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Created November 19, 2015 17:08
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Observe property reads in JavaScript
/* Recursively observe property reads of an object.
* Takes the target and an object for returning results. Returns the proxied
* target. Results are assigned to result.reads.
* Example:
* var target = {a: 1};
* var result = {};
* target = observeReads(target, result);
* console.log(result.reads['root.a']) // => undefined
* console.log(target.a); // => 1
* console.log(result.reads['root.a']) // => true
* Requires Proxy, which is part of ES6 but so far only implemented by Firefox
* and Edge.
function observeReads(target, result) {
result.reads = {};
function handler(prefix) {
var cache = {};
return {
get: function(target, property) {
var key = prefix + '.' + property;
var value = target[property];
result.reads[key] = true;
if (value !== null && typeof value === 'object') {
// We cache the proxy objects to ensure that foo.a === foo.a. If we
// would always return a new Proxy(...), that wouldn't be the case.
if (!(property in cache)) {
cache[property] = new Proxy(value, handler(key));
return cache[property];
} else {
return value;
set: function(target, property, value) {
target[property] = value;
delete cache[property];
return true;
return new Proxy(target, handler('root'));
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