted by app by using the advertising identifier, which would have resulted in a rejection). 👍 👍
What license is this released under? I can't use this without an unrestrictive license and no license defaults to original authors retaining copyright.
This is great, thanks ^ ^
Also, the method which returns the Device UID is missing appleIFA, should be like:
- (NSString *)uid {
if (!_uid) _uid = [[self class] valueForKeychainKey:_uidKey service:_uidKey];
if (!_uid) _uid = [[self class] valueForUserDefaultsKey:_uidKey];
if (!_uid) _uid = [[self class] appleIFA];
if (!_uid) _uid = [[self class] appleIFV];
if (!_uid) _uid = [[self class] randomUUID];
[self save];
return _uid;
What is the license under which this is available
This is Apache license you can see here: https://blog.onliquid.com/persistent-device-unique-identifier-ios-keychain/
Please take in account quard8 suggestion is case of any loop and crash, and smdmitry's if you want to use IFA.
Thats what I need :)
Thank you
I took quard8 suggestion to avoid crush
Has anyone used this with iOS10 beta? It's returning 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
from the advertisingIdentifier
but identifierForVendor
seems to work even when I set "Limit Ad Tracking" to YES.
- (NSString *)uid {
if (!_uid) _uid = [[self class] valueForKeychainKey:_uidKey service:_uidKey];
if (!_uid) _uid = [[self class] valueForUserDefaultsKey:_uidKey];
if (!_uid) _uid = [[self class] appleIFA];
if (!_uid || [_uid isEqualToString:@"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"]) _uid = [[self class] appleIFV];
if (!_uid || [_uid isEqualToString:@"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"]) _uid = [[self class] randomUUID];
[self save];
return _uid;
I made a PR with this (incl. the fixes to make it not crash) over at react-native-device-info/react-native-device-info#58 -- can we all contribute there so its easy for us all to reuse our findings?
I got a different string using NSString *idfa = [[[ASIdentifierManager sharedManager] advertisingIdentifier] UUIDString];
You have small bug, which run app in infinity loop and when crush.
Should be:
When you access self.uid, you actually accessing "uid" method.