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Last active May 3, 2024 03:56
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Node.js proxy mitm log example
// run: mitmproxy -p 8080
// run: node proxy.js
async function setupProxy (proxyUrl) {
// require('global-agent/bootstrap')
// process.env.GLOBAL_AGENT_HTTP_PROXY = proxyUrl
// process.env.GLOBAL_AGENT_HTTPS_PROXY = proxyUrl
// console.log('Global proxy routing set up.')
process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = '0' // Ignore self-signed certs, use with caution
const { HttpsProxyAgent } = require('https-proxy-agent')
// Set up the proxy agent for https module
const https = require('https')
const url = require('url')
class LoggingProxyAgentForHttpsModule extends HttpsProxyAgent {
constructor(proxyOptions) {
// Override the addRequest method to log URLs
addRequest(req, options) {
// Log the full URL or just the pathname, depending on your needs
if (typeof options === 'string') {
options = url.parse(options)
const fullUrl = url.format({
protocol: options.protocol,
hostname: options.hostname,
port: options.port,
pathname: options.path
console.log('Request URL (https):', fullUrl)
// Call the original addRequest method
super.addRequest(req, options)
const originalFetch = global.fetch // Save the original fetch function
const { ProxyAgent } = require('undici')
class LoggingProxyAgentForFetchModule extends ProxyAgent {
constructor(uri, options) {
super(uri, options)
dispatch(options, handler) {
console.log('Request URL (fetch):', options.origin + options.path)
return super.dispatch(options, handler)
// Use your custom agent
const proxyAgentForHttpsModule = new LoggingProxyAgentForHttpsModule(proxyUrl)
const proxyAgentForFetchModule = new LoggingProxyAgentForFetchModule(proxyUrl)
// Override global https agent
https.globalAgent = proxyAgentForHttpsModule
// Override global fetch
global.fetch = (url, options = {}) => {
options.dispatcher = proxyAgentForFetchModule
return originalFetch(url, options)
async function main () {
// Example curl request
// curl -x http://localhost:8080 -L
// Example requests
await require('axios').get('') // Request URL (https):
await require('node-fetch')('') // Request URL (https):
await require('isomorphic-fetch')('') // Request URL (https):
await fetch('') // Request URL (fetch):
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