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Created January 1, 2023 22:01
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Example of supervisor actor in Scala
import actor.CappuccinoActor.{Cappuccino, CappuccinoActor, CappuccinoInit, CappuccinoMsg}
import actor.TeaActor.{Tea, TeaActor, TeaInit, TeaMsg}
import actor.UserInteractionActor.{AskAgainForBeverage, UserInteractionActor}
import{Actor, ActorSystem, Props}
import exception.ExceptionProcessingOrder
object CoffeeMachine extends App {
val system = ActorSystem("CoffeeMachineSupervisor")
val coffeeMachine = system.actorOf(Props(new CoffeeMachine()), "CoffeeMachineSupervisor")
class CoffeeMachine extends Actor {
private val userInteractionActor = context.actorOf(Props(new UserInteractionActor(self)), "UserInteractionActor")
private val cappuccinoActor = context.actorOf(Props(new CappuccinoActor(self)), "CappuccinoActor")
private val teaActor = context.actorOf(Props(new TeaActor(self)), "TeaActor")
def receive: Receive = {
case ExceptionProcessingOrder(reason) =>
userInteractionActor ! AskAgainForBeverage()
case CappuccinoMsg(beans, time) =>
cappuccinoActor ! CappuccinoInit(beans, time)
sender ! "We are making your Cappuccino..."
case Cappuccino(value) =>
userInteractionActor ! AskAgainForBeverage()
case TeaMsg(grass, time) =>
teaActor ! TeaInit(grass, time)
sender ! "We are making your Tea..."
case Tea(value) =>
userInteractionActor ! AskAgainForBeverage()
override def postStop() {
println("Stopping Cappuccino Actor....")
println("Stopping Tea Actor....")
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