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Last active February 27, 2018 05:06
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You're correct. It's not thread-safe and can lead to deadlocks when used in high-load environments. The solution I ended up creating a special kind of pool for HttpClient objects: You just provide your HttpClient factory and dispose methods and the LimitedPool does the rest:

_httpClientPool = new LimitedPool( CreateHttpClient, client => client.Dispose(), HttpClientLifetime);

using (var httpClientContainer = _httpClientPool.Get()) { ... use httpClientContainer.Value ... }

When httpClientContainer is disposed, the HttpClient is actually returned back to the pool for other threads to use. When lifetime is reached next dispose will eventually call the Dispose method.

public class LimitedPool<T> : IDisposable where T : class
readonly Func<T> _valueFactory;
readonly Action<T> _valueDisposeAction;
readonly TimeSpan _valueLifetime;
readonly ConcurrentStack<LimitedPoolItem<T>> _pool;
bool _disposed;
public LimitedPool(Func<T> valueFactory, Action<T> valueDisposeAction, TimeSpan? valueLifetime = null)
_valueFactory = valueFactory;
_valueDisposeAction = valueDisposeAction;
_valueLifetime = valueLifetime ?? TimeSpan.FromHours(1);
_pool = new ConcurrentStack<LimitedPoolItem<T>>();
public int IdleCount => _pool.Count;
public LimitedPoolItem<T> Get()
LimitedPoolItem<T> item;
// try to get live cached item
while (!_disposed && _pool.TryPop(out item))
if (!item.Expired)
return item;
// dispose expired item
// since no cached items available we create a new one
return new LimitedPoolItem<T>(_valueFactory(), disposedItem =>
if (disposedItem.Expired)
// item has been expired, dispose it forever
// item is still fresh enough, return it to the pool
if (!_disposed)
}, _valueLifetime);
public void Dispose()
void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
_disposed = true;
var items = _pool.ToArray();
foreach (var item in items)
public class LimitedPoolItem<T> : IDisposable
readonly Action<LimitedPoolItem<T>> _disposeAction;
readonly TimeSpan _lifetime;
bool _expired;
public T Value { get; }
internal bool Expired
if (_expired)
return true;
_expired = _stopwatch.Elapsed > _lifetime;
return _expired;
readonly Stopwatch _stopwatch;
internal LimitedPoolItem(T value, Action<LimitedPoolItem<T>> disposeAction, TimeSpan lifetime)
_disposeAction = disposeAction;
_lifetime = lifetime;
Value = value;
_stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
public void Dispose()
void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
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