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Created April 26, 2018 12:23
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KineticSolver-UG4 component for VRL by A.Vogel and M.Hoffer
* Script to perform a Kinetic Problem
* Author: M. Hoffer, A. Vogel
import eu.mihosoft.vrl.annotation.*;
import eu.mihosoft.vrl.types.*;
import eu.mihosoft.vrl.math.Trajectory;
@ComponentInfo(name = "KineticSolver (custom version)", category = "Custom")
public class KineticSolverCustom implements {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private boolean stopSolver;
private Trajectory[] vEvalTrajectory;
private transient CanvasRequest cReq;
@MethodInfo(valueStyle = "multi-out", interactive = true)
style = "multi-out",
elemNames = ["VTU-File", "Trajectories"],
elemTypes = [File.class, Trajectory[].class]
public Object[] invoke(
CanvasRequest ThecReq,
@ParamGroupInfo(group = "Problem Setup")
@ParamInfo(name = "Problem-Setup", style = "default") I_DomainDiscretization domainDisc,
@ParamGroupInfo(group = "Problem Setup")
@ParamInfo(name = "Approximation-Space", style = "default") I_ApproximationSpace approxSpace,
@ParamGroupInfo(group = "Domain")
@ParamInfo(name = "Output Filename:", style = "save-dialog", options = "endings=[\"vtu\"]") fileOut,
@ParamGroupInfo(group = "Domain")
@ParamInfo(name = "Erase old Files", options = "value=true") boolean bEraseOldFiles,
@ParamGroupInfo(group = "Domain")
@ParamInfo(name = "Output-Data", style = "default") I_VTKOutput out,
@ParamGroupInfo(group = "Domain")
@ParamInfo(name = "Number Refinements", style = "default", options = "value=3") int numRefs,
@ParamGroupInfo(group = "Time|true|Time Solver Parameters")
@ParamInfo(name = "Time Solver", style = "selection", options = "value=[\"Implicit Euler\", \"Crank-Nicolson\", \"Explicit Euler\"]") String timeSolverName,
@ParamGroupInfo(group = "Time")
@ParamInfo(name = "Start Time", style = "default", options = "value=0.00D") double timeStart,
@ParamGroupInfo(group = "Time")
@ParamInfo(name = "End Time", style = "default", options = "value=0.1D") double timeEnd,
@ParamGroupInfo(group = "Time")
@ParamInfo(name = "Maximal Time Step Size", style = "default", options = "value=0.01D") double maxStepSize,
@ParamGroupInfo(group = "Time")
@ParamInfo(name = "Minimal Time Step Size", style = "default", options = "value=0.0001D") double minStepSize,
@ParamGroupInfo(group = "Time")
@ParamInfo(name = "Time Step Reduction Factor", style = "default", options = "value=0.25D") double stepReductionFactor,
@ParamGroupInfo(group = "Time")
@ParamInfo(name = "Start Values", style = "default") I_UserNumber[] StartValues,
@ParamGroupInfo(group = "Linear Solver Setup|true|Solver Parameters")
@ParamInfo(name = "Linear Solver", style = "selection", options = "value=[\"Linear Solver\", \"Conjugate Gradient\", \"BiCGStab\", \"LU\"]") String solverName,
@ParamGroupInfo(group = "Linear Solver Setup")
@ParamInfo(name = "Preconditioner", style = "selection", options = "value=[\"Geometric MultiGrid\", \"Jacobi\", \"Gauss-Seidel\", \"Incomplete LU\", \"None\"]") String precondName,
@ParamGroupInfo(group = "Linear Solver Setup")
@ParamInfo(name = "Maximal Number Iterations", style = "default", options = "value=100") int maxNumIter,
@ParamGroupInfo(group = "Linear Solver Setup")
@ParamInfo(name = "Minimal Residuum Norm", style = "default", options = "value=1E-10") double absTol,
@ParamGroupInfo(group = "Nonlinear Solver Setup")
