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Last active August 6, 2018 17:05
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Turing Career Development Pre-work

Reflections on 29 Behaviors That Will Make You an Unstoppable Programmer

The three behaviors that resonate the most with me are number 6: "Understand that Code is Cheap", number 24: "Be Capable of Writing Bad Code", and number 29: "Move Fast and Break Things". This is mostly because they all terrify me. Despite my previous coding experience, I am still terrified of deleting code, restarting projects, and the like. I think it's because I just haven't written enough code yet, but it's something I'm trying to work on. I am also the kind of person who believes that doing something the right way is worth the time expense, no matter what it is. As such, I tend to be the type to do tons of research and get almost nowhere instead of doing something the quick and dirty way and coming back to it later.

Reflections on The Checklist Manifesto reading

The more I think about a checklist in terms of coding, the more interested I am to see how it would apply. This is not a checklist in the sense of "10 things I need to get done today", but a checklist of standard operations that need to happen every time a task is performed. I'm not sure that I have ever seen such a thing, but I am interested to try to create one--at least for my own use. For example, I could see creating a checklist for myself for when I sit down to take on a JavaScript challenge, like codewars or Iron FE. I have a tendency to panic a little everytime I am faced with a challege like this, and so it would be nice to have a set of operations to outline how to tackle a problem.

Reflections on Strengths-Based Development

First and foremost, I am a writer; I think about the world in terms of stories, plots, characters, and themes. Over the decades, many writers have tried to create a catch-all way to create a character that feels as close to real life as possible. I've seen this done in ways as simple as the 20 questions approach to character creation packets that are closer to 20 pages. In screenwriting, you get three data points, which amounts to maybe two sentences of text. Stregnths-based development feels like trying to reverse engineer this same process--taking a three-dimensional, living person and boiling them down to four letters (INFP, BTW) or a list of attributes. No matter how you slice it, these types of exercises are only going to take the understanding so far. I think stregnths-based development is a step in the right direction, but people are always going to be more complex than a list of attributes.

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