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Last active October 31, 2016 09:32
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Removing redux-saga

We don't recommend removing redux-saga, as we strongly feel that it's the way to go for most redux based applications.

If you really want to get rid of it, you will have to delete its traces from several places.


  1. Remove statement import createSagaMiddleware from 'redux-saga'.
  2. Remove statement const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware().
  3. Remove sagaMiddleware from middlewares array.
  4. Remove statement store.runSaga =


  1. Remove runSaga: isFunction from shape.
  2. Remove function injectAsyncSagas.
  3. Do not export injectSagas: injectAsyncSagas(store, true).


  1. Do not pull out injectSagas from getAsyncInjectors().
  2. Remove sagas from importModules.then().
  3. Remove injectSagas(sagas.default) from every route that uses Saga.

Finally, remove it from the package.json. Then you should be good to go with whatever side-effect management library you want to use!

Removing reselect

To remove reselect, remove it from your dependencies in package.json and then write your mapStateToProps functions like you normally would!

You'll also need to hook up the history directly to the store. Make changes to app/app.js.

  1. Remove statement import { selectLocationState } from 'containers/App/selectors'
  2. Make necessary changes to history as follows:
const selectLocationState = () => {
  let prevRoutingState;
  let prevRoutingStateJS;

  return (state) => {
    const routingState = state.get('route'); // or state.route

    if (!routingState.equals(prevRoutingState)) {
      prevRoutingState = routingState;
      prevRoutingStateJS = routingState.toJS();

    return prevRoutingStateJS;

const history = syncHistoryWithStore(browserHistory, store, {
  selectLocationState: selectLocationState(),
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