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Last active September 5, 2019 17:06
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repeater questions from Joanne

Program Experience

What were the reasons why you repeated?

  • Health. I was severely sleep deprived from previously undiagnosed sleep apnea and took some time off to get that handled.

When did you know that you might/will repeat?

  • I had a suspicion at the mid-mod, but it wasn't until i walked into the final assessment and couldn't answer the first couple of prompts that the instructor and I started talking about it.

What did your instructors communicate to you about challenges?

  • I'm not sure I understand the question.

What actions took place in response to those challenges? (mentors, more 1-1 with instructors, practice problems, etc)


Tell me about the discussion your instructor had with you about repeating. How did they frame repeating?

Did you receive a Module Repetition agreement? What was your understanding of the agreement? What did you expect repeating a module?

Repeater Experience

Tell me about your experience:

  • Joining a new cohort.
  • When I repeated mod2 the first time, I never really felt like I fit in with 1801. Some of that was because they were generally younger than me, but in the three weeks I spent with them, I didn't get to the point where I felt like I was one of them. They were perfectly nice and helpful, but they obviously had their own rhythm.
  • One of the things that prompted my decision to start over in mod 1 when I came back was the fact that I would be able to start fresh with a new cohort instead of trying to jump in the middle of an established one. Ultimately, this was a great decision and joining the new cohort was a breeze.
  • Instructors’ messaging
  • Students behavior
  • SAB support

If you’ve repeated twice, do those experiences differ? Have your beliefs around repeating shifted before and after repeating? What would you have wanted differently regarding your repeater experience?

Community Engagement

What has helped you most in overcoming your challenges?

  • The best part about repeating a module is having a better idea of the expectations of the module so that you have more time to practice and study without the spectre of projects hanging over your head.

Who do you feel most supported by?

  • I have been fortunate enough to get an outpouring of support from my instructors, the other staff, and students in and out of my cohort, including people from my original cohort who were out on the job by the time I came back.

Do you participate in any posses and other student activities?

  • I tried to participate with student activities as much as possible, especially where it came to mentoring and helping other students. My favorite posse before I left was the imposter syndrome posse, but by the time I had returned, the person running it had graduated and it changed a lot. I'm really glad that the repeaters posse exists and seems to be going well, but I wasn't able to take advantage of it while I was a student.

What keeps you coming every day?

  • Having the opportunity to be better than I was the day before. It became really important to me to compare myself only to myself, and to do what I could to look back on how far I had come whenever possible.
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