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Last active March 27, 2020 16:22
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Build SVN
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
Build SVN (including dependencies).
Directory where downloaded files and build products will be stored.
Run make with the given number of parallel worker processes.
Whether files not strictly required to run the distribution should be removed from the deployment.
param (
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $false)]
[String]$BuildRoot = $PSScriptRoot,
[Int]$Parallel = 1,
[Switch]$libressl = $true,
[Switch]$apr = $true,
[Switch]$neon = $false,
[Switch]$libxml = $true,
[Switch]$sqlite = $true,
[Switch]$serf = $true,
[Switch]$buildHelper = $true,
[Switch]$Tidy = $false
$LibreSSLVersion = "3.0.2"
$LibreSSLSHA256 = "DF7B172BF79B957DD27EF36DCAA1FB162562C0E8999E194AA8C1A3DF2F15398E"
$aprVersion = "1.7.0"
$aprUtilVersion = "1.6.1"
$aprIconvVersion = "1.2.2"
$zlibVersion = "1.2.11"
$libxmlVersion = "2.9.7"
$neonVersion = "0.31.0"
$SQLite3Version = "3300100"
$SQLite3SHA256 = "8C5A50DB089BD2A1B08DBC5B00D2027602CA7FF238BA7658FABCA454D4298E60"
$SvnVersion = "1.13.0"
$SvnSHA512 = "36f390b412bf772bf894efc2aadc247f12ca30ac407e04f664c14411c3519e1bb242d1239f2f44cbcb86eafc7c413efc8eadbfe1d1e75118235a7b7adc6c85b2"
$SerfVersion = "1.3.9"
$sconsVersion = "3.1.2"
# Directories for various files
$BuildRoot = New-Item $BuildRoot -ItemType Directory -Force
if(Test-Path "$BuildRoot/build") {Remove-Item "$BuildRoot/build" -Recurse -Force}
if(Test-Path "$BuildRoot/stage") {Remove-Item "$BuildRoot/stage" -Recurse -Force}
$Downloads = New-Item "$BuildRoot/downloads" -ItemType Directory -Force
$Build = New-Item "$BuildRoot/build" -ItemType Directory
$Stage = New-Item "$BuildRoot/stage" -ItemType Directory
echo "prepare environment"
# Environment preparation
New-Item "$Stage/bin" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
New-Item "$Stage/include" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
New-Item "$Stage/lib" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
New-Item "$Stage/lib64" -ItemType SymbolicLink -Target "lib" | Out-Null
New-Item "$Stage/lib/pkgconfig" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
New-Item "$Stage/share" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
New-Item "$Stage/share/man" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
New-Item "$Stage/man" -ItemType SymbolicLink -Target "share/man" | Out-Null
New-Item "$Stage/share/doc" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
New-Item "$Stage/doc" -ItemType SymbolicLink -Target "share/doc" | Out-Null
New-Item "$Stage/share/info" -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
$Downloads = "$BuildRoot/downloads"
$Build = "$BuildRoot/build"
$Stage = "$BuildRoot/stage"
# LibreSSL cryptography library
if ($libressl -And $buildHelper) {
$LibreSSLURL = "$LibreSSLVersion.tar.gz"
$LibreSSLArchive = "$Downloads/libressl-$LibreSSLVersion.tar.gz"
if (-not (Test-Path $LibreSSLArchive -Type Leaf)) {
Write-Host "Downloading $LibreSSLURL" -ForegroundColor Blue
Invoke-WebRequest $LibreSSLURL -OutFile $LibreSSLArchive
echo "checking checksum"
if ($LibreSSLSHA256 -eq (Get-FileHash $LibreSSLArchive -Algorithm SHA256).Hash) {
