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Created August 6, 2017 14:27
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external findIndex : array 'a => ('a => bool) => int = "" [@@bs.send];
type tile =
| Walls
| Person
| Floor;
type direction =
| Up
| Left
| Down
| Right;
type board = list (list tile);
type state = {board};
let isEqualPos (x, y) (x_, y_) => x == x_ && y == y_;
let getTile (x, y) (board: board) =>
try {
let row = List.nth board y;
Some (List.nth row x)
} {
| Failure _ => None
| Invalid_argument _ => None
let setPosition pos board => {
let nextTile = getTile pos board;
fun y_ =>
List.mapi (
fun x_ tile => {
let isNextFloor =
switch nextTile {
| Some Floor => true
| _ => false
switch tile {
| Person when isNextFloor => Floor
| Floor when isEqualPos pos (x_, y_) => Person
| _ => tile
let flip2 f x y => f y x;
let flippedFindIndex = flip2 findIndex;
let getCurrentPosition board => {
let index =
board |> List.flatten |> Array.of_list |>
flippedFindIndex (
| Person => true
| _ => false
let dimension = List.length board;
let y = index / dimension;
let x = index mod dimension;
(x, y)
let string_of_pos (x, y) => Printf.sprintf "(%d, %d)" x y;
let getNextPosition direction board => {
let (x, y) = getCurrentPosition board;
switch direction {
| Up => (x, y - 1)
| Down => (x, y + 1)
| Left => (x - 1, y)
| Right => (x + 1, y)
let move direction board => setPosition (getNextPosition direction board) board;
let renderTile y x tile => {
let className =
switch tile {
| Walls => "tile--wall"
| Floor => "tile--floor"
| Person => "tile--person"
let key = "cell-" ^ string_of_int x ^ "-" ^ string_of_int y;
<div key className=(key ^ " tile " ^ className) />
let toTileRow y => List.mapi (renderTile y);
let component = ReasonReact.statefulComponent "App";
let keyCodeToDirection event =>
switch (ReactEventRe.Keyboard.keyCode event) {
| 37 => Some Left
| 38 => Some Up
| 39 => Some Right
| 40 => Some Down
| _ => None
let doMove event {ReasonReact.state: state} =>
switch (keyCodeToDirection event) {
| Some direction =>
ReactEventRe.Keyboard.preventDefault event;
ReasonReact.Update {board: move direction state.board}
| _ => ReasonReact.Update state
let board = [
[Floor, Floor, Floor, Floor, Walls, Floor, Floor, Floor, Floor],
[Walls, Walls, Walls, Floor, Walls, Floor, Walls, Walls, Floor],
[Floor, Floor, Floor, Floor, Walls, Floor, Walls, Floor, Floor],
[Floor, Walls, Walls, Walls, Walls, Floor, Walls, Floor, Walls],
[Floor, Floor, Floor, Floor, Floor, Floor, Walls, Floor, Floor],
[Walls, Walls, Walls, Walls, Walls, Walls, Walls, Walls, Floor],
[Floor, Floor, Floor, Floor, Walls, Floor, Floor, Floor, Floor],
[Floor, Walls, Walls, Floor, Floor, Floor, Walls, Walls, Walls],
[Floor, Walls, Walls, Walls, Walls, Walls, Walls, Walls, Walls]
let board = setPosition (0, 0) board;
let state = {board: board};
let make _children => {
initialState: fun () => state,
render: fun {state, update} => {
let tiles = state.board |> List.mapi toTileRow |> List.flatten;
<div className="App">
<div className="frame" tabIndex=0 onKeyDown=(update doMove)>
(ReasonReact.arrayToElement (Array.of_list tiles))
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