@ParamInfo(name = "Maximal Number Iterations", style = "default", options = "value=20") int maxNumIterNonLinear,
@ParamGroupInfo(group = "Nonlinear Solver Setup")
@ParamInfo(name = "Minimal Residuum Norm", style = "default", options = "value=1E-8D") double absTolNonLinear,
@ParamGroupInfo(group = "Data Evaluation|false")
@ParamInfo(name = "Integration Subset ", style = "ugx-subset-selection-array", options = "globalTag=\"TheFile\"; minArraySize=0") String[] vEvalSubset,
@ParamGroupInfo(group = "Data Evaluation")
@ParamInfo(name = "Flux Integration Subset ", style = "ugx-subset-selection-array", options = "globalTag=\"TheFile\"; minArraySize=0") String[] vEvalFluxSubset) {
if (bEraseOldFiles) {
eraseAllFilesInFolder(fileOut, "vtu");
cReq = ThecReq;
String fileNameOut = fileOut.getAbsoluteFile().getAbsolutePath();
// set abortion flag to false initially (can be changed using stopSolver-Method)
stopSolver = false;
I_Domain dom = approxSpace.domain();
I_IRefiner refiner = F_GlobalDomainRefiner.invoke(dom);
for (int i = 0; i < numRefs; ++i) {
if (precondName.equals("Geometric MultiGrid")) {
F_OrderCuthillMcKee.invoke(approxSpace, true);
//-- Create Time Discretization
I_ThetaTimeStep timeDisc = new ThetaTimeStep(domainDisc);
if (timeSolverName.equals("Implicit Euler")) {
} else if (timeSolverName.equals("Crank-Nicolson")) {
} else if (timeSolverName.equals("Explicit Euler")) {
} else {
errorExit("Cannot find time solver: " + timeSolverName);
// timeDisc.set_theta(1.0); //-- 1.0 is implicit euler
//-- create operator from discretization
I_AssembledOperator op = new AssembledOperator();
I_MGSubsetHandler sh = dom.subset_handler();
//-- Algebra
//-- matrix and vectors
I_GridFunction u = new GridFunction(approxSpace);
//-- create Convergence Check
I_ConvCheck convCheck = new ConvCheck();
//-- create Solver with ilu preconditioner
I_ILinearOperatorInverse solver = null;
if (solverName.equals("BiCGStab")) {
solver = new BiCGStab();
} else if (solverName.equals("Conjugate Gradient")) {
solver = new CG();
} else if (solverName .equals( "Linear Solver")) {
solver = new LinearSolver();
} else if (solverName .equals( "LU")) {
solver = new LU();
} else {
errorExit("Cannot find solver: " + solverName);
// -- create GMG Preconditioner
if (!precondName.equals("None") && !solverName.equals("LU")) {
I_ILinearIterator precond = null;
if (precondName .equals( "Jacobi")) {
precond = new Jacobi();
} else if (precondName .equals( "Gauss-Seidel")) {
precond = new GaussSeidel();
} else if (precondName .equals( "Incomplete LU")) {
precond = new ILU();
} else if (precondName .equals( "Geometric MultiGrid")) {
precond = new GeometricMultiGrid(approxSpace);
((GeometricMultiGrid) precond).set_discretization(timeDisc);
((GeometricMultiGrid) precond).set_base_level(0);
((GeometricMultiGrid) precond).set_base_solver(new LU());
((GeometricMultiGrid) precond).set_smoother(new ILU());
((GeometricMultiGrid) precond).set_cycle_type(1);
((GeometricMultiGrid) precond).set_num_presmooth(3);
((GeometricMultiGrid) precond).set_num_postsmooth(3);
} else {
errorExit("Cannot find preconditioner: " + precondName);
// solver.set_preconditioner(precond);
try {
((I_IPreconditionedLinearOperatorInverse) solver).set_preconditioner(precond);
} catch (Exception e) {
// in case of solver is LU
// there will be (maybe) a CastExeption
System.err.println(getClass().getSimpleName() + ": solver is LU therefore CastException !?");
I_ConvCheck newtonConvCheck = new ConvCheck();
