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miham / build_cross_gcc
Last active November 23, 2015 08:27 — forked from preshing/build_cross_gcc
A shell script to download packages for, configure, build and install a GCC cross-compiler.
#! /bin/bash
set -e
trap 'previous_command=$this_command; this_command=$BASH_COMMAND' DEBUG
trap 'echo FAILED COMMAND: $previous_command' EXIT
# This script will download packages for, configure, build and install a GCC cross-compiler.
# Customize the variables (INSTALL_PATH, TARGET, etc.) to your liking before running.
# If you get an error and need to resume the script from some point in the middle,
# just delete/comment the preceding lines before running it again.
miham / image.png
Created February 18, 2012 18:31
xlim problems
from sympy import *

x = Symbol('x')

p = plot(x, show=False)
p.xlim = (-20,20)

The failure:

==================================================================== test process starts =====================================================================
executable:   /usr/bin/python2  (2.7.2-final-0)
architecture: 64-bit
cache:        yes
ground types: gmpy
random seed:  92394844

I get the following error when running tests:

==================================================================== test process starts =====================================================================
executable:   /usr/bin/python2  (2.7.2-final-0)
architecture: 64-bit
cache:        yes
ground types: gmpy
random seed:  62139164