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Created February 4, 2015 11:08
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KendoUI DateTimePicker for X-Editable
//kendo datetime picker for x-editable
(function ($) {
"use strict";
var KendoDateTimePicker = function (options) {
this.init('kendodatetimepicker', options, KendoDateTimePicker.defaults);
//try parse config defined as json string in data-datetimepicker
options.datetimepicker = $.fn.editableutils.tryParseJson(options.datetimepicker, true);
//overriding datetimepicker config (as by default jQuery extend() is not recursive)
this.options.datetimepicker = $.extend({}, KendoDateTimePicker.defaults.datetimepicker, options.datetimepicker);
//console.log('datyetime : '+ this.options.datetimepicker.format);
//inherit from Abstract input
$.fn.editableutils.inherit(KendoDateTimePicker, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput);
$.extend(KendoDateTimePicker.prototype, {
render: function () {
//$.each( this.options, function(i, n){
// console.log( "Name: " + i + ", Value: " + n );
this.$input = this.$tpl.find('input');;
this.$input.prop("readonly", true);
Default method to show value in element. Can be overwritten by display option.
@method value2html(value, element)
value2html: function(value, element) {
if(!value) {
Gets value from element's html
@method html2value(html)
html2value: function(html) {
you may write parsing method to get value by element's html
e.g. "Moscow, st. Lenina, bld. 15" => {city: "Moscow", street: "Lenina", building: "15"}
but for complex structures it's not recommended.
Better set value directly via javascript, e.g.
value: {
city: "Moscow",
street: "Lenina",
building: "15"
return null;
Converts value to string.
It is used in internal comparing (not for sending to server).
@method value2str(value)
value2str: function(value) {
var str = '';
if(value) {
for(var k in value) {
str = str + k + ':' + value[k] + ';';
return str;
Converts string to value. Used for reading value from 'data-value' attribute.
@method str2value(str)
str2value: function(str) {
this is mainly for parsing value defined in data-value attribute.
If you will always set value by javascript, no need to overwrite it
return str;
Sets value of input.
@method value2input(value)
@param {mixed} value
value2input: function(value) {
if(!value) {
Returns value of input.
@method input2value()
input2value: function() {
return this.$input.val();
Activates input: sets focus on the first field.
@method activate()
activate: function() {
Attaches handler to submit form in case of 'showbuttons=false' mode
@method autosubmit()
autosubmit: function() {
this.$input.keydown(function (e) {
if (e.which === 13) {
KendoDateTimePicker.defaults = $.extend({}, $.fn.editabletypes.abstractinput.defaults, {
@property tpl
@default <input type="text">
tpl: '<div class="editable-kendodatetimepicker"><input type="text" name="kendodatetime"></div>',
@property inputclass
@default null
inputclass: null,
Format used for sending value to server. Also applied when converting date from <code>data-value</code> attribute.<br>
See list of tokens in [momentjs docs](
@property format
@type string
@default YYYY-MM-DD
format:'MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm tt',
Format used for displaying date. Also applied when converting date from element's text on init.
If not specified equals to `format`.
Configuration of kendodatetimepicker.
@property datetimepicker
@type object
@default null
datetimepicker: null
$.fn.editabletypes.kendodatetimepicker = KendoDateTimePicker;
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