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Last active October 14, 2021 23:09
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Unchanged Sensor Detection and Notification
## Sensor - Unchanged Entities Sensors
## Count and list of entities which have not changed for the last 'time' matching the pattern and device_class
## Based on jazzyisj/package_unavailable_entities.yaml. Thanks for his code.
## - state: number of unchanged sensors
## - attribute: sensor_names - comma separated list of unchanged sensor names
## - attribute: sensor_entities: - comma separated list of unchanged sensor entity id's
## - updates every minute (sensor.time)
## - sensor entity_id's in ignored_sensors are filtered from this sensor
## - group.ignored_sensors MUST exist even if empty for sensor template to render
## - configuration variables:
## pattern: sensor entity_ids pattern to take into account
## device_class: device_class of the sensors to take into account
## time: lapse of time before present to check if sensors have changed its state
## input_datetime.unchanged_time: time to check during which sensors have not changed its value
- platform: template
- sensor.time
- input_datetime.unchanged_time
friendly_name_template: >
{% if states('sensor.unchanged_sensors') | int == 0 %}
All Sensors Changed Lately
{% else %}
Sensors Unchanged Lately
{% endif %}
icon_template: >-
{% if states('sensor.unchanged_sensors') | int == 0 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
value_template: >
{% set ignored_sensors = state_attr('group.ignored_sensors', 'entity_id') %}
{% set pattern = 'sensor.sonoff' %}
{% set device_class = 'temperature' %}
{% set unchanged_seconds = state_attr('input_datetime.unchanged_time', 'timestamp') %}
{% set time = now() - timedelta(seconds = unchanged_seconds) %}
{% set unchanged = states.sensor | selectattr('last_changed', '<', time)
| selectattr('entity_id', 'search', pattern)
| selectattr('attributes.device_class', 'eq', device_class)
| rejectattr('entity_id', 'in', ignored_sensors)
| map(attribute='entity_id')
| list
| length %}
{{ unchanged }}
sensor_names: >
{% set ignored_sensors = state_attr('group.ignored_sensors', 'entity_id') %}
{% set pattern = 'sensor.sonoff' %}
{% set device_class = 'temperature' %}
{% set unchanged_seconds = state_attr('input_datetime.unchanged_time', 'timestamp') %}
{% set time = now() - timedelta(seconds = unchanged_seconds) %}
{% set sensor_names = states.sensor | selectattr('last_changed', '<', time)
| selectattr('entity_id', 'search', pattern)
| selectattr('attributes.device_class', 'eq', device_class)
| rejectattr('entity_id', 'in', ignored_sensors)
| map(attribute='name')
| list
| join(', ') %}
{{ sensor_names }}
sensor_entity_ids: >
{% set ignored_sensors = state_attr('group.ignored_sensors', 'entity_id') %}
{% set pattern = 'sensor.sonoff' %}
{% set device_class = 'temperature' %}
{% set unchanged_seconds = state_attr('input_datetime.unchanged_time', 'timestamp') %}
{% set time = now() - timedelta(seconds = unchanged_seconds) %}
{% set sensor_ids = states.sensor | selectattr('last_changed', '<', time)
| selectattr('entity_id', 'search', pattern)
| selectattr('attributes.device_class', 'eq', device_class)
| rejectattr('entity_id', 'in', ignored_sensors)
| map(attribute='entity_id')
| list
| join(', ') %}
{{ sensor_ids }}
- sensor.fordpass_elveh
- id: sensor_unchanged_notification
alias: "Sensor Unchanged Notification"
description: "Send notification when sensor not updated for some time."
# run whenever unchanged sensors sensor state changes
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.unchanged_sensors
# only run if the number of unchanged sensors had gone up
- condition: template
value_template: "{{ trigger.to_state.state | int > trigger.from_state.state | int }}"
# wait 30 seconds before rechecking sensor state
- delay:
seconds: 30
# make sure the sensor is updated before we check the state
- service: homeassistant.update_entity
entity_id: sensor.unchanged_sensors
# only continue if current number of sensors is equal or more than the number when triggered
- condition: template
value_template: "{{ states('sensor.unchanged_sensors') | int >= trigger.to_state.state | int }} "
# create a persistent notification
- service: persistent_notification.create
title: "Sensor Unchanged"
message: "### Unchanged Sensors: {{ '\n' + state_attr('sensor.unchanged_sensors','sensor_names').split(', ') | join('\n') }}"
notification_id: 'sensor_alert'
- id: dismiss_sensor_unchanged_notification
alias: "Dismiss Sensor Unchanged Notification"
description: "Send notification when sensor not updated for some time."
# run when there are no more unchanged
- platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.unchanged_sensors
below: 1
# dismiss the persistent notification
- service: persistent_notification.dismiss
notification_id: 'sensor_alert'
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I've added the possibility to match several patterns and use of search instead of match, which only matches the begining of the string.

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