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Created November 17, 2016 15:28
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Solve Burger's equation with spectral method
# Burger's equation
from numpy import *
from scipy.special import erf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
N = 512
x = 2*pi*arange(N)/N
k = fft.rfftfreq(N, 1./N)
u = exp(-(x-pi)**2/0.1)
u_hat = fft.rfft(u)
u0 = zeros_like(u)
du0 = zeros_like(u)
nonlin = zeros_like(u_hat)
u1 = zeros_like(u_hat)
u2 = zeros_like(u_hat)
rhs = zeros_like(u_hat)
a = array([1./6., 1./3., 1./3., 1./6.], dtype=float)
b = array([0.5, 0.5, 1.], dtype=float)
plt.plot(x, u)
ax = plt.gca()
t = 0
dt = 0.002
T = 10
nu = 0.01
while t < T:
t += dt
# Integrate using explicit fourth order Runge Kutta
u2[:] = u1[:] = u_hat
for rk in range(4):
# Compute nonlinear convection
u0[:] = fft.irfft(u_hat) # No dealiasing (yet). Would go here
du0[:] = fft.irfft(1j*k*u_hat) # du/dx
nonlin[:] = fft.rfft(u0*du0)
# Compute right hand side of equation
rhs[:] = -nu*k**2*u_hat - nonlin
if rk < 3:
u_hat[:] = u1 + b[rk]*dt*rhs
u2 += a[rk]*dt*rhs
u_hat[:] = u2
u[:] = fft.irfft(u_hat)
plt.plot(x, u, 'b')
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