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Created August 3, 2012 21:15
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Two scripts for creating heatmap of OSM data size, e.g.
from sys import argv, stdout, stderr
from subprocess import Popen
from os import stat, unlink
from math import log, ceil
from stat import ST_SIZE
from time import time
from ModestMaps.OpenStreetMap import Provider
from ModestMaps.Core import Coordinate
osm = Provider()
if __name__ == '__main__':
tile, original_file = argv[1:]
z, x, y = [int(part) for part in tile.split('/')]
coords = [(Coordinate(y, x, z), original_file)]
while len(coords):
coord, file = coords.pop(0)
size = stat(file)[ST_SIZE]
if size < 1024 or coord.zoom >= 9:
# nothing useful fits inside 1KB, and don't descend past z9
stdout.write('%d/%d/%d\t%s\t%d\t\n' % (coord.zoom, coord.column, coord.row, file, size))
ul = coord.zoomBy(1)
ur = ul.right()
lr = ur.down()
ll = lr.left()
osmosis = '/usr/local/bin/osmosis --rb ___ --log-progress interval=60 --tee outputCount=4'.split()
osmosis[2] = file
for other_coord in (ul, ll, ur, lr):
ne = osm.coordinateLocation(other_coord.right())
sw = osm.coordinateLocation(other_coord.down())
zoom = other_coord.zoom
length = '%d' % max(1, ceil(log(2**zoom) / log(10)))
x, y = [('%0' + length + 'd') % val for val in (other_coord.column, other_coord.row)]
other_file = 'planet-%(zoom)d-%(x)s-%(y)s.osm.pbf' % locals()
osmosis += ('--bb top=%.6f right=%.6f bottom=%.6f left=%.6f --wb ___' % (, ne.lon,, sw.lon)).split()
osmosis[-1] = other_file
coords.insert(0, (other_coord, other_file))
start_time = time()
osmosis = Popen(osmosis)
stdout.write('%d/%d/%d\t%s\t%d\t%.1f\n' % (coord.zoom, coord.column, coord.row, file, size, time() - start_time))
if file != original_file:
from psycopg2 import connect
db = connect(user='osm', database='planet_osm')
cur = db.cursor()
cur.execute('''select SUM(ST_NumPoints(way)), COUNT(osm_id)
from planet_osm_line
where way && ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_MakeBox2D(ST_MakePoint(-123, 37), ST_MakePoint(-122, 38)), 4326), 900913)''')
vertex_count, way_count = cur.fetchone()
from math import log, floor, ceil
from psycopg2 import connect
from PIL.ImageDraw import ImageDraw
from PIL import Image
from ModestMaps.Core import Coordinate
from ModestMaps.Tiles import toMicrosoft
colors = [
min_size, max_size = 126, 16206851105
log_base = (max_size - min_size) ** (1./len(colors))
def size_color(size):
""" Return an interpolated color for a given byte size.
index = log(size - min_size) / log(log_base)
except ValueError:
index = 0
low_index = int(index)
high_index = low_index + 1
high_mix = index - low_index
low_mix = 1 - high_mix
r1, g1, b1 = colors[low_index]
r2, g2, b2 = colors[high_index]
except IndexError:
return colors[-1]
return (int(r1 * low_mix + r2 * high_mix),
int(g1 * low_mix + g2 * high_mix),
int(b1 * low_mix + b2 * high_mix))
class Provider:
def __init__(self, layer):
def renderTile(self, width, height, srs, coord):
db = connect(user='osm', database='planet_osm').cursor()
quad = toMicrosoft(coord.column, coord.row, coord.zoom)
db.execute("""SELECT z, x, y, size
FROM data_sizes
WHERE quad LIKE '%s%%'
AND z = %d"""
% (quad, min(9, coord.zoom + 4)))
img ='RGB', (width, height), colors[0])
draw = ImageDraw(img)
coord = coord.zoomBy(8)
for (zoom, column, row, size) in db.fetchall():
sub_coord = Coordinate(row, column, zoom)
ul = sub_coord.zoomTo(coord.zoom)
lr = sub_coord.right().down().zoomTo(coord.zoom)
x1 = int(ul.column - coord.column)
x2 = int(lr.column - coord.column - 1)
y1 = int(ul.row - coord.row)
y2 = int(lr.row - coord.row - 1)
draw.rectangle((x1, y1, x2, y2), size_color(size))
return img
"cache": {"name": "test"},
"provider": {"class": "sizerender:Provider"},
"preview": {"zoom": 5},
"bounds": {"high": 9}
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