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Forked from johnnyjung/postgres_rails_os_x
Created October 3, 2012 10:03
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PostgreSQL with Rails on OS X
# Setting up and using PostgreSQL with Rails on OS X
# Allows you to use PostgreSQL instead of sqlite3, and have the same database type as Heroku
# Install postgres using homebrew
brew install postgres
# Follow directions provided by postgres installation
# Instructions for this part can be retrieved again using "brew info postgres"
# This creates a default user according to your system name
# If you encounter an error similar to this, then check out these helpful links
# "creating template1 database in /usr/local/var/postgres/base/1 ... FATAL: could not create shared memory segment: Cannot allocate memory"
initdb /usr/local/var/postgres
# Auto Start / Shutdown
# Follow the directions provided by postgres installation or "brew info postgres"
mkdir -p ~/Library/LaunchAgents
cp /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/....... (follow the directions provided by postgres)
launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/org.postgresql.postgres.plist
# Start Postgres (not really needed)
pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l /usr/local/var/postgres/server.log start
# Stop Postgres (not really needed)
pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres stop -s -m fast
# View Process List (see if Postgres is working)
ps auxwww | grep postgres
# Creating Users
# There is a default user of YOUR_NAME from OS X
# create a user in the terminal as follows
# select as a superuser to use it with rails!
createuser <user_name>
createuser johnny
# Rails and Postgres
# This customizes the database.yml file in the config folder
# Uses gem "pg" instead of "sqlite3"
# Bundle install should automatically install the 'pg' gem
rails new <app_name> -d postgresql
# Configure the database.yml to change the user to whatever you want
# Can be the same as the app name (good for production), but not necessary for development
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
database: <app_name>_development
pool: 5
username: <username>
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
database: <app_name>_test
pool: 5
username: <username>
# Creates the databases according to the database.yml file
# Make sure the right users are created as superusers
rake db:create:all
# Migrate your model to the databases
rake db:migrate
# Connect to your rails development database
# Same as psql <app_name>_development
rails db
# Connecting to Databases
# When you initialize your db, three databases will exist already: "postgres", "template0", "template1"
# These serve as templates upon with other databases will be based on, and you can connect to them if you want
# -U selects user
# Without -U, it defaults to the owner of the database
psql -U <user_name> <db_name>
psql <db_name>
psql -U johnny appname_development
psql appname_development
psql postgres
# Using psql shell
# Use all your awesome SQL statements here!
SELECT * FROM pg_user; # shows all the database users
\? # postgres help
\h # mysql help
\h <command> # mysql help for a specific command
\dt # list tables
\d <table_name> # look at a specific table
\l # list all databases
\q # quit out of psql
# Creating Databases
# -O selects owner / -E selects encoding
# without -O, it creates a db with the default user as the owner
# Good to keep with rails convention and call db by appname_development, appname_test, and appname_production
# Not necessary with rails as you can use rake db:create:all (but manually it works too)
createdb -O <user_name> -E utf8 <db_name>
createdb -O johnny -E utf8 appname_development
createdb -O johnny -E utf8 appname_test
# Deleting Stuff
dropdb <db_name> # delete database
dropuser <user_name> # delete user
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