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Last active January 31, 2025 19:47
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Load environment variables from dotenv / .env file in Bash
# The initial version
if [ ! -f .env ]
export $(cat .env | xargs)
# My favorite from the comments. Thanks @richarddewit & others!
set -a && source .env && set +a
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emilwojcik93 commented Jan 7, 2024

Hi, here is mine solution to read vars from /etc/environemnt file which I used in /etc/profile or /etc/bash.bashrc

oneliner for easier validation if line exists in file
(I removed single quotes ' from conditions, so it could be easier parsed by grep)

while read -r LINE; do [[ ${LINE} =~ ^# || ${LINE} =~ ^PATH= || ! ${LINE} == *=* || ${LINE} =~ ^[0-9] || ${LINE} =~ ^[^a-zA-Z_] ]] || export "${LINE}"; done < "/etc/environment"

or formatad syntax:

while read -r LINE; do 
  if [[ ${LINE} =~ ^# || ${LINE} =~ ^PATH= || ! ${LINE} == *=* || ${LINE} =~ ^[0-9] || ${LINE} =~ ^[^a-zA-Z_] ]]; then
    export "${LINE}"
done < "/etc/environment"

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shadiabuhilal commented Feb 2, 2024


Here is my solution to read vars from .env file and ignoring # and cleaning values from ' and ". File:


# Specify the path to your .env file

# Check if the .env file exists
if [ -f "$ENV_FILE" ]; then

  echo "[INFO]: Reading $ENV_FILE file."

  # Read the .env file line by line
  while IFS= read -r line; do
    # Skip comments and empty lines
    if [[ "$line" =~ ^\s*#.*$ || -z "$line" ]]; then

    # Split the line into key and value
    key=$(echo "$line" | cut -d '=' -f 1)
    value=$(echo "$line" | cut -d '=' -f 2-)

    # Remove single quotes, double quotes, and leading/trailing spaces from the value
    value=$(echo "$value" | sed -e "s/^'//" -e "s/'$//" -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' -e 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//')

    # Export the key and value as environment variables
    export "$key=$value"
  done < "$ENV_FILE"
  echo "[DONE]: Reading $ENV_FILE file."
  echo "[ERROR]: $ENV_FILE not found."

Enjoy :)

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One-liner while running command a script (such as pnpm script)
I added parentheses not to pollute global environment vars. Not sure if it's needed though.

(export $(cat .env | xargs) && pnpm compile)

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rrakso commented Feb 28, 2024

source .env

works for me

wont work if you have # in your .env

@abhidp it seems, that it works well - even with comments in .env! :D (cc: @muthugit)

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MansourM commented Mar 10, 2024

this is the final version that im using, seems to work for all situations

read_env() {
  local filePath="${1:-.env}"

  if [ ! -f "$filePath" ]; then
    echo "missing ${filePath}"
    exit 1

  echo "Reading $filePath"
  while read -r LINE; do
    # Remove leading and trailing whitespaces, and carriage return
    CLEANED_LINE=$(echo "$LINE" | awk '{$1=$1};1' | tr -d '\r')

    if [[ $CLEANED_LINE != '#'* ]] && [[ $CLEANED_LINE == *'='* ]]; then
      export "$CLEANED_LINE"
  done < "$filePath"

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Thanks @MansourM !

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this is the final version that im using, seems to work for all situations

read_env() {
  local filePath="${1:-.env}"

  if [ ! -f "$filePath" ]; then
    echo "missing ${filePath}"
    exit 1

  log "Reading $filePath"
  while read -r LINE; do
    # Remove leading and trailing whitespaces, and carriage return
    CLEANED_LINE=$(echo "$LINE" | awk '{$1=$1};1' | tr -d '\r')

    if [[ $CLEANED_LINE != '#'* ]] && [[ $CLEANED_LINE == *'='* ]]; then
      export "$CLEANED_LINE"
  done < "$filePath"

Looks great, but it doesn't work if the .env file contains only 1 row (just one without br)

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MansourM commented Apr 27, 2024

Looks great, but it doesn't work if the .env file contains only 1 row (just one without br)

how do you use it?
you get any errors?
btw u need to comment or remove this line as you don't have the log function
log "Reading $filePath"

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I needed this and after reading the above realized none of the solutions quite worked for my .env file on a Mac... so I modified what @shadiabuhilal into this (which I put into a file called "readenv")

# quick bash function to read .env file
# use it via:
# source readenv
# readenv
# or
# readenv <filename>
# modified from
# fixed for whitespace issues, posix compliance (e.g. \t on mac means t)
# NOT a standalone script as when used as a standalone script, it'll read in the ENV variables into a sub-process, not the
# calling process

readenv() {
  local filePath="${1:-.env}"

  if [ ! -f "$filePath" ]; then
    # silently be done
    # put some error / echo if you prefer non-silent errors
    return 0

#  echo "Reading $filePath"
  while read -r line; do
    if [[ "$line" =~ ^\s*#.*$ || -z "$line" ]]; then

     # Split the line into key and value. Trim whitespace on either side.
    key=$(echo "$line" | cut -d '=' -f 1 | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//')
    value=$(echo "$line" | cut -d '=' -f 2- | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//')

    # Leaving the below here... normally this works, but if you have something like
    # FOO="  string with leading and trailing  "
    # then the leading / trailing spaces are deleted. FOO="a word", FOO='a word', and FOO=a word all generally work
    # so leave the quotes
    # Remove single quotes, double quotes, and leading/trailing spaces from the value
    # value=$(echo "$value" | sed -e "s/^'//" -e "s/'$//" -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//;s/[[:space:]]*$//')

    # Export the key and value as environment variables
    # echo "$key=$value"
    export "$key=$value"

  done < "$filePath"

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Also - recommend to use [[:space:]] rather than \s or [ \t] --- on Macs, \s isn't space, and \t isn't TAB but t. Yay standardization!

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This is what I use:

# shellcheck disable=SC2046
[ -f .env ] && export $(grep -v '^#' .env | xargs)

No need to do a double negation with [ ! -f .env ] || when you can do [ -f .env ] &&

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@bfontaine thanks, worked like a charm.

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this is the final version that im using, seems to work for all situations

read_env() {
  local filePath="${1:-.env}"

  if [ ! -f "$filePath" ]; then
    echo "missing ${filePath}"
    exit 1

  echo "Reading $filePath"
  while read -r LINE; do
    # Remove leading and trailing whitespaces, and carriage return
    CLEANED_LINE=$(echo "$LINE" | awk '{$1=$1};1' | tr -d '\r')

    if [[ $CLEANED_LINE != '#'* ]] && [[ $CLEANED_LINE == *'='* ]]; then
      export "$CLEANED_LINE"
  done < "$filePath"

working for my case: Windows + WSL + bash + 7z password from env + export from .env

Thanks @MansourM !

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