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Created March 24, 2019 02:29
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ZeppelinOS notes
pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
import "zos-lib/contracts/Initializable.sol";
contract MyContract is Initializable {
uint256 public x;
string public s;
// the 'initializer' modifier prevents the function from being called more than once.
function initialize(uint256 _x, string memory _s) initializer public {
x = _x;
s = _s;
npx zos init my-project
npm install truffle@5.0.4
npm install zos-lib
# add contract to project
npx zos add MyContract
# push is intended for logic contracts only
npx zos push
# create contract to interact with (proxy)
npx zos create MyContract --init initialize --args 42,hitchhiker
npx truffle console --network local
truffle(local)> myContract = await'0xBe0B0f08A599F07699E98A9D001084e97b9a900A')
truffle(local)> (await myContract.x()).toString()
truffle(local)> myContract.s()
# upgrade contract
npx zos push
npx zos update MyContract
# install openzeppelin-eth contracts locally
npx zos link openzeppelin-eth
npx zos add MyLinkedContract
npx zos link npm-module>
npx zos push --deploy-dependencies
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