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Created October 9, 2012 22:58
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Parallel computation of chains for rstan using doMC
options(cores=4) #set this appropriate to your system
#This example assumes you have the rats.txt and rats.stan example files in your working directory
# rats.txt:
# rats.stan:
#set up the rats example
y <- read.table('rats.txt', header = TRUE)
x <- c(8, 15, 22, 29, 36)
rats_dat <- list(
N = nrow(y)
, T = ncol(y)
, x = x
, y = y
, xbar = mean(x)
#fit once to compile
initial_fit <- stan(
file = 'rats.stan'
, data = rats_dat
, verbose = FALSE
, chains = 1
, iter = 1
#set the number of chains to produce in each case
num_chains = 4
#serial case
start <- proc.time()[3]
serial_fit <- stan(
fit = initial_fit
, data = rats_dat
, verbose = FALSE
, chains = num_chains
, iter = 10000
proc.time()[3] - start
#prep for parallel case
fun <- function(){
fit <- stan(
fit = initial_fit
, data = rats_dat
, iter = 10000
, chains = 1
, verbose = F
#parallel case
start <- proc.time()[3]
parallel_fit <- foreach(i = 1:num_chains) %dopar% fun()
proc.time()[3] - start
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