tar -xzf $LibreSSLArchive -C $Build
Set-Location "$Build/libressl-$LibreSSLVersion"
} else {
Write-Error "Checksum mismatch for $LibreSSLArchive"
Write-Host "Building LibreSSL $LibreSSLVersion" -ForegroundColor Green
./configure --prefix="$Stage"
make -j"$Parallel"
make install
# Apache Portable Runtime
if ($apr -And $buildHelper) {
$aprURL = "$aprVersion.tar.gz"
$aprArchive = "$Downloads/apr-$aprVersion.tar.gz"
if (-not (Test-Path $aprArchive -Type Leaf)) {
Write-Host "Downloading $aprURL" -ForegroundColor Blue
Invoke-WebRequest $aprURL -OutFile $aprArchive
echo "unpack apr"
tar -xzf $aprArchive -C $Build
Set-Location "$Build/apr-$aprVersion"
Write-Host "Building apr $aprVersion" -ForegroundColor Green
./configure --prefix="$Stage"
make -j"$Parallel"
make install
# Apache Portable Runtime Util
if ($apr -And $buildHelper) {
$aprUtilURL = "$aprUtilVersion.tar.gz"
$aprUtilArchive = "$Downloads/apr-util-$aprUtilVersion.tar.gz"
if (-not (Test-Path $aprUtilArchive -Type Leaf)) {
Write-Host "Downloading $aprUtilURL" -ForegroundColor Blue
Invoke-WebRequest $aprUtilURL -OutFile $aprUtilArchive
echo "unpack apr util"
tar -xzf $aprUtilArchive -C $Build
Set-Location "$Build/apr-util-$aprUtilVersion"
Write-Host "Building apr-util $aprUtilVersion" -ForegroundColor Green
./configure --with-apr="$Build/apr-$aprVersion" --prefix="$Stage"
make -j"$Parallel"
make install
# Apache Portable Runtime ICONV
if ($apr -And $buildHelper) {
$aprIconvURL = "$aprIconvVersion.tar.gz"
$aprIconvArchive = "$Downloads/apr-iconv-$aprIconvVersion.tar.gz"
if (-not (Test-Path $aprIconvArchive -Type Leaf)) {
Write-Host "Downloading $aprIconvURL" -ForegroundColor Blue
Invoke-WebRequest $aprIconvURL -OutFile $aprIconvArchive
echo "unpack apr iconv"
tar -xzf $aprIconvArchive -C $Build
Set-Location "$Build/apr-iconv-$aprIconvVersion"
Write-Host "Building apr-iconv $aprIconvVersion" -ForegroundColor Green
./configure --with-apr="$Build/apr-$aprVersion" --prefix="$Stage"
make -j"$Parallel"
make install
# SQLite3 database library
if ($sqlite -And $buildHelper) {
$SQLite3URL = "$SQLite3Version.tar.gz"
$SQLite3Archive = "$Downloads/sqlite-autoconf-$SQLite3Version.tar.gz"
if (-not (Test-Path $SQLite3Archive -Type Leaf)) {
Write-Host "Downloading $SQLite3URL" -ForegroundColor Blue
Invoke-WebRequest $SQLite3URL -OutFile $SQLite3Archive
echo "checking checksum"
if ($SQLite3SHA256 -eq (Get-FileHash $SQLite3Archive -Algorithm SHA256).Hash) {
tar -xzf $SQLite3Archive -C $Build
Set-Location "$Build/sqlite-autoconf-$SQLite3Version"
} else {
Write-Error "Checksum mismatch for $SQLite3Archive"
Write-Host "Building SQLite3 $SQLite3Version" -ForegroundColor Green
./configure --prefix="$Stage" --disable-static
make -j"$Parallel"
make install
# ZLib
if ($zlib -And $buildHelper) {
$zlibURL = "$zlibVersion.tar.gz"
$zlibArchive = "$Downloads/zlib-$zlibVersion.tar.gz"
if (-not (Test-Path $zlibArchive -Type Leaf)) {
Write-Host "Downloading $zlibURL" -ForegroundColor Blue
Invoke-WebRequest $zlibURL -OutFile $zlibArchive
echo "unpack zlib"
tar -xzf $zlibArchive -C $Build
Set-Location "$Build/zlib-$zlibVersion"
Write-Host "Building zlib $zlibVersion" -ForegroundColor Green
./configure --prefix="$Stage"
make -j"$Parallel"
make install
# Libxml 2
if ($libxml -And $buildHelper) {
$libxmlURL = "$libxmlVersion.tar.gz"