//-- create Newton Solver
I_NewtonSolver newtonSolver = new NewtonSolver();
//-- Output
// this is different from the original script:
// we remove .vtu because ug's vtk function does not allow
// filename extensions
if (fileNameOut.endsWith(".vtu")) {
fileNameOut = fileNameOut.substring(
0, fileNameOut.length() - 4);
//-- start
double time = timeStart;
int step = 0;
//-- set initial value
F_Print.invoke("Interpolation start values.\n");
if (approxSpace.const__num_fct() > StartValues.length) {
errorExit("Wrong number of start values passed");
System.out.println("approxSpace.const__num_fct() = "+ approxSpace.const__num_fct());
for (int fct = 0; fct < approxSpace.const__num_fct(); ++fct) {
F_Interpolate.invoke(StartValues[fct], u, approxSpace.const__name(fct), time);
// //writes a file in the "studio-bundle folder"/Resources/Java/"filename.vec"
// F_SaveVectorForConnectionViewer.invoke(u, "u_interpolated.vec");
// System.out.println("StartValues[fct], u, approxSpace.const__name(fct), time");
//// ConstUserNumber2d n = (ConstUserNumber2d) StartValues[fct];
//// n.const__print();
//// PrintUserNumber2d pun = new PrintUserNumber2d();
//// F_PrintUserDataValue.invoke(StartValues[fct], , time, 0);
// System.out.println(StartValues[fct].toString() +","+ u+","+ approxSpace.const__name(fct)+","+ time);
// if(StartValues[fct] instanceof VRLUserNumber2d){
// VRLUserNumber2d number = (VRLUserNumber2d) StartValues[fct];
//// F_Print
// }else if(StartValues[fct] instanceof ConstUserNumber2d){
// ConstUserNumber2d number = (ConstUserNumber2d) StartValues[fct];
// System.out.println("const_print = ");
// number.const__print();
// }
//-- write start solution
F_Print.invoke("Writing start values.\n");
out.print(fileNameOut, u, step, time);
//-- create new grid function for old value
// I_GridFunction uOld = u.clone();
I_GridFunction uOld = u.const__clone();
//-- store grid function in vector of old solutions
I_SolutionTimeSeries solTimeSeries = new SolutionTimeSeries();
solTimeSeries.push(uOld, time);
timeDisc.prepare_step(solTimeSeries, maxStepSize);
vEvalTrajectory = new Trajectory[vEvalSubset.length + vEvalFluxSubset.length];
for (int i = 0; i < vEvalSubset.length; ++i) {
vEvalTrajectory[i] = new Trajectory(""+vEvalSubset[i]);
double val = F_Integral.invoke(u, approxSpace.const__name(0), vEvalSubset[i]);
F_Print.invoke("Volume Integral on Subset " + vEvalSubset[i] + ":" + val + "\n");
vEvalTrajectory[i].add(time, val);
for (int i = 0; i < vEvalFluxSubset.length; ++i) {
vEvalTrajectory[i + vEvalSubset.length] = new Trajectory(""+vEvalFluxSubset[i]);
double val = -1.0 * F_IntegrateDiscFlux.invoke(timeDisc, u, approxSpace.const__name(0), vEvalFluxSubset[i]);
F_Print.invoke("Flux Integral on Subset " + vEvalFluxSubset[i] + ":" + val + "\n");
vEvalTrajectory[i + vEvalSubset.length].add(time, val);
while (time < timeEnd) {
step += 1;
F_Print.invoke("++++++ TIMESTEP " + step + " BEGIN, time: " + time + " ++++++\n");
//-- choose time step
double dt = maxStepSize;
boolean bSuccess = false;
while (bSuccess == false) {
if (time + dt > timeEnd) {
dt = timeEnd - time + 1e-20;
//-- setup time Disc for old solutions and timestep
timeDisc.prepare_step(solTimeSeries, dt);
//-- prepare newton solver
if (newtonSolver.prepare(u) == false) {
F_Print.invoke("Newton solver failed at step " + step + ".");
errorExit("Newton Solver: Solving failed.");
//-- apply newton solver
if (newtonSolver.apply(u) == false) {
dt = dt * stepReductionFactor;
