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Created November 20, 2015 06:19
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NSTimer Block Extension
import Foundation
extension NSTimer {
class func scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(
timeInterval: NSTimeInterval, userInfo: AnyObject?, repeats: Bool, block: (timer: NSTimer) -> Void) -> NSTimer
let minion = TimerBlock(block: block)
// The `minion` will be retained by the `NSTimer` as its `target`, until the timer is invalidated.
return NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(
timeInterval, target: minion, selector: Selector("timerDidFire:"), userInfo: userInfo, repeats: repeats)
final class TimerBlock: NSObject {
private let block: (timer: NSTimer) -> Void
init(block: (timer: NSTimer) -> Void) {
self.block = block
func timerDidFire(timer: NSTimer) {
block(timer: timer)
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