$libxmlArchive = "$Downloads/libxml2-$libxmlVersion.tar.gz"
if (-not (Test-Path $libxmlArchive -Type Leaf)) {
Write-Host "Downloading $libxmlURL" -ForegroundColor Blue
wget $libxmlURL -O $libxmlArchive
echo "unpack libxml"
tar -xzf $libxmlArchive -C $Build
Set-Location "$Build/libxml2-$libxmlVersion"
Write-Host "Building libxml2 $libxmlVersion" -ForegroundColor Green
./configure --prefix="$Stage"
make -j"$Parallel"
make install
# webdav neon
if ($neon -And $buildHelper) {
$neonURL = "$neonVersion.tar.gz"
$neonArchive = "$Downloads/neon-$neonVersion.tar.gz"
if (-not (Test-Path $neonArchive -Type Leaf)) {
Write-Host "Downloading $neonURL" -ForegroundColor Blue
Invoke-WebRequest $neonURL -OutFile $neonArchive
echo "unpack neon"
tar -xzf $neonArchive -C $Build
Set-Location "$Build/neon-$neonVersion"
Write-Host "Building neon $neonVersion" -ForegroundColor Green
./configure --with-ssl --with-libs="$Stage" --prefix="$Stage"
make -j"$Parallel"
make install
# Apache Serf library
if ($serf -And $buildHelper) {
$SerfURL = "$SerfVersion.tar.bz2"
$SerfArchive = "$Downloads/serf-$SerfVersion.tar.gz"
if (-not (Test-Path $SerfArchive -Type Leaf)) {
Write-Host "Downloading $SerfURL" -ForegroundColor Blue
Invoke-WebRequest $SerfURL -OutFile $SerfArchive
echo "checking checksum"
tar -xjvf $SerfArchive -C $Build
Set-Location "$Build/serf-$SerfVersion"
tar -xvf ./scons-local-$sconsVersion.tar.gz
#sed -i "/Append/s:RPATH=libdir,::" SConstruct
#sed -i "/Default/s:lib_static,::" SConstruct
#sed -i "/Alias/s:install_static,::" SConstruct
#sed -i "/ print/{s/print/print(/; s/$/)/}" SConstruct
#sed -i "/get_contents()/s/,/.decode()&/" SConstruct
sed -i 's/OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000L/OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000L \&\& !defined(LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER)/' buckets/ssl_buckets.c
sed -i 's/OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000L/OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000L \&\& !defined(LIBRESSL_VERSION_NUMBER)/' test/server/test_sslserver.c
Write-Host "Building serf $SerfVersion" -ForegroundColor Green
python APR="$Stage" APU="$Stage" OPENSSL="$Stage" ZLIB="$Stage" PREFIX="$Stage"
#python check
python install
## SVN
$svnURL = "$SvnVersion.tar.bz2"
$svnArchive = "$Downloads/svn.tar.bz2"
if (-not (Test-Path $svnArchive -Type Leaf)) {
Write-Host "Downloading $svnURL" -ForegroundColor Blue
Invoke-WebRequest $svnURL -OutFile $svnArchive
$svnSource = "$Build/subversion-$SvnVersion"
$svnBuild = New-Item "$Build/SVNBuild-$SvnVersion" -ItemType Directory -Force
echo "checking checksum"
if ($SvnSHA512 -eq (Get-FileHash $svnArchive -Algorithm SHA512).Hash) {
tar -xjf $svnArchive -C $Build
Set-Location $svnBuild
} else {
Write-Error "Checksum mismatch for $svnArchive"
Write-Host "$svnSource/configure" -ForegroundColor Green
& "$svnSource/configure" --without-berkeley-db --without-apxs --without-swig --with-zlib="$Stage" --with-sqlite="$Stage" --with-ssl --without-pic --disable-shared --with-apr="$Build/apr-$aprVersion" --with-apr-util="$Build/apr-util-$aprUtilVersion" --with-lz4=internal --with-utf8proc=internal --with-serf="$Stage" --prefix="$Stage"
make install
Set-Location $BuildRoot
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