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Last active December 21, 2021 16:28
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navigate emacs or i3 depending on whether emacs is focussed.



Create bash file above and put it in your path. add these lines to your i3/config:

# change focus
bindsym $alt+$left exec i3-navigate-emacs left
bindsym $alt+$down exec i3-navigate-emacs down
bindsym $alt+$up exec i3-navigate-emacs up
bindsym $alt+$right exec i3-navigate-emacs right

# alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:
bindsym $alt+Left exec i3-navigate-emacs left
bindsym $alt+Down exec i3-navigate-emacs down
bindsym $alt+Up exec i3-navigate-emacs up
bindsym $alt+Right exec i3-navigate-emacs right

When you try and focus right with i3 it will first check if you have emacs focussed. If so it will try and navigate right in emacs. If that fails (which it will if you are in the rightmost pane in emacs) it will move the i3 focus to the right.

This means if you accidentally try and use i3 commands to move focus in emacs it will just work.


  • jq used to parse the json and figure out the focussed window in i3
  • i3-msg comes with i3, used to speak to i3
  • emacsclient used to speak to emacs
  • evil mode for emacs (I use the evil-move-right command in emacs, change it if you want I guess).
  • grep (if you don't have grep on your system things probably aren't gonna work great here).
function get-focussed-window()
i3-msg -t get_tree | jq -r ".. | select(.focused? == true).window_properties.class"
function i3-move()
i3-msg focus "$1"
function emacs-move()
emacsclient -e "(evil-window-$1 1)"
function perform-move()
local focussed_workspace=$(get-focussed-window)
if [ "$focussed_workspace" = "Emacs" ]; then
emacs-move "$1"
local result=$?
if [ $result -ne 0 ]; then
i3-move "$1"
i3-move "$1"
case "$1" in
left) ;&
right) ;&
up) ;&
perform-move "$1";;
*) echo "command not found";;
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@yoricksijsling Nice improvement! (I don't often use multiple frames so never noticed the issue.).

I hadn't looked at this code for a few years, but as I did, I noticed that I wasn't declaring the variables in the bash functions as local (bash makes variables global by default... yeah, I know 😒 ).

I changed that in my version in the last revision, I'd recommend you updating your bash functions as well (just stick local in front of every variable you declare and you'll be 👌 )

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I love this. One thing I notice is a pretty notable latency compared to the default movements. Of course some latency is to be expected but I was wondering if anyone had had any luck speeding this up. Its such a great idea!

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