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Last active August 5, 2019 06:42
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Code example for StackOverflow question on `foreach` and `R6` classes (
# # # Scope of the issue:
# - without the following line `object$parent_env <- environment()` (i.e., line 54 below), it throws an error:
# - `Error in { : task 1 failed - "object 'Work' not found"`.
# - I would like to know:
# 1. what are some potential pitfalls when assigning the `parent_env` inside `foreach`
# 2. why does it work in the first place
# Minimal reproducible example:
Work <- R6::R6Class("Work",
public = list(
values = NULL,
initialize = function() {
self$values <- "some values"
# Now, the following `Task` class uses the `Work` class in the constructor.
Task <- R6::R6Class("Task",
private = list( = NULL
public = list(
initialize = function(time) {
private$ <- Work$new()
# In the `Factory` class, the `Task` class is created and the `foreach` is implemented in `..m.thread()`.
Factory<- R6::R6Class("Factory",
private = list(
..warehouse = list(),
..m.thread = function(object, amount, ...) {
cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(parallel::detectCores() - 1)
private$..warehouse <- foreach::foreach(1:amount, .export = ls(parent.env(self$.__enclos_env__))) %dopar% {
# What exactly does `environment()` encapsulate in this context?
object$parent_env <- environment()
# Instantiate the class that uses `Work` in the constructor.
public = list(
initialize = function(object, ..., amount = 10) {
private$..m.thread(object = object, amount = amount, ...)
# Then, it is called as:
x = Factory$new(Task, time = 2, amount = 10)
# End of file.
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