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Last active March 12, 2021 16:29
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Helm-unittest to Python unittest migration script. Part of:
import codecs
import re
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join, dirname, abspath, basename
from typing import Any, Optional, Set, Dict
import sys
import black
from jinja2 import Template
import jinja2
import yaml
def snake_to_camel(word):
return ''.join(x.capitalize() or '_' for x in word.split('_'))
def camel_to_snake(name):
name = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1_\2', name)
return re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', name).lower()
def escape_string_with_python_escapes(string_to_escape: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]:
if not string_to_escape:
return None
escaped_bytes, _ = codecs.escape_encode(string_to_escape.encode()) # type: ignore # C-Api level
return "'" + escaped_bytes.decode("utf-8") + "'" # type: ignore
def topython(serializable_obj: Any) -> str:
Serialize to Python code
if isinstance(serializable_obj, jinja2.StrictUndefined):
# raise exception
if isinstance(serializable_obj, jinja2.Undefined):
return "None"
def serialize_recursively(target: Any, markers: Set[int]) -> str:
marker_id = id(target)
if marker_id in markers:
raise ValueError("Circular reference detected")
if isinstance(target, str):
buf = f"{escape_string_with_python_escapes(target)}"
elif isinstance(target, int):
buf = f"{target}"
elif isinstance(target, dict):
buf = "{"
buf += ", ".join(
f"{serialize_recursively(key, markers)}: {serialize_recursively(value, markers)}"
for key, value in target.items()
buf += "}"
elif isinstance(target, list):
buf = "["
buf += ", ".join(serialize_recursively(item, markers) for item in target)
buf += "]"
elif isinstance(target, set):
if target:
buf = "{"
buf += ", ".join(serialize_recursively(item, markers) for item in target)
buf += "}"
buf = "set()"
elif isinstance(target, tuple):
buf = "("
buf += ", ".join(serialize_recursively(item, markers) for item in target)
buf += ")"
elif target is True:
buf = "True"
elif target is False:
buf = "False"
elif target is None:
buf = "None"
raise ValueError(f"Type '{type(target)}' is not serializable")
return buf
return serialize_recursively(serializable_obj, set())
import unittest
{% if ensure_pod_template_file_is_loadable is defined and ensure_pod_template_file_is_loadable %}
from os import remove
from os.path import realpath, dirname
from shutil import copyfile
{% endif %}
import jmespath
from tests.helm_template_generator import render_chart
{% if ensure_pod_template_file_is_loadable is defined and ensure_pod_template_file_is_loadable %}
ROOT_FOLDER = realpath(dirname(realpath(__file__)) + "/..")
{% endif %}
class {{ class_name }}(unittest.TestCase):
{% if ensure_pod_template_file_is_loadable is defined and ensure_pod_template_file_is_loadable %}
def setUp(self):
ROOT_FOLDER + "/files/pod-template-file.kubernetes-helm-yaml",
ROOT_FOLDER + "/templates/pod-template-file.yaml"
def tearDown(self):
remove(ROOT_FOLDER + "/templates/pod-template-file.yaml")
{% endif %}
{% for test in tests %}
def {{ test.fn_name }}(self):
docs = render_chart(
values={{ test.set | default({}) | topython }},
show_only={{ templates | topython }},
{% for assert in test.asserts %}
{% set assert_type = (assert.keys() | first) %}
{% set assert_args = (assert.values() | first) %}
{% if false %}
# DEBUG: {{ assert_type | topython }}
# DEBUG: {{ assert_args | topython }}
{% endif %}
{% if assert_type == "equal" %}
self.assertEqual({{ assert_args.value | topython }},{{ assert_args.path | topython }}, docs[0]))
{% elif assert_type == "notEqual" %}
self.assertNotEqual({{ assert_args.value | topython }},{{ assert_args.path | topython }}, docs[0]))
{% elif assert_type == "isNotNull" %}
self.assertIsNotNone({{ assert_args.path | topython }}, docs[0]))
{% elif assert_type == "matchRegex" %}
self.assertRegex({{ assert_args.path | topython }}, docs[0]), {{ assert_args.pattern | topython }})
{% elif assert_type == "contains" %}
self.assertIn({{ assert_args.content | topython }},{{ assert_args.path | topython }}, docs[0]))
{% elif assert_type == "isKind" %}
self.assertRegex(docs[0]["kind"], {{ assert_args.of | topython }})
{% elif assert_type == "hasDocuments" %}
self.assertEqual({{ assert_args.count | topython }}, len(docs))
{% else %}
# Unknown type: {{ assert_type | topython }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
def create_template():
template_env = jinja2.Environment(undefined=jinja2.StrictUndefined, trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True)
template_env.filters["topython"] = topython
template = template_env.from_string(PYTHON_TEMPLATE)
return template
def convert_file(template: Template, filepath: str, content: Dict) -> str:
filename = basename(filepath)
content["class_name"] = snake_to_camel(filename.replace("-", "_")[: -(len(".yaml"))])
if "pod-template-file.yaml" in content["templates"]:
content["ensure_pod_template_file_is_loadable"] = True
content["templates"] = [
join("templates", t).replace(".kubernetes-helm-yaml", ".yaml") for t in content["templates"]
for test in content["tests"]:
test["fn_name"] = "test_" + camel_to_snake(test["it"].replace(" ", "_")).replace("__", "_").replace(
"&", "and"
).replace(",", "")
result_content = template.render(**content)
result_content = black.format_file_contents(
result_content, fast=False, mode=black.FileMode(line_length=110)
return result_content
CURRENT_DIRECTORY = "/opt/airflow/chart/tests"
TEMPLATE = create_template()
def convert_directory(template: Template, directory: str, write: bool):
onlyfiles = [
join(directory, f) for f in listdir(directory) if isfile(join(directory, f)) and f.endswith(".yaml")
for filepath in onlyfiles:
print(f"Processing file: {filepath}", file=sys.stderr)
with open(filepath) as file:
content = yaml.safe_load(file)
output_filename = "test_" + basename(filepath).replace("-", "_")[: -(len(".yaml"))] + ".py"
output_path = dirname(filepath) + "/" + output_filename
result = convert_file(template, filepath, content)
if write:
with open(output_path, "w") as output_file:
print(f"Content saved to: {output_path}", file=sys.stderr)
print(f"# {output_path}")
except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except
print("Cann't pprocess file", ex)
convert_directory(TEMPLATE, CURRENT_DIRECTORY, True)
import subprocess
import sys
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
import yaml
def render_chart(name="RELEASE-NAME", values=None, show_only=None):
Function that renders a helm chart into dictionaries. For helm chart testing only
values = values or {}
with NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp_file:
content = yaml.dump(values)
command = ["helm", "template", name, sys.path[0], '--values',]
if show_only:
for i in show_only:
command.extend(["--show-only", i])
templates = subprocess.check_output(command)
k8s_objects = yaml.load_all(templates)
k8s_objects = [k8s_object for k8s_object in k8s_objects if k8s_object] # type: ignore
return k8s_objects
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