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Forked from tdudziak/
Created August 17, 2019 20:21
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A proof-of-concept function that extract import statements from Python bytecode
import dis
import inspect
def extract_imports(code):
"""Returns list of pairs (module_name, from_list) representing imports
from a given code object."""
i = 0
n = len(code.co_code)
LOAD_CONST = dis.opmap['LOAD_CONST']
result = []
last_const = None
while i < n:
op = ord(code.co_code[i])
# handle arguments if present
arg = None
if op >= dis.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
# FIXME: this doesn't support EXTENDED_ARG
arg = ord(code.co_code[i+1]) + ord(code.co_code[i+2])*256
i = i+3
i = i+1
if op == IMPORT_NAME:
result.append((code.co_names[arg], last_const))
elif op == LOAD_CONST:
last_const = code.co_consts[arg]
return result
code = inspect.stack()[1][0].f_code
print extract_imports(code)
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