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Last active March 20, 2018 04:37
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Interview Prep Notes
  1. Reading std C lib header contents from command line:

    echo "#include<string.h>" | cpp | grep "strstr" Displays strstr() function definition

  2. Finding multiple char in a string, handle case where last char is unique

  3. To find a number which occurs odd number of times from a list, make use of the XOR ‘^’ operator. The result will be the number which occurs for odd number of times.

    Example: 3 XOR 5 XOR 3 = 5

  4. Number reversal in python can be done as: str(num)[::-1] => means that take all numbers, and stride is -1

  5. Kadane's Algorithm for Finding max sum of subarray in O(n) time

  6. DP:

    For any dynamic programming question, there are two ways to think about it:

    1. Top down approach (recursive+memoized)
    2. Bottom up DP - iterative approach

    Measuring the complexity: Approach 1: Time for Number of subproblems O(1) ~ for fibonacci, n O(1) = n

  7. For longest common subsequence:

    Recursively: If last letter is same, then do 1 + lcs(a[m-1], b[n-1])

  8. Perfectly balanced binary tree has

    i. Median at root (odd numbers of entries) ii. Median as average of middle two elements (even entries)

  9. Bit manipulation:

    1. Logical shift - drop sign
    2. Arithmetic shift - keep sign
    3. Find ith bit - left shift 1 by i bits, and then 'and': x&(1<<i)
    4. Set ith bit - left shift 1 by i bits, and then 'or': x | (1<<i)
    5. Clear ith bit - left shift 1 by i bits, take 1's complement, then 'and': ~(i<<i) & x
  10. Use string[i].isalnum() for checking if a char in the string is alpha numeric or not

  11. If numbers are stored as strings in array:

    use a[i].isdigit() to check if number For negative numbers, we need to remove the '-' first: a[i].lstrip('-').isdigit*()

  12. For finding difference in two strings, create dictionary with first string letter,

  13. Use sets in python when want unique elements. Example: used in candy distribution

  14. For finding the prime numbers, use Eratosthenes Sieve:

    def SieveOfEratosthenes(n):
     Create a boolean array "prime[0..n]" and initialize
     all entries it as true. A value in prime[i] will
     finally be false if i is Not a prime, else true.
     prime = [True for i in range(n+1)]
     p = 2
     while (p * p <= n):
         If prime[p] is not changed, then it is a prime
         if (prime[p] == True):
             Update all multiples of p
             for i in range(p * 2, n+1, p):
                 prime[i] = False
         p += 1
  15. Difference to remember in Least Common Substring and Subsequence:

    Substring: continguous: 'aabbcd' - 'abbc'

    Subsequence: not continguous: 'aabbcd' - 'abd'

    Difference in matrices:

    Substring: if letters match - put diagonal+1

    if letters don't match, put 0

    Subsequence: if letters match - put diagonal+1

    if letters don't match, put max(top, left)

  16. Python list splicing takes O(k) time, where k->len of spliced array

  17. Use enumerate() instead of range(len(something)) when using indices multiple times

  18. Conversion in python: format(num, "0b") -> binary, format(num, "0x") -> hex

  19. Check if power of 2: simply take math.log(n,2) and see it is int. i.e: math.log(n,2) %1 == 0

  20. For length of substring problems, use sliding window for O(n) complexity.

    Problems which can be solved with this:
    1. length of longest substring without repeating char
  21. Quicksort's partition function can be used in many problems such as the dutch flag (red, white, blue) problem.

    def parition(pivot,a):
        i = -1
        j = 0
        while j <= pivot:
            if a[j] <= a[pivot]:
                j += 1
                i += 1
                j += 1
    For the flag problem, there are 3 parts we want to divide into
    so modify partition function as follows:
    def modified_partition(a):
        low = 0
        mid = 0
        high = len(a)-1
        while mid <= high:
            if a[mid] == 1:
                mid += 1
            if a[mid] == 0:
                mid += 1
                low += 1
            if a[mid] == 2:
                high -= 1
  22. For storing the value of each level in subarray during tree traversal, store (root, level) in q/stack

    Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II Problem:
    def levelOrderBottom(self, root):
        :type root: TreeNode
        :rtype: List[List[int]]
        if not root:
            return []
        res = []
        q = list()
        level = 0
        self.bfs(q, res)
        return res[::-1]
    def bfs(self, q, res):
        while q:
            curr, level = q.pop(0)
            if level == len(res):
            if curr.left:
                q.append((curr.left, level+1))
            if curr.right:
                q.append((curr.right, level+1))
        return res
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