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Last active April 30, 2024 11:32
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This Haskell script demonstrates a simple expression parser with monadic combinators.
#!/usr/bin/env cabal
{- cabal:
build-depends: base
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
-- | This Haskell script demonstrates a simple expression parser with monadic combinators.
-- | It can be broken into five parts:
-- | 1. A mini parser combinator library with monadic combinators.
-- | 2. A tokenizer that converts a string into a list of tokens.
-- | 3. A function that converts a list of tokens into a postfix notation.
-- | 4. A function that converts a list of tokens into an expression tree.
-- | 5. A function that evaluates an expression tree.
-- | Parser implementation with monadic combinators
data Parser a = Parser
{ runParser :: String -> Maybe (String, a)
deriving (Functor)
parse :: Parser a -> String -> Maybe a
parse p i = case runParser p i of
Just (_, x) -> Just x
_ -> Nothing
instance Applicative Parser where
pure x = Parser $ \i -> Just (i, x)
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad Parser where
return = pure
p >>= f = Parser $ \i -> do
(i', x) <- runParser p i
runParser (f x) i'
instance Alternative Parser where
empty = Parser $ const Nothing
p1 <|> p2 = Parser $ \i -> runParser p1 i <|> runParser p2 i
-- | Basic parsers
anyChar :: Parser Char
anyChar = Parser $ \i -> case i of
c : cs -> Just (cs, c)
_ -> Nothing
satisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
satisfy p = anyChar >>= \c -> if p c then return c else empty
eof :: Parser ()
eof = anyChar *> empty <|> return ()
-- | Parser combinators
between :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser c -> Parser b
between p1 p2 p3 = p1 *> p2 <* p3
surroundedBy :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser b
surroundedBy p1 p2 = between p1 p2 p1
trim :: Parser a -> Parser a
trim = surroundedBy (many space)
-- | Few more parsers
space :: Parser Char
space = satisfy isSpace
char :: Char -> Parser Char
char c = satisfy (== c)
string :: String -> Parser String
string = mapM char
symbol :: String -> a -> Parser a
symbol s x = string s *> return x
digit :: Parser Char
digit = satisfy isDigit
int :: Parser Int
int = read <$> some digit
double :: Parser Double
double = do
n <- int
_ <- char '.'
m <- int
return $ read $ show n ++ "." ++ show m
num :: Parser Double
num = double <|> (fromIntegral <$> int)
-- | Tokenizer
data Operator
= OperatorPlus
| OperatorMinus
| OperatorMult
| OperatorDiv
| OperatorPow
| OperatorLParen
| OperatorRParen
deriving (Show, Eq)
operator :: Parser Operator
operator =
symbol "+" OperatorPlus
<|> symbol "-" OperatorMinus
<|> symbol "**" OperatorPow
<|> symbol "*" OperatorMult
<|> symbol "/" OperatorDiv
<|> symbol "(" OperatorLParen
<|> symbol ")" OperatorRParen
precedence :: Operator -> Int
precedence OperatorPlus = 1
precedence OperatorMinus = 1
precedence OperatorMult = 2
precedence OperatorDiv = 2
precedence OperatorPow = 3
precedence OperatorLParen = error "Left parentheses is handled separately"
precedence OperatorRParen = error "Right parentheses is handled separately"
data Token
= TokenNum Double
| TokenOperator Operator
deriving (Show, Eq)
token :: Parser Token
token =
TokenNum <$> num
<|> TokenOperator <$> operator
tokens :: Parser [Token]
tokens = many (trim token)
-- Try to tokenize the whole input string or return Nothing if it fails.
tokenize :: String -> Maybe [Token]
tokenize = parse $ tokens <* eof
-- Prefix to Postfix conversion using the Shunting-yard algorithm.
toPostfix :: [Token] -> Maybe [Token]
toPostfix ts = go [] ts
go :: [Operator] -> [Token] -> Maybe [Token]
-- Base case, all tokens have been processed
go [] [] = Just []
go (op : ops) [] = case op of
OperatorLParen -> Nothing
OperatorRParen -> error "Right parentheses should not be in the operator stack"
_ -> (TokenOperator op :) <$> go ops []
go ops (t : ts) = case t of
-- Put operands to the output.
TokenNum n -> (TokenNum n :) <$> go ops ts
TokenOperator op -> case op of
-- Push left parentheses to the operator stack.
OperatorLParen -> go (op : ops) ts
-- Pop operators from the operator stack to the output until a left parentheses is encountered.
OperatorRParen -> case ops of
-- If there is no left parentheses in the operator stack, then the expression is invalid.
[] -> Nothing
-- Discard the left parentheses.
(OperatorLParen : ops') -> go ops' ts
-- Pop operators to the output.
(op' : ops') -> (TokenOperator op' :) <$> go ops' (t : ts)
-- Handle other operators.
_ -> case ops of
-- Push the operator to the operator stack.
[] -> go [op] ts
-- Pop operators from the operator stack to the output until an operator with higher precedence is encountered.
op' : ops' ->
if op' /= OperatorLParen && precedence op' >= precedence op
then (TokenOperator op' :) <$> go ops' (t : ts)
else go (op : ops) ts
-- | Expression parser
data Expr
= ExprNum Double
| ExprOperator Operator Expr Expr
deriving (Show)
parseExpr :: [Token] -> Maybe Expr
parseExpr ts = go [] ts
go :: [Expr] -> [Token] -> Maybe Expr
go [e] [] = Just e
go (e2 : e1 : es) (TokenOperator op : ts) = go (ExprOperator op e1 e2 : es) ts
go es (TokenNum n : ts) = go (ExprNum n : es) ts
evalExpr :: Expr -> Double
evalExpr (ExprNum n) = n
evalExpr (ExprOperator o e1 e2) = case o of
OperatorPlus -> evalExpr e1 + evalExpr e2
OperatorMinus -> evalExpr e1 - evalExpr e2
OperatorMult -> evalExpr e1 * evalExpr e2
OperatorDiv -> evalExpr e1 / evalExpr e2
OperatorPow -> evalExpr e1 ** evalExpr e2
-- | Main
main :: IO ()
main = do
let Just t = tokenize "1.2 ** 3.4 + (5 + 6 * 7 - 8.9) / (10 + 11) * 12 / 13 / 14"
let r = 1.2 ** 3.4 + (5 + 6 * 7 - 8.9) / (10 + 11) * 12 / 13 / 14
print t
let Just p = toPostfix t
print p
let Just e = parseExpr p
print e
print $ evalExpr e
print $ r
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