F_Print.invoke("\n++++++ Newton solver failed. Trying decreased stepsize " + dt);
if (dt < minStepSize) {
F_Print.invoke("++++++ Time Step to small. Cannot solve problem.");
errorExit("Newton Solver: Solving failed.");
} else {
bSuccess = true;
//-- update new time
time = solTimeSeries.const__time(0) + dt;
for (int i = 0; i < vEvalSubset.length; ++i) {
double val = F_Integral.invoke(u, approxSpace.const__name(0), vEvalSubset[i]);
F_Print.invoke("Integral on Subset " + vEvalSubset[i] + ":" + val + "\n");
vEvalTrajectory[i].add(time, val);
for (int i = 0; i < vEvalFluxSubset.length; ++i) {
double val = -1.0 * F_IntegrateDiscFlux.invoke(timeDisc, u, approxSpace.const__name(0), vEvalFluxSubset[i]);
F_Print.invoke("Flux Integral on Subset " + vEvalFluxSubset[i] + ":" + val + "\n");
vEvalTrajectory[i + vEvalSubset.length].add(time, val);
//-- plot solution
out.print(fileNameOut, u, step, time);
//-- get oldest solution
I_Vector oldestSol = solTimeSeries.oldest();
//-- copy values into oldest solution (we reuse the memory here)
F_VecScaleAssign.invoke(oldestSol, 1.0, u);
//-- push oldest solutions with new values to front, oldest sol pointer is poped from end
solTimeSeries.push_discard_oldest(oldestSol, time);
F_Print.invoke("++++++ TIMESTEP " + step + " END, time: " + time + " ++++++\n");
if (stopSolver) {
F_Print.invoke("\n -------- SOLVER STOPPED --------\n");
//-- end timeseries, produce gathering file
out.write_time_pvd(fileNameOut, u);
return [new File(fileNameOut + ".vtu"), vEvalTrajectory];
public void stopSolver() {
stopSolver = true;
private void errorExit(String s) {
eu.mihosoft.vrl.system.VMessage.exception("Setup Error in KineticSolver: ", s);
@MethodInfo(name = "", valueName = "Trajectories", valueStyle = "default", valueOptions = "", interactive = false)
public Trajectory[] getTrajectories() {
return vEvalTrajectory;
static private void eraseAllFilesInFolder(
File file,
final String ending) {
// int dot = file.getPath().lastIndexOf(".");
// int sep = file.getPath().lastIndexOf(File.separator);
// final String fileNameStartsWith = file.getPath().substring(sep + 1, dot);
File folder = file.getParentFile();
String path = file.getAbsolutePath();
String fileNameStartsWith = path;
if(path.toLowerCase().endsWith(ending.toLowerCase())) {
fileNameStartsWith = path.substring(0,path.length()-ending.length());
// check if filename given
if(fileNameStartsWith.isEmpty()) return;
// we need to declare a final copy of fileNameStartsWith to make it accessible to
// the inner filter class
final String fileNameStartsWithFinal = fileNameStartsWith;
// check that folder exists
if (folder != null && folder.isDirectory()) {
for (File f : folder.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File pathName) {
boolean fileAccept = pathName.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(ending);
//int dot1 = pathName.getPath().lastIndexOf(".");
//int sep1 = pathName.getPath().lastIndexOf(File.separator);
String fileName = pathName.getPath().substring(0,pathName.getPath().length()-ending.length());
boolean nameAccept = fileName.startsWith(fileNameStartsWithFinal + "_t");
return fileAccept && nameAccept;
{ // start for
if (f.isFile() && f.exists()) { // start if exists
//System.out.println("DELETING FILE: " + f.getAbsoluteFile());
} catch (Exception ex) {
// ... do nothing ... ignore ...
} // end if exists
} // end for
} // end if folder
} // end method
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