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Created April 17, 2016 01:39
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Simplex Method in Java
// The Following solves a linear programming problem
// In standardized form using the simplex method
// Please the read below.
* 1.Create an instance of the simplex class
* 2.Fill in the table with the standardized form of the problem by calling simplex.fillTable()
* 3.Create a while loop and call the simplex.compute() method until it returns ERROR.IS_OPTIMAL or ERROR.UNBOUNDED
* ****************************************************************************************************************/
public class Simplex {
private int rows, cols; // row and column
private float[][] table; // simplex tableau
private boolean solutionIsUnbounded = false;
public static enum ERROR{
public Simplex(int numOfConstraints, int numOfUnknowns){
rows = numOfConstraints+1; // row number + 1
cols = numOfUnknowns+1; // column number + 1
table = new float[rows][]; // create a 2d array
// initialize references to arrays
for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
table[i] = new float[cols];
// prints out the simplex tableau
public void print(){
for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < cols; j++){
String value = String.format("%.2f", table[i][j]);
System.out.print(value + "\t");
// fills the simplex tableau with coefficients
public void fillTable(float[][] data){
for(int i = 0; i < table.length; i++){
System.arraycopy(data[i], 0, this.table[i], 0, data[i].length);
// computes the values of the simplex tableau
// should be use in a loop to continously compute until
// an optimal solution is found
public ERROR compute(){
// step 1
return ERROR.IS_OPTIMAL; // solution is optimal
// step 2
// find the entering column
int pivotColumn = findEnteringColumn();
System.out.println("Pivot Column: "+pivotColumn);
// step 3
// find departing value
float[] ratios = calculateRatios(pivotColumn);
if(solutionIsUnbounded == true)
int pivotRow = findSmallestValue(ratios);
//System.out.println("Pivot row: "+ pivotRow);
// step 4
// form the next tableau
formNextTableau(pivotRow, pivotColumn);
// since we formed a new table so return NOT_OPTIMAL
// Forms a new tableau from precomuted values.
private void formNextTableau(int pivotRow, int pivotColumn){
float pivotValue = table[pivotRow][pivotColumn];
float[] pivotRowVals = new float[cols];
float[] pivotColumnVals = new float[cols];
float[] rowNew = new float[cols];
// divide all entries in pivot row by entry inpivot column
// get entry in pivot row
System.arraycopy(table[pivotRow], 0, pivotRowVals, 0, cols);
// get entry inpivot colum
for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
pivotColumnVals[i] = table[i][pivotColumn];
// divide values in pivot row by pivot value
for(int i = 0; i < cols; i++)
rowNew[i] = pivotRowVals[i] / pivotValue;
// subtract from each of the other rows
for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
if(i != pivotRow){
for(int j = 0; j < cols; j++){
float c = pivotColumnVals[i];
table[i][j] = table[i][j] - (c * rowNew[j]);
// replace the row
System.arraycopy(rowNew, 0, table[pivotRow], 0, rowNew.length);
// calculates the pivot row ratios
private float[] calculateRatios(int column){
float[] positiveEntries = new float[rows];
float[] res = new float[rows];
int allNegativeCount = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
if(table[i][column] > 0){
positiveEntries[i] = table[i][column];
positiveEntries[i] = 0;
if(allNegativeCount == rows)
this.solutionIsUnbounded = true;
for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++){
float val = positiveEntries[i];
if(val > 0){
res[i] = table[i][cols -1] / val;
return res;
// finds the next entering column
private int findEnteringColumn(){
float[] values = new float[cols];
int location = 0;
int pos, count = 0;
for(pos = 0; pos < cols-1; pos++){
if(table[rows-1][pos] < 0){
//System.out.println("negative value found");
if(count > 1){
for(int i = 0; i < cols-1; i++)
values[i] = Math.abs(table[rows-1][i]);
location = findLargestValue(values);
} else location = count - 1;
return location;
// finds the smallest value in an array
private int findSmallestValue(float[] data){
float minimum ;
int c, location = 0;
minimum = data[0];
for(c = 1; c < data.length; c++){
if(data[c] > 0){
if([c], minimum) < 0){
minimum = data[c];
location = c;
return location;
// finds the largest value in an array
private int findLargestValue(float[] data){
float maximum = 0;
int c, location = 0;
maximum = data[0];
for(c = 1; c < data.length; c++){
if([c], maximum) > 0){
maximum = data[c];
location = c;
return location;
// checks if the table is optimal
public boolean checkOptimality(){
boolean isOptimal = false;
int vCount = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < cols-1; i++){
float val = table[rows-1][i];
if(val >= 0){
if(vCount == cols-1){
isOptimal = true;
return isOptimal;
// returns the simplex tableau
public float[][] getTable() {
return table;
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Hey micheal,thanks for the code.But the implementation is quiet hard to guess on the 2D array Data and the contructor arg numOfUnknowns Is the Z row party of the @d array Data?
Does the constructor parameter numOfUnknowns include the slack variables?
Do you have an implementation class or link to help me as reference?

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i am trying to dissolve the code but it seems wrong

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mik30s commented Oct 24, 2019

Hi guys, I'm sorry I haven't been of much help. github doesn't ping me when people comment here.
I'll try my best to simplify the code. Didn't mean to leave you hanging :(

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